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Here you can write your application for PPI board member. To submit your application copy-paste the table or write an e-mail with the information to and we will add you to the list.

Sponsors - According to IV (4) (b) and V (2) (b) of the PPI statutes candidates to any organ of the PPI must be proposed by an ordinary or observer member of the PPI. If you submit your application please add your sponsor. One member can support multiple candidates and the person applying for a position doesn't necessarily need to be a member of that organization. If you don't have a sponsor before the conference you still might be able to convince a delegation on the spot.

Please use the following template:

Name and nicks YOUR NAME

PPI board


Name and nicks Gregory Engels
Sponsor Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party of Russia, Pirate Party of Kazakhstan, Pirate Party of Austria, ...
member of Pirate Party Pirate Parties of Germany, Hesse, Kazakhstan, Russia, Luxembourg and Sweden
  • I have studied Physics (with specialization in atomic physics)
  • since 1998 I am running a company that provides consulting services for Lotus Notes customers. (Mostly managing big multi-national migration projects)
  • In my field, I am considered to be a "guru" - I am IBM RedBook author, member of the Penumbra partnership and a frequent speaker at international Lotus Notes conferences.
  • I am married and have two children

Pirate Qualifications:

  • Member of the City Council of Offenbach am Main and leader of the first parliamentary Pirate Group ever
  • Judge in the Court of Arbitration in the Pirate Party of Hesse
  • Co-Chairman Pirate Parties International April 2010 till March 2011
  • International Coordinator for Pirate Party of Germany since 2009
  • PPI Statutes Task-Force leader 2009-2010
  • Campaign manager foreigners elections City of Offenbach 2010 - achieved 4.2% for the Pirate Party, resulting in a win of one seat.

Other Memberships

  • Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt (C3F2M)
  • Humanistische Union (HU)
  • Deutscher Alpenverein (DAV)
  • Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobilclub (ADAC)
language(s) I am fluent in English, German and Russian
motivation and political background The coming year is a turning point for the Pirate Movement. Pirates have entered into Parliaments, and we are seeing its gain momentum that many have not dreamed of even a year ago. New Pirate Parties are being founded and old ones experience a land rush like growth. But this dynamics also bring new challenges. We need a shift in professionalism inside our structures and inside PPI to make sure that the Pirate Movement will survive this growth. We need to reach out to our allies to face the growing global threats that are threatening to all of us - things like SOPA, PIPA, still not yet dead ACTA, and new challenges like IPRED. We need to support PPI's members on the international level. And we need to focus on the whole world, not just our neighborhood - because this world is interconnected and bad legislation in any part of it will in the end be everyone's problem, if we remain motionless.

In the last year since my departure from the PPI board I have learned a lot of new stuff. I have been through an election campaign, have spoken to about 1000 people on the streets, have been elected into parliament, and organized the largest Pirate Convention so far (for over 1500 people). Skills I plan to use in my second term as the Co-Chairman. To transform the PPI administration into a well functioning tool for all our members. One of my goals is to get the funds sorted to run a series of regional events (or sub-conferences) not only in Europe, but in all regions.

Contact data I can easily be reached at a number of channels - see my profile page in the German Pirate-Wiki

You can also ask me public questions on Formspring

Name and nicks Andrew "K`Tetch" Norton
Sponsor Pirate Party of New Zealand (PPI member), Pirate Party of Slovenia
member of Pirate Party I have been a member of the US Pirate Party since Late 2006 (leading it at times), and of PPUK for a while (part of the Press Team).

I have extensive political experience. I'm a trouble-shooter. I'm a listener. People come to me to help deal with problems, or for advice. One of my jobs is as head of PR for a UK Government funded particle accelerator project, so I'm used to taking complex subjects, and simplifying them. For years, I've also worked as researcher for for the last few years, so I know the copyright/patent/trademark side of things very well (and the press side), to the extent I've been asked to be an expert witness for the defense on some Speculative Invoicing lawsuits. I have owned a patent, worked in television, put out books ( as well as working on others on the pirate party. I've even worked as a copyright enforcer for a record company in the early 90s, so I'm someone that's got experience on both sides of the C/P/T/ debate. Most of all, I've a track record in results; I gave PPI the kick start to get it to exist, and every time I've left the USPP alone, it's failed and collapsed and I've had to rebuild it again (3 times now!). Critically as well, I'm not a 'techie person'. I might have a background in robotics, but I don't care about the latest gizmo or cool program, and so don't get distracted from my core purpose with making a cool site, or a cool new technology because it's new and cool. To me, results are what matter. that said, I'm always willing to try new things and learn new skills. Finally, something very important - people have ASKED ME to run, which says a lot about what people want.

