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--- [14/07/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Andrew, cbj, Karla,Min, pakki, Richard (22:33 joining),

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Nikolay, Gregory, Koen
Macburns|Mickey Sinclair


Meeting opened at CEST by 22:08
Meeting chaired by Andrew
Secretary for this meeting is all of us
Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present.
Streaming started: Not possible
Recording started: Yes
Postal votes: (yes, on Loomio, will be added later on the respective agenda items)
Notes on meeting process
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of the last meeting

Minutes approved

YES: Andrew, Karla, pakki, Richard




4.1 - Short report of the board members

  • Andrew: I have approached several of our members, but the boards have changed in Australia and others, which makes the things a little bit unsettled, so i will continue to do that. I have been in discussion about PPI shop and the sunstone foundation.
  • Chems: I try to restart a general assembly in Tunisia with a board but we have trouble finding motivated candidates. Otherwise. I see tools used at PPI that don't respect the free software philosophy.
  • Henrique:
  • Karla: I got the instructions for the account in LU. I also have a report from UK on PPI finances that I'm looking at. Also I heard about a signature to be retrieved in Sweden for yet another bank account.
  • Min: Now in j
  • Patrick: I was at the PPEU council meeting and had a lot of talks with pirates from all over europe. I undersigned the contract for the bank account, which Koen de Voegt gave me. I've also talked to Josef Collentine, editor of Pirate Times about the roles Andrew and I are taking in the following time and how to behave in the Pirate Times team. Then I also participated in the german GA in Würzburg and had a lot of talks with german pirates about the role and issues of PPI. And last but not least I've talked to Sven Clement and Gordon Thomas about the international pirate shop, which proposals I've added to the minutes.
  • Richard: I have been focussing on learning about PPI and exploring possible relations with UN organizations

5 - CHANGE TO RULES OF PROCEDURE (proposed by Andrew)

If Loomio is to be used as a tool for discussions and voting it must be included in the rules of Procedure. This means that votes made in Loomio must be able to be tabled in the same way that email votes are.

current wording of §5 Votes 3

“Board members not present at the meeting can vote on a proposal published in the provisional agenda by citing the proposal and expressing their vote in an e-mail sent to (postal vote). The postal votes shall be added to the votes casted at the meeting if the proposals are exactly the same. The postal votes shall be mentioned in the provisional agenda and can be repealed before they are added by a different postal vote or by a vote casted at the meeting.”

Proposed change reads:

Board members not present at the meeting can vote on a proposal  published in the provisional agenda or Loomio PPI Board by citing the  proposal and expressing their vote in an e-mail sent to  (postal vote) or casting a vote in Loomio. The Loomio and postal votes  shall be added to the votes cast at the meeting if the proposals are  exactly the same. The Loomio and postal votes shall be mentioned in the  provisional agenda and can be superseded by subsequent email, a change  to the Loomio vote or by a vote cast at the meeting.  
  • [22:33] CEST: Richard entered the meeting

YES: Karla,Andrew, pakki, Richard,Min



about loomio.merits and demerits - we can make decisions

if as a trial, yes. Yes we can review how it is working laterGreat./thks a lot!

Check Loomio:

thanks,o,already we read it.

Decision passed - RoPs changed. (also in the Wiki.)



PPI board Loomio is

If somebody wants to participate in the loomio, just write an email to Andrew:


The project was started before the new PPI board and is at the stage where crowd funding should be starting. It would benefit from access to PPI infrastructure. Once established it should be made fully independent of any other Pirate organisations.

More on the proposal and our discussion can be found at (add to the wiki)

Smari's document

Andrew: the financial implication would be minimal at this stage.
Patrick: it would be useful to link to Smari's paper:

YES: Min, Karla,Andrew, Henrique, pakki, cbj





Which topics should PPI focus on?

 - short-term: 2015
 - medium-term: 2016-2018
 - long-term
Richard - there are to many organizations alone in Geneva where one could imerse full time - we cannot handle all of them. So what are the topics that we should focus on? is it transparency, the privacy, the copyright, world trade, world health, ttip, etc... So it is not about the program, but about what parts of our programs should we go after.
Patrick: take 10 orgs and go after…
Richard: 10 is definetly to high... We do not yet have the ECOSOC status, the WIPO have refused PPI twice... I know that PwB are trying to get into WIPO now, but I have not heard from them. I think WIPO is a number one priorisation for us.
ThomasG: to clarify - the PwB is handling this, i can introduce the contact to the responsible person
Richard: so as preliamery thing I would suggest to stick to this three: WIPO, WTO and WHO.
Gregory: How about international telecom union?
Richard: Is a very good question - it depends what you are after - a lot of organisation overlap, UNESCO, ITU is doing a lot... ITU is doing many things that may be no central to pirates. We also just missed the chance to make an input to WSIS that is happening later this year in New York...
Patrick: sounds like we need much more time on this item...
We will add a Loomio group on it.. to outline the overlap the interest of international organizations with the pirate programme...
Andrew: As we seem to use loomio on more issues - write your email to to be added to this group.


Should PPI apply for ECOSOC observer status? All the documentation is ready, it is just a matter of uploaded to the UN web site, but the application will not be reviewed until 2016, so the observer status would only be effective as of 2017.

The process is outlined here:

Application criteria:

YES Richard,Andrew, pakki,Min, Karla, cbj


: Richard: This have been on the plate for long time, but previously the formal requirement could not be fullfilled, until very recently. I would suggest to apply, even that this is a long term project for now. 

