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Postponed Motions from the online GA 2015

MO-1 Access to medicine

Title Access to medicine
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

We deem the universal access to medicine and medical treatment as a human right.

People in developing and least developed countries must have access to medicine beyond the restrictions of patenting systems. Patents that hinder the fight against diseases should be subject to compulsory licensing.

Since the economics of medical technology makes research and development into non-patentable medical techniques uneconomic for corporations, state funding needs to be made available to test the effectiveness of substances, currently illegal for therapeutic purposes.

Further blocking of scientific work based solely on dogmatic arguments is no longer acceptable. Patients must not be hindered in their free choice of treatment. Well trained, responsible physicians and informed patients must have the full responsibility for choosing the substances used for treatment. The dangers of all used substances must be fully disclosed.

Furthermore, us Pirates propose a global fund for financing research on neglected diseases.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-1b Access to medicine

Title Access to medicine
Put by Czech Republic PP-CZ
Sponsor Czech Republic PP-CZ
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:
We deem the universal access to medicine and medical treatment as a human right.

People in developing and least developed countries must have access to medicine beyond the restrictions of patenting systems. Patents that hinder the fight against diseases should be subject to compulsory licensing.
Since the economics of medical technology makes research and development into non-patentable medical techniques uneconomic for corporations, state funding needs to be made available to test the effectiveness of substances, currently illegal for therapeutic purposes.
Therefore, us Pirates propose a WHO funding for financing research on neglected diseases.

Further blocking of scientific work based solely on dogmatic arguments is no longer acceptable. Patients must not be hindered in their free choice of treatment. Well trained, responsible physicians and informed patients must have the full responsibility for choosing the substances used for treatment. The dangers of all used substances must be fully disclosed.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-1c Access to medicine

Title Access to medicine
Put by Catalonia PP-CAT
Sponsor Catalonia PP-CAT
Motion [Capital letters are not part of the proposed text, they just indicate the sections of the motion that should be voted separately.]

A) May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

We deem the universal access to medicine and medical treatment as a human right.
In particular, people in developing and least developed countries must also have access to medicine beyond the restrictions of patenting systems. Patents that hinder the fight against diseases should be subject to compulsory licensing.
B) Since the economics of medical technology makes research and development into non-patentable medical techniques uneconomic for corporations, other solutions have to be found in order to guarantee the funding (public or otherwise) of neglected diseases and to test the effectiveness of substances currently illegal for therapeutic purposes to make them available if successful.
C) Therefore, us Pirates propose a WHO funding for financing research on neglected diseases.
D) Further blocking of scientific work based solely on dogmatic arguments is no longer acceptable.
E) Patients must not be hindered in their free choice of treatment. Well trained, responsible physicians and informed patients must have the full responsibility for choosing the substances used for treatment.
F) The dangers of all used substances must be fully disclosed.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale MO-1 (and MO-1b) has several problems. It has a huge mix of very different aspects. Some are obvious from a pirate point of view, others are highly disputable. The part about patents is cool. However, it gets too specific on what should be the solution, which is more proper of an election programme than a manifesto. The technical solutions should be determined by the experts. It is not obvious that the best way to do it is to create a public fund, there are other options, so I don't see why we should commit to a particular one in a manifesto (for instance, maybe you can force corporations to invest a percentage of their research funding on certain diseases, or some other solution). Let's not make the same mistake that pro-patents do: there can be many different creative solutions to raise funds for any particular goal.

Patents are not only a problem in developing countries, they can be a problem also in non-developing countries among the least privileged members of society, hence, wording changed accordingly.

The part about the patient being able to choose its treatment is not obvious at all either. If the patient makes a poor choice based on magic thinking (such as choosing homeopathy) this could turn a minor problem which could have been easily solved with real medicine into a very serious illness where the rest of the society may have to bear the cost of this huge medical expenses (which could have been avoided). Or the choice of not vaccinating your kids can become a serious threat for society in general, where people who can't be vaccinated could die. In any case, even if you think that people should be free to choose disregarding whether they become a burden to the rest, I think that at least it should be clear that this is not an obvious issue and that, as such, it shouldn't be part of a common manifesto.

