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Meeting: Thursday the 2nd at 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)

Attendees: Anouk Gefion Andrew Dominic Anton Michal Josef @collentine

Chairing: Gefion Protocol: Andrew

Topics 1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?) All members present introduced themselves 2) Newsletter project status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions Josef reported there is a need for articles and the logo design decision needs to be made today 3) Follow-up on last meeting: expiry date of proposed topics - handled last week Gefion will apply common sense to expiry dates styleguide / editorial policy - will be looked into next week website - technically the website is up and running. Design issues still open. First issue does not need to be perfect. Proposal to use a Wordpress standard design until agreement on design reached. Call for preferred theme for next week. 4) Open tasks in Trello Articles (progress?) Andrew will look for pictures to go with articles in Trello that are ready to publish. Gefion will mail all members to check everything is ok.

5) Voting on logo: Voting method: Approval voting

  1. 1: Gefion, Anton, Domi, anouk
  2. 2: Anton
  3. 3: Andrew, Domi
  4. 4: anouk, Domi
  5. 5:
  6. 6: Andrew, Josef
  7. 7:
  8. 8:
  9. 9: Anouk
  10. 10: Andrew, anouk, Josef, Anton
  11. 11: Gefion, Anton
  1. 1: Anton, Domi, Gefion, Gregory, anouk
  2. 10: Josef, Andrew,

Logo number 1 by Domi is the winner Suggestion for an article about the Logo

6) e-mail needs standard addresses info and postmaster (Josef controlls it) There is a gmail account We should all use a Only established team members should get one to avoid spoofing. 7) Pirate-party of the week / interviews (Daniel not here, better for next week?) Postponed 8) Other questions/topics for meeting Time zones and team meetings Suggestion for a second time and day, probably Sunday which would alternate with the current Thursday at 19:00 European Time. US members will be asked for an appropriate time per the mailing list.

   Link for scheduling meetings:
   Anouk comes next week with more info over Pirate party principals and manifests.
   update, no news :( only

9) Next meeting? 09 August 2012 18:00 UTC - 20:00 CEST Meeting closed 19:10 UTC