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This article was used by those who wanted to apply as PPI board candidates in 2010. For further periods, there will be a similiar one.

mobilhexerl, Austria

Names and nicks mobilhexerl
member of
pirate party
Member of Pirate Party (Piratenpartei Österreichs, AT)
prefered position president
education and
current job
BSc Computing Science, Software Engineer
language(s) Austrian, German, English, Italian, Dari
currently living in Vienna
motivation and
political background
Bringing Human rights into reality - making poverty history
involvement in
other organizations
goals for 2010 global power for PPI and world peace for all
Contact data

Perline, France

Names and nicks Perline
member of
pirate party
Member of the Pirate Party (Parti pirate, FR)
prefered position Babel's angel (Translation Officer)
education and
current job
Engineer, PhD Science, technology, society, programer
language(s) Native language: French (GER C2), Speaking & writing: English, Spanish & Portuguese
currently living in Living in Paris, France
motivation and
political background
Freedom, free software, commons, free culture, science, politics & society, cooperation...
involvement in
other organizations
Involved in free software, ecology, antinuclear, local exchange trading systems (LETS)...
goals for 2010 My goals for 2010 : Preparing next elections to be able to present candidates
Contact data Mail: perline[at]

Enrique Herrera Noya, Chile

Names and nicks Enrique Herrera Noya
member of
pirate party
Member of the Pirate Party (Partido Pirata, CL)
prefered position Social, Media and Grassroots Officer or Co-President or President
education and
current job
systems analyst, reporter linux courses, Certified in SLES10, to give RHCE certification exam
language(s) Native language: Spanish, Speaking & writing: English & Portuguese & French
currently living in Living in Curauma & Santiago, Chile
motivation and
political background
Freedom, free software, commons, free culture, candidate for Congress (2001), candidate for councilor (2004)
involvement in
other organizations
valpolinux GUGL founder, organizer GUGL, one of the national coordinators 2010
goals for 2010 My goals for 2010 : obtain legal status for the pirate party in Chile, territorial structure development, as a reference in party themes, social inclusion of members of the pirate party
Contact data Mail: somos[at]

Jerry Weyer, Luxembourg

Names and nicks Weyer Jerry (Jay)
member of
pirate party
Member of the Luxembourgish Pirate Party (Piratepartei Lëtzebuerg, LUX)
prefered position President/Co-President, Translation and News Officer
education and
current job
Student, 4th year of European Law (EC/EU law, French/Luxembourgisch law and Englisch law)
language(s) Native language: Luxembourgish; Speaking & writing: English, French, German, Luxembourgish
currently living in Luxembourg
motivation and
political background
Main reason why I joined the Pirate Party: fight against surveillance society, reinforce freedom of expression, reform copyright law, plead for a more democratic society and more modern and flexible education system

Reason I want to join PPI: surveillance and copyright problems can only be solved on an international level, personal interest in communicating on an international level, work with people from all over the word and develop a strong international cooperation

involvement in
other organizations
Co-founder and Vice-President Pirate Party of Luxembourg
goals for 2010 Establish Pirate Party in Luxembourg, provide the PPI with a legal basis (statutes), increase international cooperation between pirate parties (with the help of PPI)
Contact data jerry.weyer[at]

Xavier Vila Espinosa, Spain

Names and nicks Xavier Vila Espinosa (XaviVila)
member of
pirate party
Member of the Spanish Pirate Party (PIRATA, ES)
prefered position Translation and News Officer
education and
current job
Telecommunications and asian studies. Postgrade in forensics.
language(s) Native language: Catalan & Spanish. Speaking & writing: English. Speaking, barely writing: Japanese. Few words of: Chinese, German, French and Italian.
currently living in Barcelona, Spain.
motivation and
political background
Current politicians are working for themselves, not for the people and society. The society evolves so it should do the political people. Also, in Spain there is a fight to protect the intellectual property according the current society, not the "traditional" one.
involvement in
other organizations
Mensa, Action Aid, International Amnesty.
goals for 2010 My goals for 2010 : Help Pirate Party in Spain, autonomic elections at the end of the year
Contact data Mail: xavier.vila[at] Web:

Jakub Michálek, Czech Republic

Names and nicks Jakub Michálek (jmi)
member of
pirate party
Czech Pirate Party
prefered position Board Member
education and
current job
Student, Faculty of Law (Law, 2nd grade) and Faculty of Math and Physics (Physics, 2nd grade), Charles University, Prague
language(s) Czech, English, German, Russian
currently living in Prague
motivation and
political background
Using the good experience of Czech Pirate Party legal framework (Chairman of the assembly, assistant of the arbitration committee and the author of the majority of the charter and regulations) for the benefit of PPI, from which the Czech pirate party would benefit in return
involvement in
other organizations
Fykos – Physics Seminar of our faculty for high-school students
goals for 2010 Getting at least 2.0 % in the elections in May to the House of Representatives and a senator in the elections
Contact data Mail or fb

