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--- 23/10/2012 19:10h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Mumble HowTo:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Gregory, Lola, Denis, Travis, Nonu
excused: Jelena
unexcused: Ed

1.2 - Others


@collentine @ortsman (Steffen) @jerryweyer @Peltheas


Meeting opened at 19:10h CEST by Lola
Meeting closed at 20:16 CEST by Lola
Meeting chaired by Lola
Secretary for this meeting is Jerry.
Quorum established with [5] out of [7] board members present.
Streaming started: Yes!
Recording started: Yes
Postal votes: No


3.1 - Short report of the board members

Members of the board shall give a short summary (one minute at maximum) of what happened since the last board meeting or their last report. If something needs more attention, it should be discussed in separate points.

  • Gregory: With the help of Steffen managed to get streaming working for PPI board meetings. A lot of technical work on the servers, upgraded forum software, spam fighting in wiki and forum, found host for pirate images project, converations about pirate archive project (investigating possible cooperation with a german university). Signed letter and send to WIPO. Had the meeting with the press team.
  • Lola: Attended the PP-FR GA, gave a speech, talked about PPI, international team, asked french Pirates to help new PPs in Africa, few people offered help; gave interview for a documentary about PP-FR. Send letter to WIPO to Gregory.
  • Travis: Went to the PPUK Conference, Went to Berlin to deliver a speech on the USPP, came to New York to help their Pirate Party out, decided to move to New York so I found a place to stay and have been spending the past couple weeks getting my internet / furnature / etc all figured out and going. I picked a place in New York that was also very close to the Canadian border and I will be assisting the Ontario Pirate Party get things going as well as creating a Pirate Party in my local community. Local Radio Station / In US Edition of Playboy for October.
  • Denis: The PPI Press Team needs members and a new Team/Organizational leader. I prepared an email which will be sent to our members soon. There was no letter yet from WIPO. I met the head for international trade relations of the Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property. He said that Switzerland didn't vote against PPI, they just support the idea to clarify whether WIPO generally shall accept political parties as permanent observer members.
  • Ed: not present
  • Nuno: I've been preparing for the "2nd International Conference about the Pirate Culture in the Information Society" where I'll be on a panel with a fellow PP-PT member on Thursday ( I've upgraded the LQFB instance to the new version which introduces new important features and bug fixes.
  • Jelena: Not present

3.2 - Report on open Redmine Tasks

3.2.1 - Corporate Identity

Redmine task #41, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Jelena: I will send an eMail on what has been done and the board can comment on it then.
  • Gregory: We had a meeting scheduled for last friday, but it didn't happend, so this is still where it was.

REDMINE: + 2 Weeks

3.2.2 - Streaming

Redmine task #53, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Gregory: telko to Mumble bridge capable to do the streaming. Steffen configured this for every tuesday to the PPI room - only thing you need to do is to start to start the streaming - *Gregory adds this to the secret password database. (done)
As a matter of fact, we have 14 listeners on the stream right now.

REDMINE: close the task

3.2.3 - Tech-team

Redmine task #130, due date: 25/09/2012

  • Travis: no updates.
  • Lola: write down contact information of tech-team.

REDMINE: close the task

3.2.5 - Calendar and Parrot

Redmine task #135, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Steffen finished most of the work on other Pirate projects like a (German) Pirate picture database and will start working on the parrot again tonight.
  • Gregory: already set up a prototype, just need to test it on PPI server. Should be up in a few days.

REDMINE: +2 weeks.

3.2.6 - Pirate VPN

Redmine task #139, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Travis: Decided to go back to inital plan to running or own server. Looking for help to set up a VPN.

REDMINE: +2 weeks.

3.2.7 - Select a SMÜ

Redmine task #141, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Gregory: Not done. The meeting with Jelena did not happen... Schedule interview later. Selected 2 most interesting candidates, scheduled dates for interview.

REDMINE: +2 weeks.

3.2.9 - Recover the MyPirates files

Redmine task #153, due date: 23/10/2012

  • Gregory: No news. The ticket is still opened.
  • Lola: will bring recording on USB stick to Luxembourg.