I think that MO-1 should be completely dismissed or require more development and in-depth discussion, but if you insist on voting on a medical-related proposal anyway today, I think that at least the different claims in it should be voted separately. If you think this is not a proper way to vote, just imagine that we are doing all the combination counterproposals necessary that would lead us to the same result as voting separately.  :)

MO-2 Copyright

Title Copyright
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

Pirates want a fair and balanced copyright law based on the interests of society as a whole.

We strive for the abolition of information monopolies. As for now the only beneficiaries of the monopolies are huge corporations, while the market as a whole is failing. This market failure is apparent by the frequent bullying of individuals and SMEs by collecting societies and the loss of orphan works to society. Our goal is to create an environment where the motivation to create goes hand in hand with freedom of information.

Improved public availability of information, knowledge and culture is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Pirates therefore demand that copying, storing, using and providing access to literary and artistic works for non-commercial purposes must not only be legalised but protected by law and actively promoted. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

The commercial monopoly given by copyright should be restored to a reasonable term. Derivative works shall always be permitted, with exceptions that are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation.

The internet as a medium should know no borders. Pirates consider artificial national barriers for cultural goods a hindrance to the global trade and demand their abolishment. A change of approach is required in the area of rights to intangible goods and their respective enforcement practices.

Further monopolies in the sectors of information and culture have to be prevented. By law, states should only allow or maintain monopoly rights for intangible goods if these are in the public interest. Any monopoly rights must be temporally limited, neither their time-span nor their scope may be expanded retrospectively.

The creation of commons, such as free software, free cultural goods, open patent pools and free and open educational material, must be promoted and legally protected.

Social life, increasingly taking place in digital spaces, must not be restricted by monopoly rights over intangible goods. The introduction of “fair use” regulations will ensure that social interactions remain unencumbered.

Each collecting society must ensure comprehensive transparency, fair participatory rights for their members and fairer contract terms for artists.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-3 Net Neutrality

Title Net Neutrality
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration on net neutrality:

The principle of network neutrality must by inforced by law in each and every country to ensure strong incentives for investment, fair competition and equal treatment of everybody in the digital space.

We consider the freedom of information as an universal human right, and the net neutrality a necessary mean to it.

Everyone must be able to have access to an Internet connection that does not discriminate against any service or competitor. Traffic management measures shall only be allowed in exceptional circumstances, operated in a clear and transparent manner and only for technical reasons.

Non-discriminatory access to the Internet must apply uniformly across the whole world. We reject measures by the telecommunications companies that threaten freedom of access.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-4 Basic Income

Title Basic Income
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

Pirates see labor not just as a tradeable commodity, but also as a person's individual achievement. Respect for human dignity therefore commands that each person can decide freely which occupation he or she wishes to pursue and which job to take, but also that such services be adequately compensated.

Thanks to technological development it is no longer necessary that each monotonous, senseless or even dangerous task be performed by humans. We welcome and wish to promote this significant advance. Hence we consider the goal of absolute full employment as outdated and not socially desirable. Instead, we want to achieve that all people receive their adequate share of the general wealth; to this end, we will consider the introduction of a basic income guarantee.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-5 Privacy

Title Privacy
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

Pirates are committed to privacy and corresponding civil liberties of all human beeings worldwide. We will never tolerate state driven surveillance measures of any kind.

Adequate protection against crime is an important responsibility of the state. We must ensure this responsibility is fulfilled through an intelligent, rational and evidence-based security policy without surveilance.

The practice of routine, automated and untargeted data collection, storage and matching is to be abolished.

Anyone subject to state surveillance should be informed of these facts in due time to safeguard against abuse.


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-6 No to TTIP

Title No to TTIP
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

The Assembly of Members of Pirate Parties International

  • Strictly oppose TTIP
  • Support the protest movement all over the world
  • Urge the European Parliament and both houses of the U.S. Congress not to consent to TTIP
  • Call for ex-ante and ex-post human rights impact assessments to be conducted for every trade agreement.


In case of succesfull adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-6b No to TTIP

Title No to TTIP
Put by Czech Republic PP-CZ
Sponsor Czech Republic PP-CZ
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:
The Assembly of Members of Pirate Parties International Strictly oppose international treaties enforcing broken monopolies hindering developing countries or human rights and freedoms. Thus, we
  • Strictly oppose TTIP
  • Support the protest movement all over the world
  • Urge the European Parliament and both houses of the U.S. Congress not to consent to TTIP
  • Call for ex-ante and ex-post human rights impact assessments to be conducted for every trade agreement.


