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--- [03/11/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording: Audiofile

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board 

participating: cbj,Andrew, Richard Hill, Karla
excused: pakki

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Nikolay
ThomasG (22:20 onward)

2 - PROCEEDINGS        

Meeting opened at 22:09 CEST by Andrew
Meeting chaired by Andrew
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present. 
Streaming started: 
Recording started: 22:09
Postal votes: 
Notes on meeting process 
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out         of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with 4 out of 7         board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of the last meeting Minutes approved

YES: Andrew, Karla, pakki, cbj NO:  ABSTENTIONS: Richard


4.1 - Short         report of the board members

  • Andrew: The need to quickly get some work done to my property and a funeral have meant I have had little time to devote to PPI matters. I hope to catch up in the coming days. However I have managed to talk to a few people including chairs of PPEU and EU Young Pirates - they know of no one travelling to Paris for COP21
  • Chems: 

- I contacted some pirate parties of Africa to join us - I found also squats to receive us for cop21 - & For réfugies i'm desperados :'(

  • Henrique: 
  • Karla: GA mandates the newly elected treasurer to report periodically on a 3-month basis (by the calendar quartals) - Where do I do that? Do I send my report to somebody or just uplodad somewhere? Thanks. 

I read the info about IPU I am making a document that collects all the accounts existing under PPI and their status.  

Bastian, Andrew and Karla and Patrick will meet to discuss handover of financial matters 

  • Min: 
  • Patrick: sick, will add later.
  • Richard: I attended the IPU meeting at which the resolution referred to below was approved. That resolution was presented by Birgitta Jonsdottir of the Pirate Party Iceland. The resolution is at:  It would be good to publicize this resolution via the national pirate parties. How can we make them aware of it?

== 5 - Proposal No. 1

PPI to apply to become an observer of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), info at:

YES: pakki, Richard, Andrew, cbj, Karla NO:  ABSTENTIONS:

Motion passed: Richard will go ahead with the application

Everybody should be informed about what IPU is and what IPU stands for and we should debate  the decision during this meeting. The NGO group in loomio should have a look at the compatibility of IPU conditions for membership and Pirate Principles

6 AOB - Any other business

Invitation by the German Pirate Party to a mumble meeting to discuss a Common Election Program for the next EU elections     starting point is a EU platform but with the eye on expanding to a broader international platform Should we support this initiative?

YES: Andrew,Richard, Karla, cbj NO:  ABSTENTIONS:

Motion passed: PPI will support this intiative of PPDE

"The Pirate Parties are the Global movement of the  Twentyfirst century that has the skill to tackle the transnational  problems without the prejudice or filter of a national "not in my  backyard" prerogative. One example of that is the creation of the PPEU  common European election program back in 2013 that was   shared and ratified by over twenty Pirate Parties across Europe.    Time passes by very quickly – as we all notice. The world seems to be  turning faster and faster and we think it is about time to get forward  with our common work on political issues among us pirate parties so we  won't stay behind in   the whole political process.    We know out of experience that communication is a major part  in stepping ahead - this includes party internal communication as well  as the interchange of information among us pirate parties.     As  we deem e.g. the PPEU to play a vital role for Europe in the future (for  example: for PP-DE does consider the European Matters to be domestic  and not foreign affairs) in political interchange is necessary in  preparation of common   goals for the upcoming elections and maybe a guidance for those who are elected to office at the moment or in between.    So we give it a start. We want do meet you on mumble [1] and invite you for:    27.11.2015, 20:00 CET, Mumble-Room /International/PPEU    draft Agenda:    1 Net-Neutrality  2 Refugees   3 Economic problems (like euro crisis and TTIP)  4 Data retention & data protection (including topics of Post-Safe-Harbor,   SWIFT, TFTP and PNR agreements)  5 Democracy in crisis?    These are current issues and we consider them as a good start for a  vital and fruitful discussion as they contain enough potential even for a  controversial discussion. As a first step we will collect the present  views on those topics and identify the most pressing issues that we want  to address in the common   program.    Please send a R.S.V.P. or any questions/suggestions for additions to the agenda regarding this event to     For beforehand feedback to our share insights or any data please use the mailing list: (subscription needed at )    As we consider PPEU work as an open work, please feel free to share the  date and time among your parties so not only us "figure heads" join the  discussion but as well our specialists and other interested members can  contribute as direct as possible.    Best regards    Alexander Spies  Gregory Engels  Thomas Gaul  Jens Stomber  Delegates PPDE to PPEU"


Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-11-17 22:00 CET. Meeting Closed: 22:40 CEST (20:14 UTC) / 00:00 GMT  by 0