How to join the Pirate Parties International (PPI)
We are happy that you are interested in joining the PPI. This page is describing the application process.
PPI is an open Organization, that is accepting new membership requests.
From the Statutes Section III - Membership
(1) Membership in the Pirate Parties International is open to Parties and other organizations.
This includes Parties:
- Officially registered
- unregistered
- regional sub divisions (if they are there own legal entities)
Organization may be such as:
- youth organization
- student organization
- women organization
- professional union
- foundation
- ...
Individuals are not allowed to hold full PPI Membership however individual supporting membership is available. Become an Individual Member of PPI
Membership / Application Fees
The founding assembly of the PPI has decided that there should be no membership fees. However, this decision has to be revisited on a yearly basis:
Statutes Section XVI - Affiliation Fees:
(1) The amount of the fee is determined annually by the General Assembly. (2) The affiliation fees and contributions shall be fixed in relation to the finances and membership of parties.
Note: The determination of fees has to be made by General Assembly with a two third majority of the votes cast.
Note2: The current affiliation fees regulation can be found at Affiliation_fees
Application process
(3)Requests for Membership shall be submitted in writing to the Board at least four weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly. They shall include contact information and a statement on the adoption of the statutes and internal regulations of the Pirate Parties International, in addition to a copy of the statutes and by-laws and the political program of the applicant and information on the background and organization of said applicant. The Board will transmit the application to all Members at least two weeks before the meeting of the General Assembly.
So, if you want to apply for PPI Membership you need to submit following:
- Contact information, especially such as:
- named coordinator
- generic "info" email
- press contact
- statutes of your organization
- by-laws
- program
- background Information:
- any legal registration documents
- founding date
- board composition
- membership count
- list of subsidiaries
- logo
- statement on the adoption of the PPI's Statutes
- (optional) a presentation (slides or video) of your application
submit this to board (at) pp (minus) international (point) net
if you have any questions in the process, you can contact the co-chairmen (at) pp (minus) international (point) net
If possible please provide an English translation of the submitted