Joachim Moench, Germany

Names and nicks Joachim Mönch (MönchA)
member of
pirate party
Member of the German Pirate Party (Piratenpartei Deutschland DE)
prefered position Chief Administrative Officer - or, if still needed, Chief Financial Officer.
education and
current job
Computer scientist, linguist, PhD. Served long time as project manager for international development, now working as head of department.
language(s) Native language: German. Fluent English. Average or at least basic knowledge in Dutch, French, Han-Chinese and Polish.
currently living in Munich, Germany
motivation and
political background
Extend international cooperation and make this efforts adjuvant - especially to the minor member parties, e.g. by building up voluntary administrative mentoring programmes.
involvement in
other organizations
Pirates without Borders, International Project Management Association, German-Chinese Society, former long-time member of CCC and board for census boycott 1983/1987.
goals for 2010 My goals for 2010 : Build up stable network of pirate knowledge and readiness - hmm, yes, I'm willing to travel at my own expense, if needed.
Contact data Mail

Travis McCrea, United States // North America

Names and nicks Travis McCrea (TeamColtra)
member of
pirate party
Member of the United States Pirate Party (and soon to be member of PPCA)
prefered position Board Member
education and
current job
Public Administration // Political Science (Freshman)
language(s) Native language: English
currently living in Idaho, United States
motivation and
political background
I am a dual citizen by birth of both the United States and Canada, and my heart is with both countries. After building strong ties with both Pirate Parties, I want to represent them to PPI in a more pronounced way. I have run a youth action campaign.
involvement in
other organizations
Set the groundwork for a Pirate Party "Youth Group" in the United States, primarily focused on teaching kids and young adults ethics, helping with school, and laying a foundation for the ideals of the pirate party.
goals for 2010 My goals for 2010 : Increase the presence of the North American Pirate Parties, and introduce them on the world platform in 2011 as models in international co-operation, and integration. I am friendly with all three North American Parties and feel that I could serve their interests on the board.
Contact data Facebook My Blog

Bogo, Bulgaria

Names and nicks Bogomil "Bogo" Shopov (a picture)
member of
pirate party
Member of the Pirate Party (Пиратска Партия България, BG)
prefered position Community Captain (Social, Media and Grassroots Officer)
education and
current job
Community Shinobi and Social Network Expert. Blogger and PHP guru.
language(s) Native language: Bulgarian, Speaking & writing: English, Romanian (a little bit)
currently living in Living in Veliko Tarnovo, Bugaria
motivation and
political background
I ran in the European election in 2009 with the Greens:) I am at the board of directors of Electronic Frontier Bulgaria and organizer of in Bulgaria. I defend the open source and free software principles as well as the Internet users’ digital rights.
involvement in
other organizations
I am FOSS advocate. Part of Mozilla Community. I have participated in a number of meetings for Open source adoption in our government.
goals for 2010 To strengthen the existing community and to get more people to the community. It is important to find proper approach to reach the different community layers. The Combination between on and offline methods helps strengthening its integrity. To stop ACTA, INDECT and other projects with community power
Contact data Mail: bogomil[at], DR blog personal blog

Boris Turovskiy, Germany

Names and nicks Boris Turovskiy (TurBor)
member of
pirate party
German Pirate Party; Russian Pirate Party
prefered position (Vice/Co-)president
education and
current job
Student (Financial mathematics, 8th semester), freelance translator
language(s) Russian, German, English
currently living in Munich, Germany
motivation and
political background
I've researched the issues of copyright for several years before joining the Pirate Party; I'd like to establish a copyright legislation both morally and economically sound. Besides, the Pirate Movement is the only political organization that realizes the scope of the change in society coming from digitalization and global networking and addresses both the challenges and the possibilities resulting thereof.
involvement in
other organizations
goals for 2010 An establishment of a PPI structure which allow for efficient workflow and support for the Pirate movement while being democratic and transparent.
Contact data Mail, pirate wiki user page, German pirate wiki user page