language(s) Fluently, English. I can make myself understood in French, Spanish and Italian. I can read (although slowly and not always well) Portugese, German, and Swedish, and I aim to be improving them, and perhaps adding more languages to the list.
motivation and political background I am also an EU citizen, but not *IN* the EU. So I know the European situation, but at the same time I'm aware of what's going on elsewhere in the world. Thus I'm the perfect international candidate. Most importantly, I'm transparent in all my actions. When I say something, I'll stand behind it 100%, which is one reason I've always digitally signed my emails. I don't care if I'm liked or not - this isn't the 'nicest pirate award' - but I will be certain that everyone knows where I stand at all times, and that there are no misunderstandings, and that my priority isn't preserving someones feelings, but getting the result we need I'm not going to be needlessly mean though, if someone wants to just talk, or vent, that's fine too, and in the past, some party leaders and candidates have taken me up on that.

My background started with the UK Liberal Party in 97. My mentor at the time is now party leader, and we still speak occasionally. I then worked with the UK Conservative party for a while, gaining experiance in a big party. In 2000, I helped Jay Leno make fun of the 2000 election results on the show BattleBots (where I was a technical adviser and safety inspector). When I moved to the US nine years ago, I started on a campaign for the US Libertarian Party, handling two state house campaigns just outside Seattle. Then in 2006, I started with the US Pirate Party. I led it for 18 months until moving to start PPI off, and make it work, with the first challenge being the EU elections. After stepping down July 31 2009, to be replaced by 6 people, I've taken more of a back-seat role, but now I see issues I believe have to be sorted now, or they never will be, And that probably means a new broom, at least for the top role. What drives my feelings on the 3 main planks, is my time as a copyright enforcer, and dealing with the lobby groups personally, as well as my time since, working for TorrentFreak. What drives my privacy feelings, was growing up in a very rough area of Liverpool, and the constant surveillance there. What boils my blood about government accountability and transparency is the so-called terrorist threat. Growing up in the UK in the 80s and 90s, terrorist attacks were common, sometimes 20 a month. We didn't let it bother us. Aged 13, I walked past an IRA bomb moments before it went off, killing 2 in a shopping street, and we didn't have all this intrusive technology and unaccountable powers. And now the IRA doesn't exist. They're not needed. I have more to say because I feel so strongly about all of this, but I'll do so in another venue.

Contact data skype - ktetch I'm usually on the PPI IRC channel. Telephone: +1 352-6-KTETCH Other methods are available, just let me know.

Name and nicks Lola Voronina
Sponsor Pirate Party of Russia, Pirate Party of Italy, Pirate Party of France, Pirate Party of Kazakhstan, Pirate Party of Slovenia, Pirate Party of Portugal
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Russia, Pirates Without Borders
CC-BY 3.0 Tobias M. Eckrich (Piratenpartei)

Sociologist, political PR and event organizing specialist, Pirate

As a Chief Administrative Officer of PPI since March 2011:

  • PPI administrative work: agendas, publishing board meeting minutes on Wiki, updating *Redmine, sending informational letters to PPI members
  • PPI social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+
  • Assisting the new and existing Pirate Parties
  • Went to Brussels with the other board members to register PPI HQ
  • Represented PPI at the General Assemblies of Czech Republic, Austria (twice), Russia, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Junge Piraten GA in Germany, Pirates Without Borders GA
  • Attended Berlin and Saarbruecken, helped and supported Pirates in their election campaigns

Press work & public relations:

Organizing the PPI General Assembly 2012

language(s) Russian, English, Czech, Spanish
motivation and political background Why Co-Chairman and not CAO? I was asked to go for Co-Chairman by several Pirates and Party representatives. As CAO I already fullfilled some of the tasks of a Co-Chairman, mostly representing PPI and international Pirates in media and at the Pirate conferences. I like it much better and I would like to concentrate more on these tasks as well as on assisting the Pirate Parties, and spend less time on administrative work.

Reactions to my performances with journalists and speeches were very positive, both from Pirates and non-Pirates. Besides the representation of PPI to the outside I already dealt with Pirate's problems as a CAO, helped establishing and promoting the new Pirate Parties. As Co-Chairman I can continue to offer my skills as neutral observer and arbitrator.

