Meetings of Pirate Party Turkey are semi-public meetings organized by third iteration of Pirate Party Turkey since January 21, 2021.
First Era (2009-2010)
Second Era (2010-2015, 2016, 2017-2018)
Party Meetings (2010-2015)
Istanbul Hackerspace Meeting (May 16, 2012)
Participants: 1-Barış Büyükakyol - Programmer 2-Serhat Koç - Attorney 3-Uğurcan Ergün - Computer Engineering Student 4- Mehmet Cihangir - Online marketing 5-Can Berk - Political Sciences in GS Uni. 6-Ali Rıza Keleş - Programmer / Alternative Informatics Association 7- Göker - Electronic communication engineer 8- Furkan Mustafa - Computer programmer / Hackerspace_tr member 9- Erdinç - Network educator 10-Ali Aydemir - Network educator 11-Can - High engineer / Apolitical 12-Sermin - Graphic designer / Asocial 13-Erdem Dilbaz - Art Tech and Copyright employee 14-Şevket Uyank - Musician 15-Kenan - Machine engineer 16-Ahmet Sabancı - Philosophy student in Mimar Sinan Uni. 17-Berk Üstünel - High School student “but not that much young” 18-Serdar Pehlivan - Frontend developer
- Working groups should be formed but there needs to be people who take initiative.
Website and its database should be updated, forum must be removed, interactivity should be sustained and the party need to escape from the chaos of email group.
There needs to be a statistics panel in the site.
A way should be found to prevent unnecessary posts to be made in mail group.
The meetings and workshops in Hackerspace shall be altered.
Everyone need to put a contribution regarding their talents without waiting for permission. Herkes kendi yeteneklerine göre katkısını ortaya hızlı şekilde ve kimseden onay beklemeden koymalı.
Detection of people that can talk in behalf of PPTR on the social media and press shall be discussed.
Events like going to Bhosporus and analyzing human-machine interactions shall be organized.
Academicians and press should be invited to meetings and workshops.
Contact with foreign pirates should be formed.
Instead of forming PPTR as a foundation, PPTR can operate as a foundation under Alternative Information Association.
Cases regarding copyright shall be followed and their release to public domain should be encouraged.
Meeting with İsmail H. Polat (January 2, 2013)
Participants: -Serhat Koç -Şevket Uyanık -İsmail Hakkı Polat
- We have listened First Era of PPTR from first hand, got all sorts of archival support.
- Friendfeed is a useful platform, but there is already a group titled "Korsan Partisi", the one that Serdar (Kuzuoğlu) probably opened with excitement. We can use there...
- The idea of "International Sharing Day" is very important. We need to start working about it right now. I have talked with Master Özgür (Uçkan) about it. (He) has said we need to use several popular names.
- Some solid bloggers shared the interview on Bianet. We need to contact (with them).
- Osman Coşkunoğlu, a teacher in METU, has written "I invite everyone to Pirate Party" on Twitter.
- We need to analyze the (old PPTR's) mail list in order to get in touch with former pirates.
- We need to make more functional.
- We need contact with platform about Internet freedom and do stuff together.
- I will explain the movement in Sabancı University and Yeni Yüzyıl University.
- We were planning to do a stancil graffiti work. Let's do that.
- We can prepare a video that asks for donation.
Reconstruction Meetings (2016)
New Pirate Party Meeting (March 24, 2016)
- Başak Tunçer
- Serhat Koç
- Özgür Yasin Aydın
Content of the meeting: - (Finding) people from the PPTR before Yasin Aydın joined the party - Facing the past - Distributing tasks according to professions, acting together as a party and noting down everything no matter who owns which tasks - Adding a contributors page in the site and listing "old pirates" - Making announcements regarding PPTR as spokesperson - Yasin's upcoming meeting on upcoming monday with Şevket Uyanık - Announcing mail membership by a new refoundation invite mail
* Editing content on Internet about PPTR (Wikipedia page etc.) * Listing existing PPTR social media accounts for the upcoming new PPTR invitation * Planning an education workshop (Content calendar) * Writing down the core values and pillars of refoundation in a list * Researching sources for printing stuff * Deciding a physical place for routine meetings
Party Meetings (2016)
Istanbul Pirate Meeting (May 5, 2016)
- Başak Tunçer
- Serhat Koç
- Erdem Dilbaz
- Özgür Yasin Aydın
- Yılmaz Suslu
Meeting place: Muaf Beyoğlu
Content of the meeting:
- Short term action plan
- Event plans (Workshops, education, nightly solidarity meetings, printed publications, translation lists)
- Needs stuff (Social media management, content creation, financial resources)
* What to do with the financial resources remained in former administration? Erdem stated that it isn't needed to be mad about it. Others are in favor of getting party resources back from Şevket Uyanık. * What have we done so far, and what can we do more? Places that are decided as physical meeting locations are: BKS, Dünyada Mekan, Bubi vs. * Its decided that we need to do different stuff from the past administration, but we can keep the Pirate label. * Serhat stated that its possible to restart the meshnet project he had talked before. * Yasin stated that we need to act like PPI (2016), being apolitical and doing technic stuff. * Başak stated that PPTR should take better notes, but it was too late. * Erdem stated several stuff such as: * The need of explaining PPTR's values to independent media such as 140journos, which he has an upcoming project with * PPTR can use platforms such as Facebook live to transmit propaganda * The evolution of videos from statements to public meetings that include streams with various people
The last part of the meeting did prooced by distributing tasks as: - Erdem: Live streams from periscope every week - Serhat and Başak: Sharing more Youtube videos, starting the Meshnet project by creating a budget and reigniting the martial arts project - Yılmaz and Yasin: Organizing a PGP workshop and educational material. Making events for liberating Android phones and website development
Thanks for partecipation. If there are missing stuff, don't hesitate to let me know.
