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1. General

  1. The General Assembly Team consists of a maximum of nine members.
  2. The PPI board will assist the GA team with any technical issues they encounter that cannot be solved without their assistance.
  3. PPI members may not have more than one of their members in the GA team.
  4. Prospective team members must be officially nominated by their PPI member by email to <email to be substituted by PPI Board when created>.
  5. Members will be accepted on a first come first serve basis once all requirements are deemed to have been met.
  6. A prospective team member is only eligible if they are not the delegate for their PPI member or otherwise involved in the normal international operations of their PPI member.
  7. As PPI conducts all of its operations in English, strong English skills are necessary to communicate any issues as they arise.
  8. The team members may not release any confidential information received to any person outside of the team.
  9. Confidential information is defined as any personal information of a delegate, voting positions or other material that could potentially have an impact on how a delegate may vote if they should encounter said information.
  10. The penalty for failing to adhere to any of these requirements is that the PPI member who nominated the team member who breached these rules of procedure will have their voting rights withdrawn retroactively.

2. Appointment

  1. Members of this team shall be appointed by vote of the PPI board, in accordance with standard voting procedures for motions at PPI board meetings.

3. Identity requirements

  1. All delegates must present written authorization from a member of their respective board unless they are designated International Coordinator or equivalent on their parties official website.
  2. Said delegates must provide a PGP public key for the purposes of verifying their identity. Failure to provide this prior to the relevant deadline will make it impossible for that PPI member to vote.
  3. The GA team will publish all registered delegates' public keys on the wiki by the relevant deadline.
  4. A ballot will not be accepted unless the ballot is signed by the registered PGP key.

4. Procedures

  1. The General Assembly Team shall have the power to adapt these procedures as necessary by recommendation to the PPI board.
  2. The PPI board may undertake an email vote in order to consider the proposal as soon as possible.
  3. Any changes to procedure must be published to all members as soon as possible.

4.1. Accepting ballots

  1. Ballots should be received via email to the GA team.
  2. Once received the GA team will verify the ballot using the public key provided during delegate registration.
  3. The GA team will then confirm receipt of the ballot to the delegate via email.
  4. Accepted ballots must be stored <somewhere>

4.2. Assisting with configuring PGP

  1. The GA team will publish or link to sufficient documentation to create a keypair and sign a ballot.
  2. If a prospective delegate is having trouble generating a public/private keypair or an accepted delegate is having trouble signing their ballot they may contact the GA team for assistance.
  3. Under no circumstances may a member of the GA team be in possession of a delegate's, or prospective delegate's, private key.

3.3. Registration of delegate

  1. Upon receiving the nomination for a delegate the GA team will confirm support for the delegate from their respective party leadership body unless the prospective delegate is listed on the officially accepted party website.
  2. Once the nomination has been accepted the GA team will publish the public key provided by the delegate on the wiki.