I will not be a Co-chairman who will impose any political views on Pirates or propose revolutionnary political agendas. I'm going to be more of a Pirate ambassador - representing the movement to the outside and acting as arbitrator to the inside. Lastly my organizational skills (shown by the conference organization) will help me to manage the board meetings and future conferences. I have good relations to many Pirate Parties and multiple competent people in the background that can help me in the areas where I lack the competence.

Contact data E-mail:

Skype: loveandkisslola




Name and nicks Fabrício Martins do Canto
Sponsor Pirate Party of Brazil, Pirate Party of Portugal
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party of Brazil
  • Graduated in Business Management, specialization in International Marketing
  • Founder of Local Committee of Aiesec SM/Brazil, VP of Marketing helped create 2 new committees
  • International Product Manager for Beiersdorf AG in Hamburg / Germany, patenting several products and creating the strategies and tactics to launch new products for German, European and world-wide roll-outs
  • 10 Years sabbatical creating the Rainbow-Children Project and helped to fundraise and create a NGO for differently-abled youngsters in India
  • Joined the Pirate Party Berlin in 2010 and co-worked in the political rally-plan, especially in the time-plan for Pankow and psychographic study and analysis of the target group for Berlin.
  • Candidate for PPI Board in 2011
  • Joined and visited members of the Pirate Party Brazil in July 2011
  • Co-Founder of Open Home Project March 2011
  • Founder of, Berlin in July, 2011
  • Coordinator (Bezirksbeauftragter) for Berlin Pankow 2012
  • Host (Heimleuchter) of the Hedy Lamarr Crew at the P1r4t3 C4v3 in Berlin P'Berg
  • A German description and a complete English time line are at: Piraten in Pankow
language(s) In order of proficiency: Portuguese, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Hindi, French, Butohnese (yes, I am a Butoh dancer :-))
motivation and political background The experience as an International Product Manager and creating new NGOs, can help by:
  • incubating organizational models
  • starting pirate parties.
  • transferring knowledge
  • gaining synergies & maintaining flexibility

Those can be useful to promote a roll-out of Pirate Parties in other countries , especially outside Europe.

My main political interest is to promote understanding and liquid democracy beyond geo political borders.

During the Berlin elections in 2011, a placard bearing my image was used to promote voting rights for all residences regardless of age and nationality. As a Brasilian who naturalized to a German citizen with children who possess US, Indian, Brasilian and German nationalities, my goal is to see politics cross beyond nationalistic barriers. Candidating for the PPI calls out to me to connect trans national to the local politics since I believe that we are at a time where great changes can be made in both local and international level when those are considered connected. People are ready for something different and we can make a difference.

Contact data


Name and nicks Alessandra Minoni (lilo, al3lilo)
Sponsor Pirate Party of Italy
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Italy
qualifications Enrolled with the Registry of Labour/Employment Advisors.
  • Three-years degree in Labour Consulting (Business college)
  • Master in taxation law ("Ezio Vanoni" school, Rome -- Finance Ministry)
language(s) Italian (native tongue), English
motivation and political background I'm a pirate since 2006, willing to help the PPI in its tasks. Actually I am lay-auditor in PPI and in charge for media relations in PP-IT. Also, I'm an active member of the Translations Task Force. I founded the Piraty-Lab @ the Sans-Papiers social centre.
Contact data

Chief Administrative Officer

Name and nicks Fabrício Martins do Canto
Sponsor Pirate Party of Brazil, Pirate Party of Portugal
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party of Brazil
  • Graduated in Business Management, specialization in International Marketing
  • Founder of Local Committee of Aiesec SM/Brazil, VP of Marketing helped create 2 new committees
  • International Product Manager for Beiersdorf AG in Hamburg / Germany, patenting several products and creating the strategies and tactics to launch new products for German, European and world-wide roll-outs
  • 10 Years sabbatical creating the Rainbow-Children Project and helped to fundraise and create a NGO for differently-abled youngsters in India
  • Joined the Pirate Party Berlin in 2010 and co-worked in the political rally-plan, especially in the time-plan for Pankow and psychographic study and analysis of the target group for Berlin.
  • Candidate for PPI Board in 2011
  • Joined and visited members of the Pirate Party Brazil in July 2011
  • Co-Founder of Open Home Project March 2011
  • Founder of, Berlin in July, 2011
  • Coordinator (Bezirksbeauftragter) for Berlin Pankow 2012
  • Host (Heimleuchter) of the Hedy Lamarr Crew at the P1r4t3 C4v3 in Berlin P'Berg
  • A German description and a complete English time line are at: Piraten in Pankow
language(s) In order of proficiency: Portuguese, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Hindi, French, Butohnese (yes, I am a Butoh dancer :-))
motivation and political background The experience as an International Product Manager and creating new NGOs, can help by:
  • incubating organizational models
  • starting pirate parties.
  • transferring knowledge
  • gaining synergies & maintaining flexibility

