From PPI
- --- 15.11.2022 15:00 UTC/16:00 CET ---
- Big Blue Button Room:
- Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming
- Recording:
- Video:
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Alexander, Mauricio, Keith,Gregory,Bailey, Manuel, Mike
- excused: Dario
- unexcused: Carlos
- Quorum:
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members:
- participating: Bastian
- excused:
- unexcused: Veronika, Ji Yong, Adam
- Guests:
- participating:
- Meeting opened at 15:18 by Bailey
- Meeting chaired by Bailey
- Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
- Quorum established with (8 out of 9) board members present (incl. alternates and proxies)
- Streaming started: started
- Recording started: 15:23
- Postal votes: none
- Notes on meeting process:
Motion | |
| |
* Minutes of the last meeting: | |
Yes : Alexander, Keith, Bailey, Mike,Gregory, Bastian (15:23) | |
No : | |
Abstain : Mauricio, Manuel | |
4.1 - Short reports of the board members
- Bailey Lamon: nothing to report
- Gregory Engels: I have contacted the bank about the quote for the PPI corporate credit card - it would cost us 80 CHF per year. If we ever choose to use it to spend money, they have 6% cash-back. It would be a card with name of one of the people who has account access plus the „Pirate parties international“ if we like to have it on the card. We can use this card to authorize PayPal,
- Mike Gill: Worked on the statutes. Clean draft coming together nicely. About half is finished now (the part w/out any colours). Feel free to comment on it already: As far as the GA goes, we'll need another mail soon to stir people a bit. As far as I know, only Luxembourg and Russia submitted delegates so far. I submitted the Czech delegation today. For the first time ever I also chose to do PPCZ primaries for the PPI elections, so we'll see who gets through. I really hope I do at least. :-) As for the general situation within Czechia, some municipal coalitions are still not negotiated, including Prague itself as well as Prague 3 district on which my job is hanging.
- Carlos Polo: not present
- Keith Goldstein: attending today's meeting from inside a pool. we had elections in Israel. I will prepare a post mortum as a blog.
- Alexander Isavnin: Monitoring war-related freedom restrictions, working with other opposition parties on improving (without hope) legislations, weekly pirate-related streams, preparing for IGF2022
- Manuel Caicedo: First report since August. Got my cellphone robbed, losing all keys to relevant apps, etc. Got infected with Covid later and had trouble reincorporating to my duties, pirate-related as well. I'm just now recovering constant access to Wire and email. I apologize for not being able to report these issues before. I'm still onboard with the Treasury appointment and necessary transition, if the cofidence still remain through the Board. Alongside that, I have still pending my ECLAC Population and Development Conference Report. On national matters, the Chilean Pirate Party is going along a statutes and bylaws reform, which can be shared with PPI, both diagnostic and results, if it is of their choice.
- Dario Castañé: not present
- Mauricio Vargas: I had a conversation with a pirate from Brazil, in which I asked him if they would attend the General Assembly. He replied that they wished to do so, but that they have had problems with the schedule on previous occasions.
In addition, he told me that they have the idea of convening a meeting of South American pirates for next year 2023. We agreed to take this proposal to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking pirates chat.
- Ji Yong Dijkhuis: not present
- Veronika Murzynová: not present
- Adam Wolf: not present
- Sebastian Krone:
- I monitored the PPI tech, as I do every day.
- All patches are up-to-date.
- All systems are running smoothly.
- Due to the move of the servers there will be short interruptions of web and mail tonight. Please don't despair.
- I am (again) very disappointed that the internal meeting agreed at our last three board meetings to resolve the organizational issues we continue to have did not take place. This is not the way to move forward.
- The recordings of the panel discussions at the ThinkTwice conference have not yet been released.
- We need to edit the panels and improve the audio.
- What’s the plan? (Third reminder) ;-)
- Mike: Link for the (temporary two-week DL of the TT4 videos:
5.1 - Proposals
Internal meeting agreed to take place on November 22nd, 21:30 UTC/22:30 CET, on BBB
- Bailey: Bring to the meeting whatever issues you can think of.
5.2 - Working Groups Update
- Bailey: The main thing is the GA coming up and it's about a month away.
5.3 Economic Update
- Alexander: IGF2022 is in 2 weeks, it's hybrid, feel free to register online and jump into sessions, i'll be in person, University will have it's booth, can present our materials, if we have some.
- Bailey: Any information about the PPI would be nice, if that can be given out to people at the MFU booth.
5.5 PPI HQ update
- Mike: You know it! Waiting for Bailey's passport! :-)
- Bailey: I wanna go to Europe badly but can't make any plans due to still not having the passport.
6 AOB - Any other business
- Alexander: Gregory, please change presentation in BBB for fresher Summer Camp announcement, at least (Done)((not yet, still shows ps22))
- Mike: Gregory, have you been in touch with Jim on the potential next Summer Camp?
- Gregory: Not yet; have to start a chat on that.
