From PPI
Aims developed by the structure and Organization Workgroup of the Vienna International Pirate Congress. For the main goals and a timeline see Roadmap.
4 real life meetings
- Summer 07: Vienna
- Winter 07: Berlin
- Summer 08: Uppsala
- Winter 08: St. Petersburg
Inbetween each meeting one virtual meeting (at least voip, better with video) should take place for a weekend. The first one will be around September 07. For this a working VoIP infrastructure is neccessary.
international workgroups
- international IT Working Group
- media workgroup
- legal team (especial 'til Berlin meeting)
- establish an international IT Working Group
- avoid reinventing the sail twice
- develop parts for the pirateweb-application
- get redundancy of data & servers to protect against legal attacks and technical failures
applications to be build / deployed
- the PirateWeb
- is a social system
- have a lot of statistics
- wide publicity of decisions and interna; privacy for member data
- geography tree for all institutions
- maintained over entire EU
- Map2.0 features (?)
- support several kinds of organizations (e.g. treelike hierarchy and else)
- Single sign-on solution (OpenID?)
- Media Server
- share media of actions
- Mailinglists
- VoIP network
build a European pirate website
The Website should be running until the Berlin Meeting Winter '07.
- Rick has registered a domain already
- allow people to register for
- beeing contacted once there is a party in their country
- beeing a volunteer in creating such a party
- how-to-set-up-a-pirate-party guide
- Map2.0 features (in combination with pirateweb)