From PPI
- --- [17/11/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
- Mumble:
- Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
- Audio recording: [1](
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Andrew, cbj, Richard Henrique, Karla
- excused: Patrick
- unexcused:Min
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members
- participating: Nikolay, Anders (22:12)
- excused:
- unexcused:
- Guests
- participating:
- ThomasG
- Bastian
- participating:
- Meeting opened at 22:00CEST by andrew
- Meeting chaired by Andrew
- Secretary for this meeting is everyone
- Quorum established with 5 out of 7 board members present.
- Streaming started: not possible
- Recording started: 22:02
- Postal votes:none
- Notes on meeting process
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
- [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
- Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)
- Minutes of the last meeting
- YES: Richard, Karla,Andrew, cbj, Henrique,
- NO:
- Minutes approved
4.1 - Short report of the board members
- Andrew: IPU letter sent, Womens conference
- Chems: As i back from Tunisia, I started working for Worldwide Movement for Human Rights as webmaster & sys admin so i have less time for the next 6 month
- But I find places to receive the PPI board for COP21 as i arrived on squats.
- There is also events organized with Alice Garden :
- Henrique: given by voice IUF Richard pointed out event sabotaged reminder that 10th aniversary of the pirate party is coming up - womens conference
- Karla: -- Koen De Voegt has added my PPI email account to the PPI paypal account and so I have access, there is an €18.97 euro balance.
- -- Also Chems recommends using BitPay with Bitcoin which has also Paypal integration.<3
- Min:
- Patrick:
- Richard: I prepared the application for obersver status at IPU and sent it to Andrew who should transmit it formally to IPU - and he has sent it. Does anybody know if Pirates without borders has applied for observer status at WIPO? Answer: no, they did not apply this year, but may do so next year.
5 - Proposal No. 1 That a Chief Financial Officer be appointed who will be answerable to the Treasurer.
- Intially this person will handle the day to day financial dealing - bank account, book keeping and that the role will expand as PPI's financial health improves.(Andrew)
- YES: Andrew, Richard, Henrique, Karla, cbj,
- NO:
- Motion has been passed
6 - Proposal No. 2 Call for hosts to hold the next GA in June/July 2016 (Andrew)
- We need to sort out rules of procedure for this as soon as possible
- - Online and offline - online activity should start some weeks beforehand.
- - Elected candidates to be nominated sooner
- - look at other parties and organisations for ideas as how to restructure
- YES: Andrew,Henrique, Karla, Richard, cbj
- NO:
- Motion has been passed
7 - A grass roots pirate movement has started to organise a "Pirate Women's Conference" in 2016.
- The initial aims are to find ways to increase the involvement of women in the Pirate Movement and to socialise. The conference will be open to all genders and orientations.
- Three members of the Board have been asked to help - Henrique, Karla and Andrew.
- Motion PPI will help by providing for use of the group such resourses as it can. e.g. access to pads, advice, social media as requested. (Andrew)
- YES: Richard, cbj,Andrew,Henrique, Karla,
- NO:
- Motion has been passed
8 - Proposal No. 3 - Start a campaign to enlist individual members using our social media - dependant on having at least paypal working.(Andrew)
- YES: Andrew, Henrique, Richard, cbj, Karla
- NO:
- Motion has been passed
9 AOB - Any other business
- We Should PPI make a statement about the Paris and other terror attacks and appropriate respones to those attacks? The matter will be handled in Loomio and the leaders email group. Deadline before the next board meeting 1st December.
daily life in many parts of the world who suffer terrorism and landing all refugees is one barometer
- Mass surveillance is the pretext for trafficking weapons as digital
- We should go for a statement.
- YES: Richard, cbj, Henrique,Andrew, Karla
- NO:
- Motion has been passed
- A loomio group has been set up
- needs to be proof read for misunderstandings and approved by the board.
- ===================================================
- Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-12-01 22:00 CET (00:00 GMT)
- Meeting Closed: 22:41 CET (21:41 UTC) / 21:41 GMT by Andrew