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Meeting Sunday 9th September at 21:00 UTC = 22:00 CET (e.g. London) = 23:00 CET Summer Time (e.g. Berlin) = 16.00 (Mexico) = 17.00 (Detroit)

Mumble channel: International -> Pirate Parties International -> ppintnews

       (Description of mumble: )

Mail me if you have problems finding the mumble channel: or type in chat on this pad. Protocol from last meeting:

Atendees: Andrew (kiwi) Anouk (mrNatural) Loïc (Evpok) Josef Patrick (pakki) Justus ((Darth)Squig) Wolfgang

Chairing: Josef Protocol: Justus

Start: 23:17 CEST Agenda 1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?) 2) Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions 3) Follow-up on last meeting: Calendar Mail-newsletter IMAP, PR-releases Proof-reading in wordpress Style-guide meeting styleguide 4) Open tasks in Trello Articles (progress?) 5) License for articles, CC-BY? (add to intro mail for new members) 6) Publishing of meeting protocols (wiki or our website?) Who prepares them? 7) "strange" character fix from our change of servers (responsible?) 8) Define relation with PPI. From 'About Us' page: "We are loosely bonded to the PPI and accepted their kind offer to use PPI infrastructure." 9) Make all posts "sticky" 10) Other questions/topics for meeting 11) Next meeting?

1.) Introduction 2.) Status (Josef): Downtime Questions? Loic: Was the downtime related to the old server infrastructure? Josef: Yep

3.) Josef: Calendar: Added by Josef, on main page (?) Mail Newsletter: Gefion is setting it up, not sent out yet, will happen in the next few days Imap: No description Proof-reading: Andrew: He proof read a few articles, it works okay, advises to leave a back up on a pad and a link to the pad in trelo, though Styleguide: There was a meeting, no summary, but is being worked on

4.) Open tasks in Trello: A few, not much changed yet Andrew: we need more proof readers

5) License for articles, CC-BY? (add to intro mail for new members) Josef: Has been discussed, and not decided, what do the authors think? suggestion: make all CC-BY (agreed upon), Josef will put it in the articles and the intro mail Loic: Licence statement for whole site Justus: Link to Wikipedia? Josef: Yeah, in footer (maybe also a few words on it in 'Who are we'?)

6) Publishing of meeting protocols (wiki or our website?) Who prepares them? Should be published on wiki? (we decided we'd do that) PPI Wiki or our website Wiki seems preferred, maybe with link from website to Wiki Josef: Wiki needs to be cleaned up and updated as well Andrew will take care of it

7) "strange" character fix from our change of servers (responsible?) Domi will fix the access Justus: Maybe make a pad with links to all the pages where they can be checked of the list Volunteers: Justus is in charge, please volunteer (Mail, skype)

8) Define relation with PPI. From 'About Us' page: "We are loosely bonded to the PPI and accepted their kind offer to use PPI infrastructure." Andrew+Wolfgang: change 'bonded' to associated

9) Make all posts "sticky" Better not to do (technical reasons)

10) Other questions/topics for meeting Comments: Justus: Display comments on front page next to the articles (will talk to domi) Josef: Rather see a plugin to overhaul the whole comment system Dutch election on Wednesday: Justus will set it up via Pad and copying to an article Patrick will interview Dirk Poot (at the very least as background information for the live coverage) Justus will do a background article on Tuesday Plug on Falkvinge's blog Regional elections of PPCZ

11) Next meeting? Thursday, 20th of September, at 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)

Meeting closed at 23:57 CEST