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Latest revision as of 10:25, 15 December 2017
- --- [07/05/2017 08:00]h CEST ---
- Berlin (Germany - Berlin) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 08:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours
- Wellington (New Zealand) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 18:00:00 NZST UTC+12 hours
- Tokyo (Japan) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 15:00:00 JST UTC+9 hours
- Vancouver (Canada) Saturday, 6 May 2017, 23:00:00 PDT UTC-7 hours
- São Paulo (Brazil) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 03:00:00 BRT UTC-3 hours
- Moscow (Russia - Moscow) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 09:00:00 MSK UTC+3 hours
- New Delhi (India - Delhi) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 11:30:00 IST UTC+5:30 hours
- London (United Kingdom - England) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 07:00:00 BST UTC+1 hour
- Corresponding UTC (GMT) Sunday, 7 May 2017, 06:00:00
- --- [07/05/2017 08:00]h CEST ---
- Mumble: mumble://mumble.piratenpartei-nrw.de/
- Room: "/international/ppi-board"
- Audio recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/owncloud/index.php/s/zbh0dmi48KQDJVv
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- Board Members
- participating: Keith, Andrew,Bailey
- excused: Thomas, Ray
- unexcused:Koen
Annotation: Thomas' vote goes to Bailey, Ray's vote goes to Keith
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members
- participating:
- excused:
- unexcused:
- Guests
- participating:
- Bastian (Pad only)
- @PiratesOnAir
- Meeting opened at _08:06 CEST by Guillaume
- Meeting chaired by Guillaume
- Secretary for this meeting is Keith
- Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present (6 votes accounted for)
- Streaming started:no
- Recording started: yes - https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/owncloud/index.php/s/zbh0dmi48KQDJVv
- Postal votes: none
- Notes on meeting process
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with __ out of 7 board members]
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
- [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
- Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)
Minutes of the last meeting: http://wiki.pp-international.net/PPI_Minutes_2017_04_25
YES: Andrew, Keith, Guillaume, Bailey,Thomas, Ray
Minutes approved? Yes, approved with 6/7 votes
4.1 - Short report of the board members 1)
- Board:
- Guillaume: Finished election campaign, we were successful in establishing a new coalition with green liberals. Clean up work and catch up on regular PPS work. Delivered 4 inquiries to the FDPIO (Federal Data Protection and Information Officer) going from Privacy Shield to Operating Systems (Google's and Apple's). Preparing lobbying for our ecosoc candidacy.
- Bailey: Ray and I will soon be reaching out to PPI members to figure out dates and times for monthly coordination meetings, which will be primarily focused on activism and support campaigns. Feel free to make suggestions. With elections coming up in several countries we will have lots to do in the coming months.
- Andrew: participated in crowdfunding meeting and requested a list of international coordinators from Josef Colentine
- Keith:
- Updated the Financials. Held the crowdfunding/sourcing meeting with Andrew, Ray, and Koen. Finished ECOSOC response. Planning to follow up with the non-responders to membership fees.
- Koen:
- Raymond:
- Thomas:
- Nothing to report
- Alternates:
- Nicolay:
- Patrick:
- Adam:
- Gregory:
5 Business
- Financial
Paypal= 351.22 euros Postfinance= 1953.90 CHF as of April 5 (app. 1799.17 euros) Kraken= 0 total= app. 2150 euros
- Crowdfunding and Interns/Crowdsourcing Subgroup Pad
https://ppi.piratenpad.de/165 Initial plan to crowdsource/fund for a conference, short-term scope projects before long-term ones
When should we change the date for a follow up crowdsource/fund meeting? Set up a doodle and see who can attend when.
- Membership Fees
Revamping the table to include both years Sending further correspondence A tally of membership fees was calculated based on the following divisions: No Response, need to follow up Responded, but need to follow up Responded, no need to follow up Please go to the following pad: https://ppi.piratenpad.de/membership-20dues-20update
- Payments for the servers, Belgian tax authorities, or any other payments due?
postal fee perhaps, Guillaume will take care of it and meet with S> ? Also, we are waiting to hear from our technical team and their conditions for setting up the server. We request an update on the conditions for the collaboration in order to move forward.
- Swiss Paypal creation
Guillaume will take care of it next week.
6 AOB - Any other business
- Registration of PPI as an NGO, a meeting will take place to check the structure within the next 3-4 weeks.
- Mailing lists, issue of people who were on our leaders mailing lists that are no longer receiving emails. By mailing list, it refers to the pp-leaders. We should follow up with Thomas or Gregory to go through and make sure who is enrolled. We dropped the pp-leaders discussion, as it had become unusable.
- ECOSOC, let's fill out a questionnaire and let them know we are involved.
Keith will fill out a questionnaire for us.
- Guillaume sent us CFP for the NGOs at WTO: https://www.wto.org/english/forums_e/public_forum17_e/themepf17_e.htm
Call for presenters/ workshops at WTO in Geneva. 4 June 2017 deadline
- Server update
Thomas and Bastian will get back to us, and we will update next meeting. Guiillaume will check.
- Online democracy
Response to Italy, Aram Gurekian Article about it, Guillaume is working on the article. We can assist.
- Revamping the language of the PPI statutes
Nothing to discuss yet. Keith would like to clarify the affiliation fee being due the following year. Things that are unclear will need to remain unclear and voted on again.
