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This is a set of guidelines for PPI Coreteam meetings.


[d-7] - Previous meeting - assume next meeting the following Thursday unless otherwise specified.

After the close of meeting, a document for agenda items for the next meeting is made available (either through Google Docs or on the wiki, once that is migrated). A template for Agenda items is included below. The document also includes the proposed chairman and secretary for the meeting.

[d-1] - Agenda document is locked, with coreteam members having the chance to think on the items and come up with their own thoughts on the issues.


2.1 - Chairman opens the meeting once a quorum has been established, identifying themself and the secretary and stating the time (with timezone).
2.2 - List of Attendees;

Coreteam members acknowledge their attendance (aside from chairman) in alphabetical order.
Others indicate their attendance in alphabetical order (allowing 15 seconds for each person to identify themself; if someone does not within that time, they are assumed to not be present).

2.3 - Secretary ensures that channel is +m, with coreteam members +o and all others -v.
2.4 - Chairman links to the minutes of the last meeting and asks for any comments on it.
2.5 - Urgent/external notices;

Chairman asks if there are any such notices from the coreteam members,
If discussion is required, state so in the notice.
Any non-members with notices should inform the secretary through /msg that they have a notice, then once member notices are dealt with the secretary can voice them in turn to present their notices.

2.6 - Agenda;

Chairman links to agenda document and introduces each item in turn;
Secretary voices any relevant non-members (anyone who feels they have something to say should contact the secretary through /msg stating they have something to say).
The proposer of the item then explains the item, including what is needed to discuss and anything that is needed to be voted on and makes it clear when they are finished.
Anyone wishing to say anything non-trivial should indicate this by virtually raising a hand and then they can be called upon in turn by the chairman.
Trivial comments can be made at any point, it being up to the individual to decide what counts a trivial.
Once discussion appears to be finished, Chairman asks if anything else has to be said, deals with any votes in turn and then closes the item, briefly summarising any decisions made. Secretary notes the result of the votes. If there is no consensus with the discussion after 10 minutes, the Chairman should consider whether or not to proceed to the next item.
Secretary devoices relevant non-members.
Chairman proceeds to next item.

2.7 - Any Other Business

Secretary voices all attendees
If any member (or non-member) has anything else to say (on any topic) they should indicate this now.
The Chairman then calls on the individuals in turn to present this.
When there is no other business, Secretary devoices non-members, confirms the time of the next meeting and links to the relevant Agenda document (or states that it will be appearing soon).
Chairman officially closes the meeting.
Secretary ensures channel is -m.


[item number] - [Title] - Proposed by [proposer's name - either nickname or 'real' name]
[Summary of what needs to be discussed and any questions asked]
[What needs to be voted on]
Advisors - [list of any non-coreteam individuals who wish to add something to this discussion and so can be voiced by the Secretary at the relevant time]


When it comes to asking if anyone has something to say on an issue, if someone does, they should indicate just this, then once a reasonable time has passed, the Chairman can ask the individuals to speak (the order being up to their discretion). When that person has had their say, they should indicate this and the chairman can then move onto the next person. If someone thinks of something to say during someone else's speech, they should indicate this as above, and then the Chairman can hand the discussion to them at the appropriate time.

Any comments or questions directed or responding to a particular individual should, ideally, be prefaced with that person's name.

When a non-coreteam member wishes to say something and the protocol suggests they should contact the a member privately, they need only state that they have something to say, rather than stating what they want to say; reserving that for the main channel.