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--- 08.10.2024 18:00 UTC/20:00 CE(S)T ---
Audio recording:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bailey, Bastian (pad only), Keith, Alex,
unexcused: Mia, Gregory, Maycow, Raman, Carlos

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members:
participating: Thomas
participating: PiratesOnAir, Numero6


Meeting opened at 18:06 UTC by Keith
Meeting chaired by Keith
Secretary for this meeting is everyone
Quorum [not] established with 5 out of 9 board members present.
Streaming started: ?
Recording started: ?
Postal votes: ?
Votes delegated (§5 Votes (5. 3.) ROP): Thomas
Notes on meeting process: ?


Do we approve the minutes?

Informal meeting minutes: Last full board meeting minutes:

Do we approve the minutes?
Yes : Bailey, Bastian, Thomas, Keith,
No :
Abstain : Alexander
Result: Minutes pass


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Gregory Engels: not present.
  • Keith Goldstein:
We had an informal meeting last week. I forwarded a few UN events. We need to improve our UN volunteers mailing list, because the list needs to grow. It would be great if we could let potential users sign up on their own. We might consider a more social media approach.
  • Bailey Lamon:
I attended Pirate Beer and joined the USPP livestream for Talk Like a Pirate Day
  • Alexander Isavnin:
Participated in alternative Pirate Beer
  • Sebastian Krone:
I have been monitoring the PPI technology as I do every day.
All patches are up to date. All systems are running smoothly.
The PPI association has been founded. On 27.09.2024, Alexander Kohler and I went to the notary and registered the association with the registry court.

It will take about 1 month until it is registered. I will report further.

I have also set up the technical requirements for the professional security of our social accounts: SIM card, secure email accounts, secure website. Unfortunately, I have not yet received any data.
On the subject of Discourse: We will install it on a new VM, but first need to test if the data from the backup is compatible with a new installation. Tests are currently underway.
  • Maycow Toledo:
not present.
  • Mia Utz:
not present.
  • Raman Ojha:
not present.
  • Carlos Polo:
not present.


  • Thomas Gaul
Nothing to report

5.1 - Proposals

  • Announce the GA
Notes copied from last meeting- The term is not an exact year. We have a rotating system, so in any case we have a chair. It is not necessary that we exactly stick to the 24 months. We are flexible. If you elect a board in May, it goes for two years until the May two years later. We had an issue in the past with the official duties of the chairperson, which is why we had to delay the start of a new board until after the GA. We have issues if we have less than 3 remaining board members, in which case we would need an extraordinary GA. The term officially started on Jan. 8th of the current board, so we should have it no earlier than Jan. 8th. We should try to have it soon after Jan. 8th.
Discussion of having a hybrid event.
We might consider a 2026 in person GA, giving us a year to prepare. This was discussed earlier, and perhaps having it decentralized, having multiple in person events.
Next General Assembly
Do we want to have the GA on the 11th of January, 2025?
Yes : Thomas, Keith, Bailey, Alexander
No :
Abstain :
Result: The GA will be on Jan. 11th. It will be a hybrid GA. We will discuss further about physical locations.

5.2 - Working Groups Update

there was no meeting so far
UN Working Group:
We should set up a meeting about the upcoming events.
There were some discussions on participation we need to set up another meeting
There are invtations to join other conventions (under Belgium registraton yet)
Pirate Beer: We should resync our calendar with the revised dates.

5.3 Economic Update

  • Treasurer Report:
Discussion on crowdfunding and digital currencies. Keith and Bastian will meet to resolve the ongoing issues.


Alexander will create a poll and discuss session at IGF2024 (participation in IGF could be virtual)

5.5 PPI HQ update

PPI e.V founding done, change to be continued when court registration arrives.

6 AOB - Any other business

  • Keynote speaker for the GA. Let´s put the question on pp-leaders and closed social media channels (Discord and FB).
Tuesdays every 3 Weeks, rotating between 14:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC
  • Next Board Meeting: 29.10.2024, 14:00 UTC
  • Meeting Closed: 18:37 UTC by Keith