- Social media updates
Prison support for Dmitry Bogotov, other of these types of campaigns. An important call for support from the Pirate Party of Venezuela. There was a scare with the Twitter, whereby a contributor accidentally deleted a Tweet and there was some weird activity coming from it. It turned out just to be a mistake, and Ray temporarily entered and removed users.
- Pirate Research Proposal, gaining access to Lime Survey. How does Keith get access to our Lime Survey hosting? We will follow up with Thomas. The goals is to do some type of questionnaire to get feedback and conduct research about Pirate supporters in different countries.
- Publishing our report in Pirate Times on our website. Publishing other materials on the website through our server.
- Non-member contact
It is about 50% complete. Andrew is getting the list of international coordinators, which should help. He asked for it, but has not received it yet.
- Updating decisions of the 2016 and 2017 GA to the Wiki
http://wiki.pp-international.net/Online_GA_2017.1 https://ppi.piratenpad.de/GA2016-Minutes http://wiki.pp-international.net/Minutes_of_Online_GA_2015 http://etherpad.ag-technik.de/p/PPI-oGA-2017-04-22 Guillaume has created the above pad with the 2017 minutes -> https://ppi.piratenpad.de/minutes-oGA-2017-04-22 Keith will paste these minutes into the Wiki.
- Cleaning up the Wiki Tech Group
We need to do a massive clean up of the users on Wiki, in order to get rid of the few thousand ghost accounts on the platform, to see how we can better manage the user rights and handling the backups
- Inventory of members, collaborating with the Pirate Times API, need to fix the json on Github
We should put together a working group that will just go do this. Maybe we will need Joseph or Rok to collaborate on this.
- Video tutorial idea
Perhaps collaborate with Pirate Times and also advertising them on our website. It would be cool to do videos about a lot of things. Have monthly online workshops on different issues. It would get us more attention to have videos that we could share more easily on social media. We have our own Youtube site [1]. Livestream sessions with question and answer. Loomio, Liquid Feedback, Redmine. Loomio to get to a consensus, and then Redmine for the formal voting part. Maybe we can set up a beginner's guide for Using Loomio, getting registered, what are the different types of voting, what the block means (you're either for it, against it, or block it). It is a system to get back to the start, it is a negative vote. Hopefully, we can delegate out this project to Young Pirates, perhaps in coordination with a future intern.
- Podcast Idea
We could also coordinate a podcast project, two or three people who have a talk about a specific topic. We could use Mumble for that. Saturday the 13th, time we will work out later. We can discuss the podcast itself, what type of name, details. We could set it up with segments. News, what happened in the French elections, populism in politics, upcoming British elections...
- New tool that will enable us to use video for meetings
Thomas may be trying to do this. We do have to worry about exposing ourselves too much, exposing systems to attack. We need to consider the security aspects of the tools that could be used.
- Setting up automatic emails for reminders on the board meeting, is there a wider audience that we should distribute to? Keith will set it up. The international coordinators list will be handy for this, the pp-leaders should be beneficial for this. FB groups, social media, Pirate times. This will be especially important for our monthly outreach meeting, but it is important for all of our meetings.
- Monthly outreach meeting
There is no set date, the time zone issue exists. Reach out to everyone by email or set a time and date? Rotate the times? Rotating is perhaps easier. If we can establish a date and time for the very first meeting then we can figure out the rest collaboratively.
- Doing polls on Twitter
We did one. If anyone has any ideas, let us know. There will be one this week. There are 105 votes on our last poll. We can do the poll on FB as well. We can combine them afterwards.
Should we remove the statistics information from the PPI website the module WP Statistics?
YES: Andrew, Keith, Guillaume, Bailey,Thomas, Ray NO: ABSTENTIONS: Agreed with 6/7 votes. Guillaume has removed the statistics now.
CC- BY SA past attribution for subsequent users instead of "No Copyright"
for reference: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
Decision Does PPI switch its copyright policy to CC-BY SA 4.0 rom "No Copyright"?
YES: Andrew, Keith, Guillaume,Bailey, Thomas, Ray NO: ABSTENTIONS: Agreed with 6/7 votes. adopted unanimously, Guillaume will update the website accordingly.
Guillaume will be updating the website to the latest Wordpress and setting up a firewall to prevent misuse.
Guillaume will also look into plugins for Limesurvey and the like, then we can do polls and surveys through our website as well.
- ===================================================
Next Meeting: Monday, 2017-05-22 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC)
- Berlin (Germany) Monday, 22 May 2017, 14:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours
- Wellington (New Zealand) Tuesday, 23 May 2017, 00:00:00 NZST UTC+12 hours
- Tokyo (Japan) Monday, 22 May 2017, 21:00:00 JST UTC+9 hours
- Vancouver (Canada) Monday, 22 May 2017, 05:00:00 PDT UTC-7 hours
- São Paulo (Brazil) Monday, 22 May 2017, 09:00:00 BRT UTC-3 hours
- Moscow (Russia) Monday, 22 May 2017, 15:00:00 MSK UTC+3 hours
- New Delhi (India) Monday, 22 May 2017, 17:30:00 IST UTC+5:30 hours
- London (United Kingdom) Monday, 22 May 2017, 13:00:00 BST UTC+1 hour
- Corresponding UTC (GMT) Monday, 22 May 2017, 12:00:00
Meeting Closed: 09:27 CEST (07:27 UTC)