Those can be useful to promote a roll-out of Pirate Parties in other countries , especially outside Europe.

My main political interest is to promote understanding and liquid democracy beyond geo political borders.

During the Berlin elections in 2011, a placard bearing my image was used to promote voting rights for all residences regardless of age and nationality. As a Brasilian who naturalized to a German citizen with children who possess US, Indian, Brasilian and German nationalities, my goal is to see politics cross beyond nationalistic barriers. Candidating for the PPI calls out to me to connect trans national to the local politics since I believe that we are at a time where great changes can be made in both local and international level when those are considered connected. People are ready for something different and we can make a difference.

Contact data

further board members

Name and nicks Travis McCrea
Sponsor Pirate Party of Canada, Pirate Party of Netherlands
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Canada / (Defunct) United States Pirate Party / Pirate Party of Washington
qualifications Frmr Promotions Officer US Pirate Party, Frmr Parliament Candidate for Pirate Pirate of Canada, Current Deputy Leader of Pirate Party Canada

I blog on and have started to promote the Pirate Party in North America

language(s) English, HTML, PHP, CSS
motivation and political background I want to expand the Pirate Parties presence in North America and I want to bring North America into Pirate Parties Int'l. There are plenty of First Past The Post systems around the world and we need someone who knows the pain.
Contact data I am teamcoltra everywhere @teamcoltra etc

you can also email me at or

Name and nicks Ed Geraghty (tuoni)
Sponsor Pirate Party UK
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party UK
CC-BY 2.0 ajehals

Pirate Party: Outgoing IT Team Leader, having brought our systems under control from an absentee team of 18 months, non-voting member of the PPUK National Executive Committee, PPUK Foreign Spokesperson, Proof-reader

Professionally: Ex-programmer across many professional disciplines in 13 different programming languages (as well as holding a BSc. (Hons) in Computer Science from the University of Kent), ex-Royal Signals British Army Soldier and currently an international trader in base metals

language(s) English
motivation and political background I have lots of experience in PPUK, as well as much visible success in pulling together disparate groups in order to get jobs done. Whether intra- or inter-nationally, I plan to use this experience in melding the Pirate Parties to bring coordinated responses on issues such as ACTA and to help facilitate the sharing of resources (be they lingual, pictorial or otherwise) to help us work smarter, not harder. I believe that our strongest assets are our diverse membership and our largely technical background - we are, perhaps, not using these assets as well as we could. I have always been politically active, but (as I'm sure many of us have heard before) I hadn't found a party whose core beliefs were so aligned with my own until the formation of PPUK... a party I joined within hours of a mention on torrentfreak. I am politically active in the UK, regularly attending sessions at the House of Commons and talking with everyone from interested lay-people to High Court judges, MPs and Lords. I believe that our message of Human Rights and Civil Liberties is the most important.
Contact data Email: Skype: tuoni666

Name and nicks Brendan Molloy
Sponsor Pirate Party Australia, Pirate Party Slovenia, Pirate Party of New Zealand
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party Australia
qualifications Secretary of Pirate Party Australia for two years, been working in various positions ranging from media to IT within the party since 2008.
language(s) English, French (somewhat), German (horrifically)
motivation and political background I wish to bring a different perspective to a generally Eurocentric board. After watching the slow demise of the last board, I thought it would be best to step up in order to help bring much needed stability and transparency to PPI.

Using the experience gained working with the Pirate Party in Australia since 2008, I intend to progress PPI in ways such as pushing for architectural independence (wikis, blogs), assisting in getting a PPI representative to the SCCR committee at WIPO and pushing for as much transparency as possible from the board.

