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--- [15/03/2016 22:00]h CET ---
  São Paulo 15 March at 18:00
  Tokyo 16 March at 06:00
  Wellington 16 March at 10:00
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording: Audiofile

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board 

participating: Richard ,Andrew, Min, pakki (22:40)
excused: Karla,Chem
unexcused: Henrique

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members

2 - PROCEEDINGS        

Meeting opened at 22:05 CET by Andrew
Meeting chaired by Andrew
Secretary for this meeting is Evryone
Quorum established with out of 7 board members present. 
Streaming started: 
Recording started: 22:06
Postal votes: 

In Loomio Proposal 6

    •  Andrew Reitemeyer agreed.
    •  pakki agreed.
    •  Richard Hill agreed.
    •  Nikolay Voronov agreed.
    •  Chemseddine BEN JEMAA agreed.

In Loomio Proposal 7 Yes Andrew, Richard, Pakki, Abstained Nickolay -

Notes on meeting process
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out         of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y         board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of meeting held on 16th February 2016 YES: Andrew, pakki NO:  ABSTENTIONS: 

Minutes of the last meeting Minutes approved

YES:  NO:  ABSTENTIONS: pakki, Richard


4.1 - Short report of the board members

  • Andrew: I have been in contact with various international Pirates to try and link events inclucing the PPSE party in June. Also attended the PPUK board meeting which is trying to re-establish itself. We have one new supporting member  and 121 Euro - I am frustrated by the lack of access to the current front page to put a membership button and donate button on it. We need a new web site urgently that the board is allowed to have access to . My bank reported back to me that they would only want to consider a bank account for an organisation incorporated in New Zealand so the Swiss option remains the preferred one. The People's Liberal Party of South Sudan has expressed a desire to become a member at the GA.
  • Chems: 
  • Henrique: 
  • Karla: 
  • Min: 
  • Patrick: had talks with Jezz about the organization of the coming GA. I also attended the PPUK board meeting together with Andrew. 
  • Richard: I will brief regarding the ITU open consultation on Internet matters, see

== 5 - Proposal No. 1

Make a submission to the ITU open consultation along the lines of the one made by the Swiss Pirate Party back in March 2014, see

YES: Richard, Andrew, pakki NO:  ABSTENTIONS:

Motion Passed

== 6 - Proposal No. 2 That the following be added to the timetable for the 2016 GA  That proposals and motions, and candidatures for all positions be submitted at least one week before the GA - 16th July 2016 After that date the board recommends they accepted at the board or the GA's discretion.

YES:RIchard, Andrew, pakki, Chemseddine NO:  ABSTENTIONS:

Motion Passed

== 7 - Proposal No. 3 That we ask selected pirates to make a short video  about their ideas/vision for the next 10yrs and feature them at the GA the PPSE party in June and  on the Pirate Times..Preference  would be given to young Pirates outside Europe but by no means exclusively so. We would need to work with Jess to see how they would be used - in breaks perhaps - depends on tech and how many we get. Also they can be featured on the web site and Pirate Times.

YES:Richard, pakki NO:  ABSTENTIONS:

Motion Passed

==8 - Information Jelena has let it be known that conference facilities for 15-20 people? is available for us - what can we use it for ?

9 - AOB - Any other business

Bank account - Creating a Swiss sub entity not a great idea - best to ask PPCH Richard will do this Further discussions in the GA 

GA is same weekend as Christopher Street Day (LGBTI parade)  can we think about what to do 

Bastian - new server now ready will send Patrick the login data


Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-03-29 22:00 CEST (00:00 GMT) Meeting Closed: 22:52 CET (00:00 UTC) / 00:00 GMT  by Andrew