From PPI
- --- [07/05/2018 08:00]h CEST ---
- Mumble:
- Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
- Audio recording:
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Thomas, Keith, Koen (08:15)
- excused: Guillaume
- unexcused:
- Guillaume's vote goes to Thomas.
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members
- participating: Dan,
- excused:
- unexcused:
- Guests
- participating:
- Bastian
- @PiratesOnAir
- Meeting opened at 08:08 CEST by Thomas
- Meeting chaired by Thomas
- Secretary for this meeting is Keith
- Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present.
- Streaming started:
- Recording started: 08:08
- Postal votes: none
- Notes on meeting process
Minutes of the last meeting:
YES: Keith, Thomas, Dan, Guillame, Koen NO: ABSTENTIONS:
Minutes approved?
4.1 - Short report of the board members 1)
- Board:
- Guillaume:
- excused
- Bailey:
- not present
- Keith:
- Been trying to communicate and figure out ECOSOC. I submitted the UN paper just at our last meeting. Working on trying to find a grant. Investigating trip to Czech. I will be in Poland this week, then US, then Japan, and then back to Europe and finally Middle East.
- Koen:
- Participated in election Kick-Off for local elections in Antwerp
- Nikolay:
- not present
- Raymond:
- not present
- Thomas:
- nothing to report
- Alternates:
- Adam:
- not present
- Etienne
- not present
- Daniel
- Report from Brazilian General Assembly. Latin America Meeting in (probably in April) 2019.
- Gregory:
- not present
- 1) Very short and brief. For important issues add an agenda item!
5 - Invoices
- Member invoices are under preperation, HDI is updated, rest will follow
- No database available for individual members
- Keith will send Thomas some Excel spreadsheets
- TT3 Invoices, Keith is going to send the email again to Thomas. He needs to send the country invoices to PPCH and PPFR and approve the final invoice to our cashier.
6 - GA 2018
- Call for, still a draft:
- Deadline for publishing it: 01.05.2018 published, mail still under preperation
7 - Tech/IT-Stuff
- pads
- closing down ppde pads on the 25.05. is still a rumour
- Team pads will be shut down. Time and date is still unknown. German board mentioned it for the first time in public last Wednesday
We can temporarily use PPNO's pad:
- From a former board meeting:
- Framasoft: please have a look at it, esp. the etherpad stuff they have advanced way above the German solution. French and English is available atm, adoption other languages - they need help, who would like to volunteer, contact themself or ask Guillaume They have a large number of applications. This is their pad for example: We can ask for sponsoring to offer the services to all Pirate parties.
- We should ask Bastian and his team about the feasibility.
- Should we adopt Framasoft? It will probably take about 8 to 10 months to complete.
- Decision: We will gather more information for next meeting, start using it ourselves, and then update in the next meeting.
- We will have a workshop on the future of these tools down the road.
- We will start working with the framasoft pad soon. It is an attempt to innovate.
- We will prepare a presentation for next time.
- Webpage
- from a former board meeting:
- needs to be feeded on a more regular basis.
- Should we invite our members to add on to it with "guest articles" and such?
- invite member parties to hand in articles. members writing about their experiences
- distribute it on pp-leaders and the website, shared everywhere
- keep it simple at first!
- Thomas will write a draft for the "call for guest articles"
- Dan will write a summary about the Brazil GA that we can put on our website.
- Keith will write about the ECOSOC event that we are attending in NY.
- redmine
- is currently newly set up, while securing the old data dump
- Keith is going to work on Loomio for the time being to organize tasks. is not working. How do we access
- Newsletter
- From a previous board meeting:
- creating more content "newsletter" on a monthly basis (at least) (10 lines as a start)
- Utilizing the UN submission.
- Including calls for help with additional submission requests. We should add the dates of upcoming grants, conferences, and paper submission requests. This will assist us to crowdsource.
- Working group meeting in Czech
- nothing new, we should renew our contacts to other parties
- Collaboration with ppeu
- 14th of May is the next meeting.
- 14.05.2018 20.30 CEST
- Let's try to listen in and learn more about how we might collaborate.
8 - UN etc.
- Ecosoc docs
- Keith wants to send the letter to Guillaume to sign. So we don't chance any problems. I will send him an email.
- Thank you to Guillaume for signing the letter.
- grant proposals/call for papers/conferences etc.
- Are there any events with deadlines that we should add to our calendar.
- Add upcoming events for ECOSOC. Add this to the webpage post.
- We need to recognize speakers who represent us at events. We should compile a list.
- We should be working on finding funds for these meetings.
9 AOB - Any other business
- Solution for Zoom or mumble again. --> Proposal for next meeting: back to mumble or pay for zoom or find another solution (PPI has its own mumble server at )
Shall we move to Mumble for our next meeting? Agreed: Thomas, Guillaume, Koen, Keith, Against: Abstain: Dan
- Next board meeting will be on mumble (
- We will also investigate an additional "video and share-screen apps to be checked out"
- ===================================================
Next Meeting: Sunday, 2018-05-20 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC) Meeting Closed: 08:44 CEST (06:44 UTC)