Also running for Alternative Board Member position

Contact data Email/GTalk:

IRC: as Brendan

Please do contact me. I love a chat :)

Name and nicks Denis 'SciFi' Simonet
Sponsor Pirate Party Switzerland
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Switzerland and Luxemburg
  • I study computer science...
  • ...and I work as a software engineer for a company which uses and advances FOSS
  • Chairman of Pirate Party Switzerland from the foundation in 2009 until March 2012.
  • Founder member of the Swiss Privacy Foundation
  • Chairman of the court of arbitration in PP-CH
  • Still responsible for press in PP-CH
  • Many other activities, see my page on wikipedia (which is a bit outdated) and my my blog (in German)
language(s) Swiss German, German, French, English, a bit Italian
motivation and political background During a talk with Gregory, he explained his plans for 2012/2013, I got the idea to run for the board. In fact I just want to help building a press team. This especially includes inquiry handling and the distribution of press releases. Because I gained much experience with media during my time as chairman of PP Switzerland I am sure to be qualified for this task. Gregory's ideas are good and I'd like to support him with this candidature. Nice side fact: I live only 2 hours away from Geneva (direct train connection) so I could also do some representative work with Organisations in that town.

Disclaimer: I can't promise to do more than I assure in this application. This is due to the fact that I still do press work for PP Switzerland and that I am the chairman of our court of arbitration. But I'm very interested in doing that job and I hope that you also like my idea.

Contact data Unfortunately I can't attend the conference (lack of money this and last month). I will follow the conference and be available to answer questions.
  • Skype: SciF0r
  • Twitter: SciF0r
  • Jabber:
  • E-Mail:

Name and nicks Nuno Cardoso (nonnu)
Sponsor Pirate Party of Portugal (PPP)
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Portugal
  • Active member of PPP’s core team, administration group, comunication group and judicial group since 2009.
  • International Cordinator for PPP since 2010.
  • PPP signatory to the founding of PPI in 2010 despite being stopped from attending in person by an erupting Volcano.
  • Studied Computer Science in Lisbon’s FCT-UNL and taught myself a crash course in Law due to the involvement in PPP’s judicial group and work related patent analysis.
  • Almost 16 years working in many computer science fields but mainly virtual and augmented reality, computer vision and artificial intelligence, the last 10 of which in a company that uses and gives back to FOSS.
  • First hand experience in the nightmare and irrationality of the patenting system by having some of the projects I participated in resulting in protective patents being filed by the company I work for.
  • Contributor to some FOSS projects in the realms of 3D Engines and cross-platform integration.
  • In the end I could say that, if a computer is involved, I’m a Jack of all trades but still master of some.
  • Pirate at heart!
  • Kopimist in faith!
language(s) Portuguese, English, I also understand and can make myself understood in Spanish, Italian and French
motivation and political background

I’ve never managed to fit myself in the narrow view of left/right politics because I don’t like political menus that force you to choose just one of them as a whole. Issues in politics should be a buffet where you are free to choose from any point in the spectrum according to your beliefs in each one.
Therefore I’m a strong supporter of Liquid Democracy and would love to see it as one of the main drives in Pirate Parties, because I think that all other issues we stand for would almost certainly be defended naturally if the people could have a direct vote in them.
In line with this notion I also submitted a statutes amendment to PPI where you can read more of the reasoning and motivation behind this drive. (titled “Adoption of e-Democracy and disambiguation of conflicting motions”)

It is my goal to promote the tools of Liquid Democracy because, quoting myself from the amendment, “PPI should be using them also, to set the example and show the advantages of such systems to all its current and future members, instead of adopting the rigid models of plain old parties that bind democracy to specific election/voting dates separated by long periods of detachment where few decide for all.
Real democracy means constant democracy, not cyclic democracy, and if we are to change the world we should start by setting the example ourselves.”
I believe my 3 years experience in the core team, administration group, comunication group and judicial group of PPP as well as intenational coordinator for PPP can also come in handy.

