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This is the summary of second congress of Pirate Party Turkey held in 26 January 2021.



De-facto president and party leader Tan S. Akıncı celebrated the members for 1st jubilee of #Korsanlıkİyidir movement/New PPTR and mentioned the struggle against old PPTR leadership that gets funded by EU neoliberal foundations and dijital surveillance of the authoritarian regime in Turkey. He condemned old PPTR leadership: Şevket Uyanık for being still silent to his call of uniting 2 pirate parties, Gürkan Özturan to join PPI beer meeting as he was representing new PPTR and Serhat Koç for doing everything he can to disclose our Youtube channel.

Repurposing PPTR

The central comittee declared the end of Pirate Party Turkey as a political party by the following:

-Pirate Party Turkey can't sustain its political functions. It doesn't have concrete socioeconomic views and there is no consensus about such among party members. The sinister efforts of old PPTR leaders to stop new party organization and the negative image of PPTR they laid down in the past 10 years makes it impossible for the new party to reorganize in a healthy manner.

-Pirate Party Turkey, since its reorganization attempt on 26 January 2021, has made significant connections in local and global arena (infiltration to libertarian movements, joining Pirate Parties International, interviewing experts and having them in the party). Therefore the party as it is now is a valuable organization that can be repurposed for goals without the need of keeping its political functions.

The comittee then stated the following to be done in a week:

-Pirate Party Turkey should terminate its political party form while keeping its connections and status in various organizations and got repurposed as Digital Freedom Movement (Dijital Özgürlük Hareketi).

-Digital Freedom Movement should be organized according to the following basic principles:

* Contributing to Free and Open Source Software, and spreading their usage
* Informing the public on the benefits of public licenses
* Disclosing big tech and government mechanisms of surveillance
* Improving counciousness about data privacy and system security, and teaching necessary measurements to the public
* Defending non-partisan reforms for decreasing copyright and patent durations that cause monopolisation

%100 of the people that attended to the meeting approved the president and the decision to implement those changes after further consideration within the week is done.