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Next meeting? Tuesday the 2nd at 18.00 UTC time = 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)

Mumble channel: International -> Pirate Parties International -> ppintnews

       (Description of mumble: )

Mail me if you have problems finding the mumble channel: or type in chat on this pad. Protocol from last meeting:

Atendees: Anouk




Matteo (PPAT)





Agenda & Notes (in italics)

Opened at 19:15 GMT

1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?)


2) Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions

Most popular week (!), give yourself a clap on the shoulder Newsletter sent out first, from now on biweekly 221 subscribers

3) Open tasks + last meeting:

Articles (progress?)

Going on, a few are written, more are (as always) better

Privacy within team

taken care of by closing the ML (one more introduction), everyone not participating will be kicked out Jens' criticism:e, maybe we can split opinions and news reporting

4) Comment system & other technical issues

We are looking for a plugin to include more social networks for logging in for comments. Anouk: We are missing a search bar > Joseph will make sure it is added

5) Sources for articles

Joseph: it is important we include sources and make sure they are okay. So we will add it to the style guide > Assigned to Daniel/Andrew

6) Other questions/topics for meeting

  1. ) Next meeting?

12th at 20:00 CET/19:00 GMT/13:00 US Eastern

Meeting closed at 19:35 GMT