Anyway, trying to find where I fitted in the political spectrum I took the Political Compass testand though I thought I would be more to the center of it (I guess all those religious questions made me drift), I was pleased to see my company in that quadrant of the analysis:)

Contact data email:

Names and Nicks Jelena Jovanovic - Cybernaut
Sponsor Pirate Party Netherlands, Pirate Party of Czech Republic, Pirate Party of Catalonia, Pirate Party Slovenia, Pirate Party Croatia, Pirate Party of Serbia
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party Serbia
  • Anti ACTA debate: OSCE, Digital Agenda, Ministry of Education and Science, Independent Association of Journalists, Union Faculty of Law (March 2012)
  • New media development (BIRN Hub business development manager, 2011)
  • Business development and product launch advisor (Zepter 2011 - 2012: Management centar Belgrade 2011)
  • Content marketing strategist and trainer (Etarget Serbia i Etarget Croatia 2008-2011, founder)
  • Investors relations, customers relations, media and public relations
  • Anti ACTA rallies in Belgrade and Novi Sad - coordination, identifying target groups, lobbying (Dec - March 2012)

Online advertising campaigns (cpc, cpm, integrated campaigns, a/b testing, copywriting, campaigns optmisation, online media planning, message development and targeting through)

  • Skilled collaboration platform manager;
  • Marketing strategy: development of buyers persona models; customer acquisition and retaining strategy
  • Online advocacy campaigns
  • ePR i online events
  • Community management
  • Media relations


  • Pirate Party infopolicy, Head of Pirates Communication Bureau
  • IAB Serbia, working group for mobile advertising
  • Web Fest (The largest regional Internet festival and the best regional web projects competition) - member of jury at regonal competition of the best web projects
  • Web Strategija (conference on e-commerce, new technologies and advertising) - programme board member in 2011.
  • Cybernaut, training and consulting

Fluent in English, Croatian, Serbian

motivation and political background

Pirates are evolving all around the world and there is no better time to leverage the potential of Pirates’ community and the potential of every individual member. I want to emphasize the importance of Pirate movement in politics, and to present the Pirate’s ideas to the people who are currently out of scope on behalf most of the Pirate parties: students, people who are neutral to politics, etc. Considering that it is of most importance to involve as many people a possible, I am willing and fully prepared to spread the core values using my experience and leveraging my contacts for lobbying for Pirate ideas internationally. Moreover I would love to show the tight connection of Serbian Pirates and global Pirate movement and to bring global perspective into the discourse of ongoing political conversations in Serbia. I am capable of organising and managing people and bring ideas and concepts to life. I am trained for situational leadership - to do what it needs to be done with people that are available.

Contact data

Dont hesitate to contact me via social networks : TW:!/Miss_Cybernaut and/or email

Name and nicks BORIS TUROVSKIY
Sponsor Pirate Party of Russia
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party of Russia, Pirate Party of Luxemburg
qualifications Student of financial mathematics, freelance translator and sales consultant. In the Pirate Party of Bavaria I'm administrating our Munich head office, besides, I coordinate the Copyright task force in Germany. In the PPI I lead the Translation Task Force which I've called into being in 2010.
language(s) Russian, German (native), English (fluent), French (basic)
motivation and political background I consider the PPI to be first and foremost a service organisational for the national Pirate Parties, providing communication infrastructure and coordination between its members. Unfortunately, over the years there have been problems and missed opportunities regarding this task. As board member, I am going to
  • Split the mailing list to separate troll lists from work lists, thus allowing more Pirates to participate who are not willing to endure the traffic of the ppi-general ML;
  • Establish and promote repositories for political statements, advertising materials, and press releases, which can be used by all Pirate Parties for inspiration and for use in their campaigns.
  • Keep the PPI web site up-to-date by regularly posting updates on the Pirate movements.

I will continue to organize and expand the Translation task force and I hope to re-activate the Text Production task force.

Contact data

Lay auditors

Members of the Court of Arbitrators

Name and nicks Arturo Martinez
Sponsor Pirate Party of Spain
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Spain
qualifications I have studied Information Technology and postgraduate studies in teaching at Lancaster University

Pirate Qualifications:

2010-2011 Spanish Pirate Party´s board member (treasurer)

2011-2012 Judge in the Court of Arbitration in the PPI

2012 International Co-coordinator for Pirate Party of Spain

Other Memberships:

the Brights Movement

Schützenverein SV Mauer (Bogen)

language(s) Spanish, English, basic German
motivation and political background I am an open source enthusiast and Linux/GNU evangelist.

As for the CoA I have no formal training in law but I possess close contact with professional jurists on whose vast knowledge I can borrow.