In case of succesfull adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

MO-7 Transparency of the Public Sector

Title Transparency of the Public Sector
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion May the General Assembly of the Pirate Parties International decide the following declaration:

The public sector, including private entities carrying out work on behalf of a public body, must be transparent. Pirates believe that it is a fundamental right of citizens to inspect, without the need for any specific justification, all contracts or financial benefits related to the delivery of public sector or government projects and services.

Pirates advocate for general and comprehensive legislation to protect persons who expose issues that are in the public interest, such as cases of corruption, insider trading, or ethics or human rights violations (“whistle-blowers”).


In case of successful adoption by the GA, we call upon the Members of PPI to ratify this declaration timely by a suitable vehicle.

Rationale Will be delivered in session.

New Motions


Title Political Manifesto
Put by PP-DE
Sponsor PP-DE
Motion The Assembly of the Members of Pirate Parties International

- Considering the growing number of Pirate Parties worldwide,

- Recognising the political autonomy and diversity of PPI Members,

- Acknowledging PPI being a global organisation that is concerned with the whole world and not only with the regards of the developed world,

- Pursuing the goal of strengthening the global pirate identity across the globe,

- Noting the effort that went into the creation of the "Manifesto of the European Pirate Party",

- Acclaiming the constitution of the Standing Committee on Common Political Program,

strives to come up within a year, with a proposal for a political manifesto to be included as part of the statutes of the Pirate Parties International, that should then be approved by the General Assembly.

Rationale Selfexplaining


Title Political Manifesto
Put by Catalonia PP-CAT
Sponsor Catalonia PP-CAT
Motion The Assembly of the Members of Pirate Parties International

- Considering the growing number of Pirate Parties worldwide,

- Recognising the political autonomy and diversity of PPI Members,

- Acknowledging PPI being a global organisation that is concerned with the whole world and not only with the regards of the developed world,

- Pursuing the goal of strengthening the global pirate identity across the globe,

- Noting the effort that went into the creation of the "Manifesto of the European Pirate Party",

- Acclaiming the constitution of the Standing Committee on Common Political Program,

strives to come up within a year, with a proposal for a political manifesto to be included as part of the statutes of the Pirate Parties International, that should then be approved by consensus by the General Assembly.

Rationale The problem with political statements is that it would be a catastrophe for any party to be defending something while PPI is against it, so we must be extremely careful with those. They should be obvious to all members, and not only the principle behind them, but also the particular texts.

MO-9 eDemocracy system decisions

Title eDemocracy system decisions
Put by PP-IT
Sponsor PP-IT
Motion The initiatives winning on the eDemocracy system shall be considered binding decisions of the General Assembly.
Rationale The advantages of the eDemocracy system are obvious. But to be effective the tool needs to be empowered by this motion.

Actually this is already in the Statutes, at XI.4: "A permanent online e-Democracy system allowing for decision making of General Assembly between its meetings" It's just a motion that intends to further explicit it.


Title continue quarterly reports by the treasurer
Sponsor Pirate Party Switzeland, Pirates Without Borders
Contact data Pat Mächler, pirate at
proposal ballot(s) Until the next GA, the current GA mandates the newly elected treasurer to report periodically on a 3-month basis (by the calendar quartals) to all members about the current state of the improvement of current and past accounting.
reasoning and motivation The motion aims to provide a mean to member to insist on a constant progress concerning the improvement of PPI's accounting.

A similar motion has been accepted for the former year. Given the improvements made in the past financial period, lay auditors Justus Römeth and Pat Mächler suggest to continue the practice.


Title Mandate new board to come up with new regulations to avoid a second Thinktwice situation
Sponsor Pirate Party Switzeland, Pirates Without Borders
Contact data Pat Mächler, pirate at
proposal ballot(s) Until the end of September 2015, the current GA mandates the newly elected board to write at least one regulation for the internal board regulations and consider an additional statute proposal in order to avoid a financially desastrous situation as has occurred with the ThinkTwice 2015 conference
reasoning and motivation Self-explaining. Lay auditors Justus Römeth and Pat Mächler have proposed this motion.