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Meeting Wednesday the 12th at 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)







Chairing: Gefion

Protocol: Justus

start 20:17


1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?)

Koen and Josef not replying as of now. Koen writing on the chatt 20:26, Justus summed up the EMail he wrote as an introduction. Josef joined 20:34

2) Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions

3) Open tasks + follow-up on last meeting

Last meeting on wiki?

Articles (progress?)

Andrew Reitemeyer was appointed to editorial leader to help Daniel. Works?

4) PT got a prize!

Anton received it in our name, we may send it out to the other team members, Anton is writing an article about the event where he will mention it.

5) Design needed:

   -PT-banner to link on other websites (Flaschenpost would like to do that!)
   -FB cover
   -Twitter cover

Patrick working on it afaik

6) PPEU Patrick working on it afaik

7) mentor program?

Josef: In order to get new members to write we should team them up with old writers. We will set up a mentoring programe to have people support new members with their first article and integration into the team. Gefion will set it up

8) Wrong calendar entry on

Josef fixing it, everybody could in theory

9) Opinion articles Do we want 'opinion articles' (like once a month). Maybe, not for now.

10) Other questions/topics for meeting

The drought of articles

Gefion would like to postpone it for next week, incl the newsteam Josef suggests writing shorter articles (and more regularly)

Denis Simonet in charge of the PPI press team (for writing press releases) Linking to other news sources with a linklist or blog roll important: clear guidelines about whom to link to.

Justus will start with it and we'll see what happens Flaschenpost has a feature 'the news team recommends' that is quite nice.

WP Simple Recommend Widget sending prize (and other things) to team-members


+ small flag with PT logo on it

Justus in charge, maybe Josef can find it cheaper in Mexico

German postal service:

Gefion will try to get postage addressess from everyone

11) Next meeting? 2/1 2013 UTC 19.00

End 21:07