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--- [11/08/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Andrew, pakki, cbj, Richard
excused: Henrique
unexcused: Min, Karla

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members


Meeting opened at 022:04 CEST by Andrew
Meeting chaired by Andrew
Secretary for this meeting is pakki
Quorum established 4 with out of 7 board members present.
Streaming started:
Recording started: 22:05
Postal votes:
Notes on meeting process
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes approved

YES: pakki, Andrew, Richard, cbj,




4.1 - Short report of the board members

  • Andrew: I have concentrated on the Sunstone and Reform projects. The reform project has enough people to start work and we are defining terms. The Sunstone project has person to be in charge of the fund raising effort - Jelena as she has extensive PR experience. We are now defining a mission statement for the kickstarter and getting a list of rewards for donors. I have also been responding to requests for advice on the Internet Ungovernence forum. The reform group now has 13 members and can start serious discussion.
  • Chems: I was at cccamp and ZombB & me we said that pirates would take over this kind of events.
  • Henrique:
  • Karla:
  • Min:
  • Patrick: I had contact with Gordon Thomas from PPDE shop to ask about progress for the new PPI shop. He is in contact with Sven from PPLU concerning the organisational questions, but until 7th september he stays in vacation. After that he will call me back. We need our own webspace for hosting the shop. System of the PPDE shop is OS Commerce:

I have made some proposals for the Sunstone logo:

Alex Kohler from PPDE told me to contact Bernard Pyszkiewicz from PPPL, because they have some trouble. Didn't reached him yet.

I've asked Josef Collentine, if he reached the guy from Sweden concerning our bank account, but got no answer until now. Still pending.

  • Richard: I have started the process to obtain ECOSOC oberver status and have opened a Loomio dicussion to discuss how to proceed with other organizations. I have signed up for the relevant PPI mailing lists, but there seem to be very few members subscribed. The Loomio group for this topic is at:


5.1: Priorities/strategies regarding international organizations


Not much activity - Wait until end of Sept - contact other Pirate supra organisations

5.2: Activating participation in PPI mailing lists

Perhaps open up participation to Pirates outside the leaders mailing list Mailing lists open to trolling- Patrick suggests moving to loomio Move discussion to Loomio for discussion

I have sent a message to invite national party representatives to join the PPI lists, see:

This does not seem to have had much effect. the INGOR list only has 4 subscrbers, including me. The CPP list only has 3 subscribers, including me.

Andrew has also sent a message, see: (pp-leaders Private Archives Authentication passwords not working)

pakki is starting a discussion in Loomio, how about stopping mailing lists and discuss everything in Loomio. "Kill the mailingslists and you will kill the rest of activities."

5.3: Analysation of the current state of the PPI infrastructure

       - what do we need?
       - what do we need not?
       Technical proposal by Samir Alloui: 
       - get a block of IP addresses for PPI and its members
       - administrate & configure everything
       - deploy a TAHOE-LAFS grid (cloud) based on the services of
       - configure SCP/FTP storage sites for members
       - public information to all members about the new opportunities
       - get funding & build more services
       pad exists - 
       Safe harbour provisions - 
       Hold a separate meeting for technical issues to be sorted out with Samir and Admins to be organised by Pakki

5.4: Actual status of the PPI Store solution

Have a look at the report of Patrick.

5.5 Archiving of ballots for the founding of PPI

A bit more than five years ago we successfully founded PPI in Brussels.
Since then (parts of) the original minutes, the securely enveloped  voting balots and the signed statutes were safekeeped for the once  agreed five years with me in Munich. Gladly, no objection was filed  since then.
Now it's time to archive these historical documents. Please address the board about this topic: where shall I sent them to?
Thanks and good luck to all of you,
Achim Mönch,  
former Chief Administrative Officer PPI

Send to:

Piratenpartei Deutschland Landesverband Nordrhein-Westfalen z.Hd. Patrick Schiffer

Akademiestrasse 3 D 40213 Duesseldorf

6 AOB - Any other business

6.1. Ungovernence forum ask PPI members for support

6.2 Question from PPFR

Hi Richard

you're right

First of all, i think ppi might let us know who is really member of ppi, and how many people each of this represent.

Is the wiki can be considered as a good database for all of us ? i can't find this information on the international wiki page ?

For example, here in France, we are the board of the french Pirate Party, and have around 500 members (7500 facebook, 30000 twitters). Could we have this information for everyone ? with some simple steps like this (on wiki or pad ?) perharps could we advance on actions or things to do wether than on organisations points ?

best regards

Larose75 from the french board

The wiki is a semantic wiki and we should ask for volunteers to update national information from each party - Use the Pirate Times article to do this


Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-09-08 22:00 CEST (21:00 GMT)

Meeting Closed: 23:03 CEST (23:03 CEST) / 21:04 GMT by 0

Forum - we have one but not easy to administer