While the CoA has gone through some teething problems, I have seen an excellent work atmosphere and conciliatory attitude within the active members, seeking consensus with good will even when coming from very different angles. I would like some of that spirit to permeate to other areas of the PPI

Contact data Contact data: arturo.martinez @

Name and nicks Mozart "experimenthouse" Olbrycht-Palmer
Sponsor Pirate Party of New Zealand, Pirate Party Australia
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party Australia
qualifications In November I will have completed my undergraduate Bachelor of Music (with additional studies in literature, linguistics, professional writing and philosophy). I am a strong supporter of Creative Commons, and I will license my album (mid-2013) with CC. I write about Pirate Politics on my blog (OlbrychtPalmer), and had an opinion piece published on one of our tech sites (Delimiter). There are also submissions on Patent Reform and ACTA, as well as a speech regarding the TPPA, which I have contributed to.

I lead a press team of about five people, and have a very diplomatic temperament. I am patient and willing to seek the best outcome for all involved. I'm actively involved in international relations – I've worked with the UK, US and NZ Pirate Parties on press releases, helped the New York PP get started and created a video which PPI published on their front page (as well as a Dutch version for PPNL).

I have worked as a performing musician, and now I work a little as a freelance journalist/editor.

language(s) English
motivation and political background I noticed the small number of candidates very close to the GA and decided that I would step up to the plate. My personality and temperament makes me suitable to resolving disputes. I am able to be impartial and put aside my feelings for any particular group or individual to resolve disputes objectively. I don't have as many 'Pirate Qualifications' as others, though I am extremely active within my own party, fulfilling duties where necessary, and taking on tasks that others aren't able to. I have no ambitions other than to further the Pirate Party Movement's influence on what I feel are very important issues, and make the Movement as stable as possible so that our front is united.

I am pro-copyright reform, even as a musician and writer, because I understand that suing your fans for sharing is not the way to approach things. I see the many benefits that 'piracy' has brought to my industries. I am sick of being lied to by government or other authorities, and never having a proper say. I respect the right to privacy. I do not believe that censorship is an appropriate way to govern. This is why I am a Pirate – because I believe that these fundamental rights and freedoms should not continue to be infringed.

Contact data Email/GTalk:

Twitter: @OlbrychtPalmer

IRC: as Mozart

Name and nicks Marco Ciurcina
Sponsor Pirate Party of Italy
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of Italy
qualifications Italian lawyer, working in the field of commercial and contractual law, Information Technology law, Copyright, Patent and Trademark law.

I teach "Law and ethics of communication" at the Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of Information Science.

language(s) Italian, English, French, Spanish
motivation and political background Free software and digital freedoms activist.
Contact data

Name and nicks Maxime Rouquet
Sponsor Pirate Party of France, Pirate Party of Luxembourg
member of Pirate Party Pirate Party of France, Pirates Without Borders
qualifications I am a Computer Science Engineer.

2011-2012 Judge in the Court of Arbitration of the PPI

Since 2011, Pirate Party of France president (interim) then co-president

language(s) French, English, basic Spanish
motivation and political background

I want to help PPI, and despite having too much work with PP-FR to contribute every week, I will be present if PPI faces problems : this is the mainspring of the Court of Arbitration.

I have not followed any law courses, but I am used to read law articles and Courts rulings since I joined PP-FR in 2009 (which helped a lot on past year).

I was personally against the creation of the Court of Arbitration at the previous GA, as it seemed evident we were not fully ready to feel its seats ; however, as long as the GA voted it, I volunteered to participate and take the knocks with the other members.

Looking back at past year, I think we did a pretty good job. There are things I would have liked to do differently, but we tried to follow the Statutes and, hopefully, there are amendments submitted to the General Assembly that will fix these problems of the Court of Arbitration and PPI Statutes lacks in general.

Whatever the issue of this GA, I really enjoyed the atmosphere inside the first Court of Arbitration, and I wish the next CoA and Board will have the same chance.

Contact data maxime.rouquet @

Name and nicks Vojtěch Pikal
member of Pirate Party PP-CZ
qualifications Bachelor degree in computer science, working on Masters.

4 active months in controling commision of PP-CZ, 4 months of chairing the PP-CZ internet meetings, Head of administrative department in PP-CZ Olomoucký kraj (Czech republic region), newly elected president of Olomoucký kraj.

language(s) Czech, English, basic German
motivation and political background I occour to me today, it needs some common sense and cold law to make the procesess run smoother to actually do more work and less argue about procedures. My experience is above.

I've visited (not member) 3 other czech "liberal" parties before choosing Pirates. I would describe myself as Social Liberal, not that it is important for a position a apply for.

Contact data m@il: