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  1. The official name of the association shall be “European Pirate Party” and „European Pirates“, abbreviated “PPEU” or „PIRATES“. Both the full and the abbreviated names may be used indistinguishably.
  2. A list of official translations of the association's name which may be used by the member parties is included in Annex A.

List of Translations

Language Name Abbriviation
Original European Pirate Party European Pirates PPEU PIRATES
français Parti Pirate Européen Pirates Européens PPEU PIRATES
Deutsch Piratenpartei Europa Europäische Piraten
česky Evropská pirátská strana Evropští Piráti PPEU PIRÁTI
italiano Partito Pirata Europeo Pirati Europei
Nederlands Europese Piratenpartij Europese Piraten
català Partit Pirata Europeu Pirates Europeus
español Partido Pirata Europeo Piratas Europeos
svenska Europeiska Piratpartiet Europeiska Piraterna
slovenský Európska Pirátska Strana Európski Piráti
norsk Europeiske Piratpartiet Europeiske Piratene
ελληνικά Ευρωπαϊκό Κόμμα Πειρατών Ευρωπαίοι Πειρατές
polski Europejska Partia Piratów Europejscy Piraci