-Next meeting: Wednesday the 12nd at 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)
Mumble channel: International -> Pirate Parties International -> ppintnews
(Description of mumble: http://wiki.pp-international.net/Mumble )
Mail me if you have problems finding the mumble channel: international@piratpartiet.se or type in chat on this pad. Protocol from last meeting: http://ppintnews.piratepad.eu/teammeeting-12-12-12 Add your own points below that you would like to bring up in the meeting
Pat Mächler
Paul Wardenga
Rainer Leo
Josef (for 15 min at the end)
Chairing: Gefion Protocol: Justus
Start: 20:14 CET
1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?)
2) Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions
Josef missing, Gefion did a team round of emails, more activity than at the end of last year, nothing really new.
3) Open tasks + follow-up on last meeting
Last meeting on wiki? http://wiki.pp-international.net/Pirate_Times_teammeeting
Articles (progress?)
Some design things (pad from last meeting), no progress? Gefion will check with Josef
Mentors: Starting up, need one mentor for Chinese, got mentored pirates in Slovenian and Swedish already
Prices for post parcels: not done yet
Weekly summarize current news
open a pad where ppl can dump links to relevant news, sum it up every week (and archive old links)
Next team meeting: task for Gefion: Put all style and general guides to word press and advertise it
4) Recurring series articles (would account for ~1/3 of content needed each month)
Setting up recurring article series and build a team around them with one responsible person ensuring they get done each month. This would allow for more collaboration around articles as well as more stability in news. Setting a date each month/week would help as well with planning and motivation. Date, interval and responsible person needed. Teams built up afterwards based on interest. Organization around specific pad like this team-meeting pad works and old posts copy-pasted into "archive pads" or just deleted.
Suggestions: Flattr report, 10th each month (Josef responsible, no need for team)
Pirate Movement on Facebook/Twitter, end of month (Josef, more if there is interest)
Pirate Party differences (Anton + team)
Pirate History (responsible + team)
Tips&Tricks (Andrew's suggestion in Trello. Responsible?+ team)
Weekly summary + upcoming events (two responsible people? Justus&? + team)
PPEU, summary every 3 months (responsible + team)
PPI, summary every 3 months (responsible + team)
Gefion: Summarize idea, post it on ML, Josef should do it
5) Team-goals: http://ppintnews.piratepad.eu/plans2013
SMART agenda (after meeting in the pad)
6) URGENT article routines need to be fixed. URGENT = losing a lot of relevance not being published right away.
Clearly marked as URGENT when article is done Notify editorial leaders (Daniel or Andrew) directly OR if not found any other admin has the ability to approve article and publish (Josef, Gefion, Domi) Only 1 proof-reading needed if the 2nd one can't be found directly Moved to next meeting
7) Screencasts
Not much feedback, maybe something to do with mentors, or just one central video Gefion will make a first trial with the mentors
8) Moving pads
Postponed, probably Daniel's
9) Organising pictures Postponed, probably Daniel's
- ) Other questions/topics for meeting
election party in Hanover on 20.1.2012
- ) Next meeting?
12th of January