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Latest revision as of 16:13, 17 November 2021

--- 17.11.2021 15:00 UTC/16:00 CET ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Bastian, Keith, Mike, Gregory, Bailey (arrived at 16:30)
excused: Bailey (will be 30 min late)

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
unexcused: Svein, Ji Yong, Thomas
participating: Numero6


Meeting opened at 15:10 UTC by Mike
Meeting chaired by Gregory
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with (4 votes out of 9) board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 15:10 UTC, 16:10 CET
Postal votes: none
Notes on meeting process:
  • Bailey said she will be 30 minutes late.


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Mike, Keith, Bastian,Gregory
No :
Abstain :
Result: minutes approved


4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)


  • Bailey: not present
  • Gregory: Busy with preparing the IGF presentation. Conversations with people cming. We discussed logistics of that. Looked into the bank documents and have a conversation with the bank - they insist we fill in new forms, so Bailey will print it and sent to Europe. Some HQ work.
  • Dario: not present
  • Bastian:
All the financial information I have is on the PPI wiki. Access to the bank account and the Kraken (Bitcoin, Ethereum) are hopefully on the way.
Membership dues invoices are ready and will be mailed this weekend. Some email addresses still need to be verified.
The quarterly report for QII+QIII is linked here:
Lay auditors got a copy.
I took care of the PPI tech as I do every day.
The servers got an upgrade to Debian "Bullseye", PHP was updated to the latest version, Redmine got its own VM, due to incompatibility with Debain 11. Docker will be implemented in the near future.
All systems are running well.
  • Manuel: not present
  • Mike: Looked for suitable venue for the April 23-24 TT4; I prefer the same one it was supposed to take place last time - no answer on their end so far. Still waiting for the passports from Bailey and Bastian for the PPI HQ change. Otherwise I haven't done much on the PPI front. You might have noticed though that the Czech Pirates voted to join the forming government; we shall get three ministers - so I did some promo on that. Czech foreign dept also started a program to help the Slovak Pirates - mainly to get Slovaks living in Czech Rep. to join them; I'll do promo on that on PPI platforms as well.
  • Dan: not present
  • Keith: I still need to put together a full sign up for the internship program. I started it, but I need to finish. I am working with our UN NY crew to get involved again at UNHQ as it begins to open up again with events.
  • Carlos: not present


  • Svein: not present
  • Ji Yong: not present
  • Thomas: not present

5.1 - Proposals

5.2 - Working Groups Update

  • SCULL/SCUBA meeting right after the IGF. It is being put in the calendar on Dec 11th at 17:00 CET (16:00 UTC) - plans for 2022. A meeting right after the WTO ministerial conference and the IGF have finished - we like to review our involvement at this events and in general and plan for what is next for PPI in 2022. The invite shall be sent out shortly.

5.3 Economic Update

The quarterly report for QII+QIII is linked here:
Were the invoices issued? (see line 65)

Keith: Is there any news on the Belgian tax issue? And I would also like to share control over our Kraken account.


gregory: I sent the missing files and within this week I'll send a begging e-mail for the fine to be lowered, dismissed or spread into installments.


  • Applications to participate in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, 17-28 January 2022

form: by midnight on 30 November 2021, New York time. Mike: Best abbrev ever: AHCCECICCUICTCP, easy to remember

Gregory: We see push for some stakeholders to spread upload filters even wider. Measures to weaken security. We need to be there to be the voice of reason and be present.

Keith: Our NYC people are able to be there. Bailey would appreciate a meeting beforehand to brief them.

Bailey: I might be able to go to that. I'm gonna try.

Please give a brief description of the theme and activities of the organization that are relevant to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee (max. 100 words) *

Please briefly explain the reasons for seeking participation, motivation and interest of your organization in the work of the Committee. (max. 100 words) *

Please indicate if you would be interested in taking the floor, should there be the opportunity to do so. Kindly note that this indication of interest does not guarantee a speaking opportunity *

Pad to start working on the reply:

Gregory: We need to promote cooperation of law enformencent across jusrisdictions for crime punishment instead of oppressing the freedom of speech.


Svein and Carlos are going. Gregory: I can't go in the end (small chance of that).


Booth equipment is EXPENSIVE; we shall bring our own Monitor Everybody needs to register: Information for Travel: Gregory: we have a small booth like 2x3 metres; we have carpet, desk, lighting, table, two chairs, plug and that's it. There is a catalogue saying that we cannot put posters on the outside. Renting a monitor is more expensive than buying one. Alexander will also help. We need to design some flyers and bring them. Mike: I'll force the MEPs and local Polish Pirates to register and fill our spreadsheet:; I also have to register myself.

5.5 PPI HQ update

Mike: Waiting for Bailey's and Bastian's passports. Remark: Bastian will submit the copy a.s.a.p. if Bailey's is with Mike. :-)

6 AOB - Any other business

Bastian: Question about US Pirates - Months ago I sent you an e-mail and asked you whether we can put the US content on the Patriot Act to Twitter and Facebook; I'm not sure who is an officia and unofficial US Pirate; so I'm not sure who to accept stuff from.

Bailey: I know some of their people. /Listing would be here/.

Bastian: There is lot of groups and people, but we don't have any overview.

Keith: The problem is there are state parties, not necessarily a d´federal one.

Bastian: Maybe we can ask them to provide such an overview by themselves. Maybe we can get some partners to speak to and invite to our things. But we need to know they're the real Pirates.

Mike: Maybe we can ask Joseph Klein to give us this overview.

Bailey: I'll reach out to them.

Keith: Also consider asking them whether they'd like to join the PPI...

Bailey: I had a conversation with Joe about the US Pirates joining, but they had some excuse. The Massachusetts Pirates are interested for sure.

Bastian: My problem is to be able to tell which of their organisations are real and which are fake.

  • Next Meeting: 08.12.2021, 15:00 UTC/16:00 CET (during the IGF)
  • Meeting Closed: 16:02 UTC/17:02 CET