- ===================================================
- Next Board Meeting: 06.12.2022 21:00 UTC/22:00 CET
- Meeting Closed: 16:07 UTC
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Alexander, Mauricio, Keith,Gregory,Bailey, Manuel, Mike
- excused: Dario
- unexcused: Carlos
- Quorum:
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members:
- participating: Bastian
- excused:
- unexcused: Veronika, Ji Yong, Adam
- Guests:
- participating:
- Meeting opened at 15:18 by Bailey
- Meeting chaired by Bailey
- Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
- Quorum established with (8 out of 9) board members present (incl. alternates and proxies)
- Streaming started: started
- Recording started:
- Postal votes: none
- Notes on meeting process:
Motion | |
| |
* Minutes of the last meeting: | |
Yes : Alexander, Keith, Bailey, Mike,Gregory, Bastian (15:23) | |
No : | |
Abstain : Mauricio, Manuel | |
4.1 - Short reports of the board members
- Bailey Lamon: nothing to report
- Gregory Engels: I have contacted the bank about the quote for the PPI corporate credit card - it would cost us 80 CHF per year. If we ever choose to use it to spend money, they have 6% cash-back. It would be a card with name of one of the people who has account access plus the „Pirate parties international“ if we like to have it on the card. We can use this card to authorize PayPal,
- Mike Gill: Worked on the statutes. Clean draft coming together nicely. About half is finished now (the part w/out any colours). Feel free to comment on it already: As far as the GA goes, we'll need another mail soon to stir people a bit. As far as I know, only Luxembourg and Russia submitted delegates so far. I submitted the Czech delegation today. For the first time ever I also chose to do PPCZ primaries for the PPI elections, so we'll see who gets through. I really hope I do at least. :-) As for the general situation within Czechia, some municipal coalitions are still not negotiated, including Prague itself as well as Prague 3 district on which my job is hanging.
- Carlos Polo: not present
- Keith Goldstein: attending today's meeting from inside a pool. we had elections in Israel. I will prepare a post mortum as a blog.
- Alexander Isavnin: Monitoring war-related freedom restrictions, working with other opposition parties on improving (without hope) legislations, weekly pirate-related streams, preparing for IGF2022
- Manuel Caicedo: First report since August. Got my cellphone robbed, losing all keys to relevant apps, etc. Got infected with Covid later and had trouble reincorporating to my duties, pirate-related as well. I'm just now recovering constant access to Wire and email. I apologize for not being able to report these issues before. I'm still onboard with the Treasury appointment and necessary transition, if the cofidence still remain through the Board. Alongside that, I have still pending my ECLAC Population and Development Conference Report. On national matters, the Chilean Pirate Party is going along a statutes and bylaws reform, which can be shared with PPI, both diagnostic and results, if it is of their choice.
- Dario Castañé: not present
- Mauricio Vargas: I had a conversation with a pirate from Brazil, in which I asked him if they would attend the General Assembly. He replied that they wished to do so, but that they have had problems with the schedule on previous occasions.
- In addition, he told me that they have the idea of convening a meeting of South American pirates for next year 2023. We agreed to take this proposal to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking pirates chat.
- Ji Yong Dijkhuis: not present
- Veronika Murzynová: not present
- Adam Wolf: not present
- Sebastian Krone:
- I monitored the PPI tech, as I do every day.
- All patches are up-to-date.
- All systems are running smoothly.
- Due to the move of the servers there will be short interruptions of web and mail tonight. Please don't despair.
- I am (again) very disappointed that the internal meeting agreed at our last three board meetings to resolve the organizational issues we continue to have did not take place. This is not the way to move forward.
- The recordings of the panel discussions at the ThinkTwice conference have not yet been released.
- We need to edit the panels and improve the audio.
- What’s the plan? (Third reminder) ;-)
- Mike: Link for the (temporary two-week DL of the TT4 videos:
5.1 - Proposals
Internal meeting agreed to take place on November 22nd, 21:30 UTC/22:30 CET, on BBB
- Bailey: Bring to the meeting whatever issues you can think of.
= 5.2 - Working Groups Update
- Bailey: The main thing is the GA coming up and it's about a month away.
5.3 Economic Update
- Alexander: IGF2022 is in 2 weeks, it's hybrid, feel free to register online and jump into sessions, i'll be in person, University will have it's booth, can present our materials, if we have some.
- Bailey: Any information about the PPI would be nice, if that can be given out to people at the MFU booth.
5.5 PPI HQ update
- Mike: You know it! Waiting for Bailey's passport! :-)
- Bailey: I wanna go to Europe badly but can't make any plans due to still not having the passport.
6 AOB - Any other business
- Alexander: Gregory, please change presentation in BBB for fresher Summer Camp announcement, at least (Done)((not yet, still shows ps22))
- Mike: Gregory, have you been in touch with Jim on the potential next Summer Camp?
- Gregory: Not yet; have to start a chat on that.
- ===================================================
- Next Board Meeting: 06.12.2022 21:00 UTC/22:00 CET
- Meeting Closed: 16:07 UTC