Motion passed

8 Merchandise

[Andrew] PPIS have started using a merchandise shop on their site that run out of the Netherlands featuring clothing. They also have articles with the Pirate Logo.They have offered to supply us if we want. We will get a part of the price and we can offer a discount to our individual members (I really want there to be some tangible advantages to this sort of membership) I have also asked if they can supply pirate neutral items like stickers, flags etc.

Shall we ask them to supply PPI clothing featuring the PPI logo and name?

NO: Andrew
ABSTENSIONS: Richard, cbj,Min

[pakki] PPDE and PPLU also proposed their help concerning the shop. I've invited both Sven Clement and Gordon Thomas to the meeting today to find the best solution possible:

Shop PPDE: (already translated in english, but hidden), already shipping world wide.

Shop PPLU: not online, because small country ;)

Shop PPCZ:

Shop PPUK:

Shop PPSE:

Hallgrimur Vidar Arnarson is the contact person for

Shall we find a solution together with PPEU like described in the proposal?

YES: Karla, Patrick, cbj, Andrew,min
Andrew: there are several shops like from PPSE, PPDE and PPCZ. PPIS seems to be the most comfortable solution for PPI.
Sven: PPLU already proposed a shop solution to PPEU and he reacted on the phone call of pakki for getting in touch with Gordon Thomas of PPDE, how about proposing a shop solution for PPI:
Andrew: do you have clothes, because it would be better to split the amount of merchandise articles.
Sven: we would like to offer all possible items (clothes, stickers, everything) as it we would like to generate as much turnover as possible, as we would improve our state financing of the pirate party.
Sven please take some time to read through the shop concept
Motion Passed
  • Who should be the responsible person to manage the further organizational steps?
Patrick will organize it (toghether with Sven and Gordon)


  • [23:29] CEST: Henrique entered the meeting


Status report of composition of standing committees

- standing committee on public and press relations, elections and campaigning. Andrew, pakki,Min, Karla, Nikolay

- standing committee on new parties Andrew, pakki, cbj, Gregory

- standing committee on INGO relations Richard,Gregory, Karla, cbj

- standing committee on PPI budget, oversight, transparency, finances and fund raising Andrew, Koen, Anders (allready send a mail about it), pakki, Karla,Min

- standing committee on common political program Richard, Nikolay, Karla

Are the following mailing lists are already set up, but are largly not yet ocupied:

* standing committee on new parties
* standing committee on INGO relations
* standing committee on PPI budget, oversight, transparency, finances and fund raising,
* standing committee on common political program.  

Gregory: we already established the mailing lists for for the committees. The decission of the GA: says that this are the minimum number of committees to be established, the board can make more... The committees should meet regularly and "The Board of PPI should take committee recommendations into consideration, when making decisions.". The idea is to connect the LOB people of the member parties - i.e. on the sc-pprec to connect the actual press and social media and campaing officers of member parties to exchange experiences, ideas and best practices.
PPDE is curently working on a proposal to host a meeting of the Standing Committee on Common Political Programm in Berlin this autumn (but not yet ready to disclose all the details).

10 AOB - Any other business

Patrick: I would like to add, that I was in Brussels and have signed everything needed for PPI HQ and handed it over to Koen. Collentine will also reach out in Sweden to get hold of Niccolas.
Gregory: the board has to define rules about the supporting membership. (complying with statutes - giving the Member Party the opportunity to veto the admission of the supporter member).
Patrick: Today the PPI Twitter account was suspended and is now back again.
  • The pirate party in Nigeria

[Board] Establishing The pirate party in Nigeria

Dear Sir,

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sheyi Money, Oil and gas consultant in Nigeria and currently disenchanted with the local politics of my country considering the lack of vision of the current political class.

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with a population of over 170million

Nugeria is Africa's biggest economy and she is just one country with enormous potential has 23% of African’s known reserves of crude and 32% of its gas reserves of 37.2 Billion barrels, Natural gas reserves of 186.88 trillion cubic feet

Nigeria's development ha been stagnated because it lacks visionary leadership, corrupt political class and lack of political platform that young vibrant professionals can latch onto to make their voice heard.

The pirate party provides such platform if established in Nigeria knowing that it will have the support of its international parent body.

Based on the above, I hereby seek your support and recognition in establishing the pirate party in Nigeria as a political platform to give voice to the oppressed and the young and vibrant professional who want to make contribution to the development of our beloved country for the betterment of the general populace.

Yours sincerely

Sheyi Money


Andrew wrote back a reply. it is stored in Loomio. (link?)

  • Ally with New Progressive Alliance

We at the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) would like to join you as an ally. Your goals are reflected in the Unified Platform. (see The ten points of the Unified Platform for peace, people, and the planet closely align with your goals of freedom of expression, protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the digital age, transparency, and free access to information.

The NPA welcomes the energies, insights, ideas, and innovations of true Progressives everywhere. It's going to take all these things to achieve our goals. If we work together and pool our strengths, we can shift the terms of the debate and win at the ballot box.

Areas where we could cooperate follow.

You would be listed on our website as an allied organization, with a listing that includes contact information so visitors to our site can become familiar with the Pirate Party International. We are already allied with 21 other organizations including the United Nations as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) in special consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council (for our other allies see

We would both help to develop and/or promote events for both our organizations.

I urge you to join us in this effort. You can learn more about the NPA at All we require to ally with us is a statement by email or regular mail that your organization supports the Unified Platform described above. If you are more comfortable endorsing just the parts that apply to your mission, you may so state in an email. Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Ed Griffith

Andrew is reaching out to the USPP about it.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-08-11 22:00 CEST (20:00 GMT)

Meeting Closed: 23:59 CEST (21:59 UTC) / 21:59 GMT by Andrew