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A request that the Pirate Parties International (PPI) Court of Arbitration clarify the membership status of Pirate Party Ireland (PPIE) was placed by current PPI co-chairman, Gregory Engels.

The Court of Arbitration has found that PPIE is no longer a member, and that the group currently forming in Ireland is a new organisation, not a continuation of the previous Pirate Party Ireland.

Court of Arbitration ruling no. 2012-4, June 13th

The Pirate Parties International Court of Arbitration,

Given the Pirate Parties International Statutes,

Given the query of Gregory Engels,

Given prior correspondence from Mr Thomas Burke of the former PPIE,

Given all attempted communication with the former PPIE has been unsuccessful,

Given correspondence with Mr Thomas Burke (now of the current PPIE) shows them to be a new organisation,


That, in accordance with the Pirate Parties International Statutes, Article VII, the former Pirate Party Ireland, with whom communication has been unsuccessful, is no longer a member of Pirate Parties International.

Details of ruling

A majority of four of five judges in favour, no dissenting opinions.