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Coordinators meeting minutes

August 27th at 16:00 CEST

Chair: Bailey Lamon Attending: Poland, Austria, Canada, Israel, Norway, Germany

Stream & Recording by @PiratesOnAir

Election Support

Norwegian parliamentary election, 2017

The next Norwegian parliamentary election is set for 11 September 2017. The Norwegian legislature, the Storting, will be elected for a new four-year term. All the 169 parliamentary seats will be contested. Wikipedia

  • Date: September 11, 2017
  • They require at least 5% to enter the parliament. In the past elections they have not exceeded 1% and dampen expectations. Concern that there is collusion with the NSA to monitor all internet traffic. They are supporting the cause of stopping mass surveilance, especially related to anti-spy bills. Digital border control system would violate the constitution. They want to get Pirates from around the world to visit during the election. They would also like to get Tweets and social media from pirates around the world with something like the hashtag, #piratesfornorway. They will gladly return the favor. During the piratesforiceland campaign, some pirates from around the world gathered in the Twitter DM chat. They used two hashtags, #piratesforiceland and one more, which was a local-chosen hashtag. So, pirates should use two hashtags, #piratesfornorway and one more that would be chosen locally.
  • If anyone would like to come up (especially someone who is well known) to Norway and visit their election booth, it would be great because that would generate publicity.
  • Will there be live streaming? Will be updated...
Pirate hashtags, developing a universal system
  • Can we develop a simple system that everyone will remember that will be durable?
  • There is a difficulty of the native language and international posts in English, which often causes confusion and the need to switch letters.
  • Suggestion:

countries use the hashtag "pp" + their country's international abreviation in capital letters (for easier reading) when posting

i.e.: ppCA = pirateparty Canada ppDE = pirateparty Germany ...and so on

when PPs post in english and want international help, feedback ..... add "ppi_" in front

ie.: ppi_ppCA = international call from pirateparty Canada ppi_ppDE = international call in english from pirateparty Germany ...and so on

that way one can always track social media presence without really knowing the current hashtags floating around. Maybe we could even build a tracker, so people can just look up everything at once.

New Zealand general election, 2017

The 2017 New Zealand general election will take place on Saturday 23 September 2017 to determine the membership of the 52nd New Zealand Parliament. Wikipedia

Date: September 23, 2017

  • The Pirates in New Zealand we don't believe are running, but the Internet Party is running. They have an anti-spy bill that PPNO, PPI, and others are supporting. PPI has not formally endorsed their policy, but we hope to agree on common causes without directly endorsing. We must remember to coordinate all of our actions with the Pirate Party of New Zealand, to make sure that they are also in agreement.
  • The Internet Party has been running some interesting online events, where they have had some interesting guests such as whistleblowers. Afterwards, they investigate legislation and attempt to collaborate on new legislation. It is a crowdsource initiative, rather than top-bottom. There have been three events, but it has been an international effort. PPI has supplied guests for all three events, because the issue is important. PPNO has supplied technology for the event. People have been helping out for the events from all around the pirate world. Upcoming events are every Sunday until the election. They have a live stream, and then they post a video. Bailey headlined the last event, along with John Kiriakou (the CIA whistleblower).
  • Comment that we should reach out to other parties that work differently than us, but have similar ideas. We should not necessarily wait for them to contact us. We should reach out to them first. The startup community as well has a lot of similar ideas to us, such as regarding privacy. When Lessig was running for president, his views were very similar to ours and it would have been good to reach out. There has been talk already between the Internet Party and Lessig. There is some concern though that collaboration can be destructive. We should not loose sight of the purpose of the pirate movement. Due to manpower limitations, we need to economize on our collaboration. We need to have a strong movement ourselves before we can collaborate. There is a lot of work to do at the national level, that it gets very difficult to engage in international collaboration. Developing a strong international system, such as through the hashtags, will assist us in economizing on our manpower and being more efficient.
  • We lack active people, who will work to assist PPI. We could use board members who have qualities that are needed, such as building systems. We need more people from the grassroots level, who will help manage these projects and not just to have the board members doing it.
German federal election, 2017

Federal elections will be held in Germany on 24 September 2017 to elect the members of the 19th Bundestag. The new Bundestag will have to elect a Chancellor with an absolute majority of its members, who will in turn form a new government. Wikipedia

Date: September 24, 2017

  • We are hoping to hear from Patrick Schiffer about their campaign. We will contact PPDE to get their thoughts on how PPI and pirates globally can support the German election.
  • Create a group chat in Twitter that talks about the discussion in this pad and election work.
  • We may try to arrange another meeting before the German election.
  • They are looking for people who can help with the graphics and media campaigns.
  • Ray will reach out to the German Pirate Party and ask them if they have anything to add to this pad.
Austrian legislative election, 2017

General election Legislative elections will be held in Austria on 15 October 2017. The leader of the strongest party in a formed coalition, if there is any, usually becomes Chancellor.Wikipedia

New law on monetary privacy

Date: October 15, 2017

  • The list of parties running in the election is one of the longest ever. There are about 12 running, when usually there are about 4 parties running. There is the possibility of a far right government winning. A lot of effort is being made towards surveillance and establishing a police state. A lot of people are concerned at the moment. The pirates were not able to get enough signatures to participate, as it requires getting thousands of people to physically enter the municipality. Maybe next time they will participate. They have decided not to support any of the parties, but they comment on social media against the far right. They have made two statements about laws that are planned.
Czech legislative elections, 2017 (Vojtech Pikal, PPCZ, international coordinator for PPI, 1st vicechairman of PP-CZ)

General elections,_2017

  • We "aim" for 10%, are pooling between 4 - 6 %, need 5 % to enter the parliement.

Elections wil be held 20. and 21. October. contact with help:

  • If it is possible to do some media buzz, it could help.
  • They have a campaign ship on the river Elbe.
  • It would be great at the next meeting if we could have a member of the Czech party who could come and speak.
  • Marketa is the main international coordinator, whole international departement can be contacted at

Meeting Organization

  • We should pick a good time. The weekends seem to be the best time, but it is difficult in the middle of the day and the middle of the summer.
  • We should send our mails and contacts to everyone promptly.
  • We have had some difficulties with the mail lists, which we are trying to solve.

PPI activities

  • I would like to recruit volunteers to assist with creating activism videos.

Roland could assist in the mix. He is skilled in 2d editing. Developing a common intro and closing would be great. We have general formats, general fundraising, cause, and specific advocacy to support specific people.

  • Pirate research, we are planning a survey that we will distribute to Pirates, which we will use for an academic publication. I would appreciate a list of anyone who would like to collaborate on this research.
  • We are planning some grant writing, especially to associate with ECOSOC, and we could use help searching for grants and writing proposals.
Next Meeting will take place in about two weeks after discussing with everyone and getting them to add information to the pad.