Reignition Meetings (2017)
Party Meetings (2017-present)
Third Era (2021-Present)
Refoundation Meetings (2021-Present)
1st Meeting (January 21, 2021)
- Tan Siret Akıncı
- Serhat Koç
- Mustafa Yontar
- Başak
- Özcan Oğuz
Message of General Secretary:
After the decisions and my impressions in the meeting, I have arrived to conclusion those are the necessary steps to take:
- Finding and reinviting people who were in PPTR but left due to inactivity.
- Analyzing the past PPTR's past constitutions and manifests to create a new one that responds to Turkey's actual patriotic problems..
- Entering a solid cooperation with DAF, SOL Parti and TİP with which we are in active dialog, and making existing relations more sincere.
- Increasing our contact with foreign PPs and introducing ourselves to PPI.
- In case that we don't get any feedback from Şevket Uyanık (the old admin of PPTR who still holds past party resources) regarding cooperation until 29/01/2021, we will start the refoundation process completely divided from Pirate Party Movement (second era) but still with an open door for cooperation.
- Contacting with the person named Yasin who we think as the holder of
- Clarifying if we will be an actual party or an NGO in the upcoming week, and starting to work regarding given decisions.
2st Meeting (January 29, 2021)
- Tan Siret Akıncı
- Serhat Koç
- Özcan Oğuz
- Ferit
- Başak
- Uğur Arıcı
- Utkun
Message of General Secretary:
Hi folks,
We have talked about the following in the second refoundation meeting of our Pirate Party:
-Topics of becoming a party and organizing-Mistakes of past Pirate Parties in our motherland
-Stuff we will do until next week
Decisions:-We need to focus on organizing rather than establishing a party/sign. We need to establish a common thesis to depend on.
-The political and consciousness gap about informatic freedoms and inequality in Turkey should be filled. Fringe marginal libertarian groups need to be represented.
-Very serious measurements should be taken to overcome untransparency, corruption, unprincipality, unconstitutionality and personal initiatives that were present in the past Pirate Party Movement. Some of those measurements are:
--Monthly transactions shall be shared with Pirate Party members to overcome corruption done in the past.
--A party congress, which will be elected by members within particular periods, must be formed to overcome the individuals taking over the party.
--Weekly meetings shall continue and new faces be encouraged to join.
-Documentation of detailed history of the Party must start. Many resources in foreign langs about PPTR shall be translated to Turkish.
-Social media account of our party must be used actively to organize new people according to the main pillars our party depends on.
Thanks Allah we will reorganize our Pirate Party with all of our efforts!Stay healthy... 👋
3st Meeting (February 6, 2021)
- Tan Siret Akıncı
- Serhat Koç
- Özcan Oğuz
- Ferit
- Ural Önel
- Ramazan Subaşı
Message of PPTR Refoundation Comittee:
Dün (6 Şubat 2021, 21.00) yaptığımız buluşmada şu konuları konuştuk:
-Domain ve VPS satın almanın gereklilikleri. Statik bir website yapımı ve mediawiki, webmail, etherpad kurumu.
-PPI tarafından PPTR olarak tanınma mevzusu. Şevket'in PPTR'sinin yaklaşık 5 yıldır aktif olmayışı nedeniyle Türkiye'deki tek Korsan Parti'nin biz olmamıza rağmen PPI'nin hala Şevket'i tanıması ve bunun yabancı ilişkilerimizde sorun çıkarışı.