Gregory Engels, Germany

Names and nicks Gregory Engels (Dichter)
member of
pirate party
German Pirate Party
prefered position ¡El Presidente!
education and
current job
study of physics and computer science, now entrepreneur
language(s) Russian, German, English
currently living in Offenbach am Main, Hesse, Germany
motivation and
political background
Before entering the Pirate Party I never took a very active role in politics (besides being at a couple of demonstrations and also being elected as a student representative at the university (independent list)). I joined the Pirates because I found people there who are fighting for the principles that I support at heart and I sensed that here I could make a difference. I was born in the former USSR, a corrupt totalitarian state that no longer exists. But some of the recent developments in the world are aimed at destructing the personal freedom of everyone. And this is what calls me into action - to oppose such efforts and to contribute to a world where freedom will prevail. And since Pirates are a global movement and the problems we are facing are on a global level, it is the most logical step for me to assist the movement at the global level. Currently I am the leader of the Statutes Task Force of the PPI and the appointed international coordinator from the German Pirate Party.
involvement in
other organizations
I am member of different professionals organizations and user groups, like the international Penumbra Group, DNUG, ILUG, UKLUG
goals for 2010 The goal is to strengthen and build support for the international pirate movement - including giving kick-start to new pirate parties, and preparing a big international pirate conference. On the personal and more local side - to ensure that the Pirate Party of Hesse participates in the "foreigners elections" in November.
Contact data my profile in the German wiki

Andrew Norton, US

Names and nicks Andrew Norton, K`Tetch
member of
pirate party
US Pirate Party US (Chairman May07-Sep08), soon to be member of Pirate Party UK
prefered position Arbitration
education and
current job
Robotics Engineer turned safety officer (basically means dealing with two opposing situations to a successful resolution). Currently independent P2P-focused researcher; comment mod for
language(s) Native language: English (Not just regular, but Marketing and Political dialects too). Basic proficiency: French, Spanish, Italian. Can read most other European languages
currently living in Living in Georgia, US
motivation and
political background
Getting the whole thing to work well, smoothly. Also, as an EU citizen living outside the EU, i can at the same time appreciate the European position, while not letting it dominate (a potential problem, given the 'concentration' of European parties, leaving the rest of us as 'second class', and ignored by a euro-centric board) Politically, I worked a few campaigns in the UK, before moving to the US. In the US, worked on some skits with Jay Leno over the 2000 Presidential Election, and worked on a state house campaign in 2004. I helped reform the US party after it all but disintegrated in 2007 (I'm one of the two that signed the party Constitution), and i was the first to be nominally in charge of PPI, where my focus was equal parts establishing new parties, and assisting existing parties as and when they needed it, even if only to give party leaders someone to vent to.
involvement in
other organizations
Work with news site TorrentFreak, and do support for bittorrent clients.
goals for 2010 Assisting the UK party with their General Election work as needed. Finishing my book on P2P over the last 10 years. Managing my stress better so I can take the demands of a front-line officers position again (the reason I stepped down as PPI head). Getting communications between parties working at their optimum, ensuring the free-flow of data and maximal collaborative efficiency.
Contact data

Samir Allioui, Pirate Parties International

PPI board candidate |Samir Allioui, Core-TX Piratenpartij Nederland / Pirate party of the Netherlands. Former chairman of PPNL, and cofounder. Currently #1 candidate for the Dutch elections. I offer my help as a "living archive" for the board. Being around since the beginning, i can have valuable input for the transition period.

Aleksandar Blagojevic, Serbia

Names and nicks Aleksandar Blagojevic, blaeks
member of
pirate party
PPSR Pirate Party Serbia (founder January 2008),
prefered position PPI Ideology Leader
education and
current job
I am a professional conditioning trainer and IT poweruser. Graduated in sport sciences and physical education.
language(s) My native language is Serbian and I am advanced English.
currently living in Living in Belgrade, Serbia.
motivation and
political background
I came from the country with uncensored and free Internet, with the school system wish empowers its students to be pirates and copy almost everything they need in order to learn and prosper in their studies. I felt great independence and freedom while achieving most of my goals. Having that in my mind and by my heart, I dare to apply for named position in PPI. My superpower is my ability to perceive various aspects of social layers, practically most diverse and opposite values collided in people around me. The idea is to keep the PP movement pure and open. Pirate thinking is embodied practically in every modern human, I call this way "a constant striving to reality". Internet broke the barrier of virtual hermeneutic living in one physical environment. Reality have never been more "unreplicable" than these days I would say. I honor this reality powered by Internet and pirates:)
involvement in
other organizations
I was active in several local initiatives as a student. [as civil society activist mostly]
goals for 2010 Promotion of pirate principles trough NGO sector and to collect 10 000 signatures for registering political party. One important principle as my guide for living is to use both my body and my mind, exercising the balance given to us as humans. (Of course I do this balance thing for living too) With this in progress, I am sure that skilled pirates will make the world a better place.
Contact data, +381 64 30 29 662