REDMINE: +2 weeks

3.2.10 - PPI HQ Transfer of ownership

Redmine task #165, due date: 23/10/2012

Gregory: Decided to look for another notary as current one is really unreliable. Patrick tried to contact them: deadline already passed, notary should finish the paperworks. Before that hasn't happed we cannot move on. Last e-mail was from 18.10.2012.

REDMINE: +2 weeks.

3.2.12 - Budget Plan / PPDE Financial Request

Redmine task #173, and #169 due date: 23/10/2012

From the last meeting: Ed: budget plan for the current year has been reviewed (cca 20.000 EUR); PPI events in the past were self sustainable and there is also large portion we can use for PPI HQ office intern (6.000 EUR per year). To ask PP DE to transfer the funds to the account in PPI (Belgian AISBL account), to prepare the letter for support and send it out.

  • Ed: not present.

REDMINE: skipped.

3.2.13 - Call for hosts PPI GA

Redmine task #195, due date: 11/09/2012

From Redmine:

  • Gregory: Almost finished.

REDMINE: +2 weeks.

3.2.14 - Financial Report from the Prague GA

Redmine task #212, due date: 23/10/2012

  • From Redmine: PP-CZ has compiled the financial report on the Prague conference Lola: Sent questions to Tom, got no answer yet. Propose a conversation together with Ed and Gregory and Tom and Pat and Mikulas. We should open a doodle with dates from september 12th to 23rd. (-> Gregory will set up the doodle)
  • Lola: Ed had sent out a detailed questionary to PP CZ. There was no answer yet. No objections on text.

REDMINE: +2 weeks

3.2.15 - PP Switzerland e-mail and CoA resignation

Redmine task #213, due date: 23/10/2012

From last meeting:
From Redmine: We are not yet ready to send out the official response statement, Gregory will be responsible for drafting the official reply.
  • Gregory: CoA now has resigned. What shall we do?
  • Denis: There is still an important question: Is PPI an organization under Belgium law or anything else?
  • Gregory: We will ask Amelia's office.
  • Denis: We should also inform that we, as a board, think that this issue is done for now but that it of course is not solved. There is a request concerning the CoA pending which will be trated at the next assembly and we also must clarify the question of our seat. PPCH and every other member is invited to put discussion points on the agenda of the next assembly and to help improve PPI.
Next Task: Gregory: Write up the letter to the lawyers. What would be the next steps?
Nuno: Shouldn't think about helping someone else to sue us.

Lola: suggestion: write e-mail: COA resigned, please apply to court if you think it necessary. Travis: not too concerned about making PP-CH making happy. Can settle it at next GA or if the want to do anything else they should do. Shouldn't apologize in any e-mail. Lola: send short e-mail to PP-CH stating "Dear PP-CH, as you suggested COA resigned, if any time in future, you are not happy with PPI, PPi HQ PPI COA or any body of PPI you an apply to civil court in any country you like". Can change is at much as you like. Travis: Suggestion: "You can follow proper legal proedure in any way you like.".

"Dear PP-CH, as you suggested COA resigned, any further requests should be brought forward as a new issue"
Gregory: Proposal: "Do not spend much time on this, but send a final response to PP-CH, acknowledging, that we do not know the answer".
Denis: We shouldn't tell PPS what they shall do in the future but just inform that this case is done in the view of the PPI board. And also we should add what I said last time, it is on line 165.
  • Everybody agrees.

REDMINE: +2 weeks

4 - First Pirate Senator

Gregory: Congratulation to PP-CZ for electing Libor Michálek into Czech Senate gaining 74% of votes. We want to formally congratulate to this succes which will be an inspiration to Pirates all over the world. Congratulations!

  • Travis: As Int. Repr. of Canade and US Repr. it is great to see that with this voting procedure we are able to get a representative voted. This is a great inspiration!
  • Denis: Congrats+1!
  • Nuno: Congratulations+1!!
  • Lola: +1
  • Travis: +1 <3

5 - PP-LU GA

27.10 on the french border in LU, if you plan to come, please get in touch with Jerry.

If you plan to attend contact Jerry at @jerryweyer or


Next Meeting: 19:00 CET on 06/November/2012
Meeting Closed: 20:16 CEST by Lola