-Parti tüzüğü ve protokollerinin kolektif olarak yazılması için gereken araçlar, ve bunların yazılması için bir komisyon kurulması.
-Partide hiyerarşi meselesi: Anarşizm mi, üye zümresinde organik hiyerarşiye izin verip inisiyatife bağlı hareket etmek mi yoksa resmi, denetlenebilir bir hiyerarşi düzeninin kurulması mı partinin geçmişi tekrar etmemesi için daha güvenli?
Buluşmaya 6-7 kişi katıldı. Bir sonrakine herkesi bekliyoruz. 👋🇹🇷🚩🏴
International Meetings
1st PPTR-PPAU Meeting (February 2, 2021)
- Tan Siret Akıncı
- Başak
- Miles Whiticker
- Alex Jago
- John August
- Gilbert Andrew
- Brandon C.
- William TS.
Message of PPTR Refoundation Comittee:
Merhaba arkadaşlar,
Bugün Korsan Parti Avustralya merkez komitesi ile Jitsi Meet üzerinden konuştuk. İki parti arasındaki samimi diyalog güçlendirildi ve tecrübeler paylaşıldı.Buluşmada konuşulan ve partimizi ilgilendiren hususları özetlemek gerekirse:
-Özgür olmasa dahi uzun vadede özgür yazılım ve web aktivizmimizin daha çok kişiye yayılmasını sağlamak için Facebook, Instagram ve benzeri ünlü sosyal mecralarda aktif olarak varlık göstermeliyiz.
--İnsanların Mastodon, Peertube gibi özgür mecralara geçmesi için köprü yardımıyla aynı paylaşımları o mecralarda yapmalı, parti çizgimizi genel mecralarda beğenen bireyleri daha hızlı geri dönüş yapma ve daha aktif kullanım gibi bahanelerle buralara yönlendirmeliyiz.
-Ülkemizde varolan ve temel ilkelerimizle çelişmeyen ilerici partiler ile işbirliğinde olmalı, yakın seçimlerde ortak aday çıkarmaya ve bu sayede reel politikada dolaylı yoldan da olsa tez vakit katılmaya gayret etmeliyiz. Belli kesimleri küstürürüz kaygısıyla taraf tutmaktan çekinmemeliyiz.
-Partimizde demokratik nizama ve üyelerin süreçlere aktif katılımına ağırlık vermeliyiz. Şahısların tekil olarak parti için önem arz eden işleri ele almalarını önlemeliyiz.
--Gücün şahıslarda toplanmaması ve geçmiştekine benzer yolsuzlukları önlemek için görev dağılımını tescillemeliyiz ve partinin eylemlerini açık bir yerde paylaşarak saydamlığı sağlamalıyız.
-Varlığımızı arttırmak ve dijital anlamda etkin olmak için bir website ve altına mediawiki, big blue button gibi kollaboratif servisleri host edebiliriz.
--Şu anki alan adı sorununu halledene kadar'i alabiliriz.
-Partide devamlılığı sağlamak için belirli zaman aralıklarıyla üyelikler yenilenmeli. Belli tarihler içinde geri dönüş yapılmadığı takdirde üyelik askıya alınmalı. Eğer üyelikleri askıya alınan şahıslar geri dönerse üyelikleri yenilenmeli, ancak belirlenen vakitten daha uzun askıda kalırsa temizlenmeli.
-Partide belirli zaman aralıklarında yapılacak seçimlerle komite kadrolarını oluşturmalıyız. Komitedeki şahısların rolleri örgüt tüzüğünde açıkça belirtilmeli. Komite tabandan kopmamalı ve kendini üstün görmemeli, hizmet için varolmalı.
-Global sorunlardan önce coğrafyamızın yerel sorunlarına ağırlık vermeli, yurdum insanının anlayacağı bir üslup kullanmalıyız. Bu coğrafyada faaliyet gösteren bir örgüt olarak evrensel ve yerel meseleler hakkında insanlara farkındalık kazandırmak bizim görevimiz. Kapsamımızda olan insanların bizi beğenmesi, yabancı korsan partiler ve oluşumların bizi beğenmesinden daha değerli.
-İnsanların ilgisini çekmek için kampanyalarımızda grafik tasarımına ağırlık vermeli, ilgi çekici slogan ve görseller kullanmalıyız.
kararları alındı.
Partimizin yeniden kuruluşunu en tez vakit neticeye kavuşturacağız.Hepinize selamlar!