From PPI
World Pirate Day
Maybe International Day of Piracy sound better. : )
Why we need this
- To attract the attention to our movement;
- To find a way to promote ONE of our causes in that Day; ('Net Neutrality' for example or 'Right to share')
- To get more donations;
- To popularize Pirate Movement and ideas;
- To create a buzz; :)
What to do on that day
- Create local events worldwide; (
- Talk with press and explain what is the main idea of the day and of movement as whole;
- Drink some beers with friends and talk about politics and pirate things
- Put a pirate flag on your window;
- Be a part of a great idea;
- Place a banner or logo to your website;
- Ask people to do the same and to write stories about our cause of the day.
- Sell some t-shirts and support your pirate party and/or PPI;
- Organize an in-depth lecture about our issues
- present a video like 'copyright vs. intellectual property' (best even in/near parliament, to make other politicians aware too)
- We could share CDs, DVDs, musics in MP3 players, cakes, cookies etc. in public places.
What we need
- A website and blog with more info and with useful information like 'get involved', 'theme of the year', etc (done)
- A date for this day (see bellow)
- A name of the day - World Pirate Day
Please feel free to propose your own ideas and to edit this wiki as well.
Name proposals
World Pirate Day
Date proposals
- 01.10 every year (coz I like 0110)
- 23.04 (International day of the books and the day of the died of Willian Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. Is the day of Saint George also - a figure linked with justice)
- 25.04 (Emilio Salgari)
- add your own (deadline May 10th)
List of similar established days (or proposals)
(maybe just to avoid confusion)
- 1.1. Public Domain Day
- 1.1. Piratpartiet founding day
- 12.1. World's Fair Use Day
- 21.1. Rick Falkvinge birthday
- 14.3. Copyright Funeral and Jolly Pirro's Day [1], linked to Pi Day
- 10.4. Copyright Anniversary
- 23.4. World Book and Copyright Day
- 26.4. WIPO Day
- 28.8. Software Freedom Day
- 12.9. Freedom not fear day
- 19.9. Talk like a pirate day
- 24.9. No software patents day
- 11.2. / 29.9. / 9.11. Inventor's day