link from PPI website to this wiki
Could someone explain why there is no link in the PPI website to this wiki? Anttipng 18:56, 9 December 2009 (CET)
choosing a license
Every wiki demands for a license (for example within the text below the edit box). Stating nothing about it might be suitable for pirates but increases legal risks. Here you can discuss & vote what license you would prefer.
- Public Domain
- CC By 2.0
- "All your rights are belong to us"-license with "viewing causes suing"-DRM and watermarks in the text ;-)
choosing a name
One might want to change the name of this Wiki. Currently it is called "PP International" without stating that it is a wiki in it's name. You can vote for the following suggestions (by signing with "~~~" or make your own one:
- "piratewiki"
- "ppwiki"
- "PPI Wiki"
- "pp international"
- "International Pirate Wiki"
- "Pirate Parties International" (No indicator that it's a wiki, and no abbreviation)
interwiki links
- Piratenwiki (german wiki)
- PiratenWiki (austrian wiki)
- partidopiratawiki (spanish wiki)
- Wiki der Piratenpartei Schweiz (swiss wiki)
- PiraattiWiki (finnish wiki)
- piraat-wiki (dutch wiki)
- Заглавная страница (russian wiki)
- yours?
These links allow you to create a web between all pirate parties discussion plattforms. This web is stable, even if the URLs behind change.
technical stuff
allow uploading files and support SVGdoneadd the PP-International favicondone- spread the administrative burden on several backs; this also to avoid a German world domination ;-)
- i'd like to submit a couple of better looking mediawiki skins (a light and a dark one) lynX
Known bugs
Please keep the descriptions short. Sign your listed bugs with a date. Remove resolved bugs from the list. Include only bugs in the wiki itself. Lengthy descriptions should go to the discussion (talk) page for this page, or to a separate page (which doesn't exist at the time of writing).
- The page "About pp International", linked on each wiki page, is not written yet. --HelgeStenstrom 09:35, 16 October 2010 (CEST)
- Confirmation of e-mail address does not work. The confirmation is used to verify the address set in the user's preferences, in the User Profile tab, under E-mail. On the page, clicking the button that says "Mail a confirmation code" gives a php error message. --HelgeStenstrom 09:35, 16 October 2010 (CEST)