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Meeting June 2014









Chairing: Gefion Protocol: Josef

Agenda (add your own points below)

1) Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?). New sign-ups?

2) Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions Articles published regularly, new members coming in who we need to get active. Working on getting translations going (we'll talk about this later in agenda)

3) Open tasks + follow-up on last meeting Daniel away for 6 months after August and Andrew will be moving - need new co editor

Josef will write on mail-list +add to trello

Pirate-pad new admin will possibly set up etherpad lite if it is suficient to our needs - we need to have privacy, collaboration and an archive on our server

pirate pad installed - options still being set up

Translations: Josef to purchase wpml plugin, Wolfgang to install

Gefion to pull together team for translations

4) Admins and technical (will bring up on admin meeting on 15th) Which capabilities do we have in team? (Wolfgang, Patrick, Josef and Chris volunteered for some of the admin work)

5) Translation of PT


what can we do, how is it currently set up?

Install wordpress (maybe installed in about two weeks). Gefion ready to put together team early July.

Customize it and figure out work-flow and how to integrate in current processes

Amendmends required?

Team: What do we need? Focus on specific languages to start with? Offer all?

French and Spanish from start. Then scale up once we know how routines and translation will work better.

How to make value from translations instead of just purely translated pages

It would probably accelerate our articles if we could accept articles in native languages

If we can find 4 people doing proof-reading in their native language we could offer "unique articles" in that language to instead of just translations

Who publishes translations? (So far only Andrew and Daniel can do this?)

6) Current economical status for PT Josef Reports

7) Funding

We could use funding to help get team members to important international and national events. This would also help team members to meet people and network within the wider Pirate world. MAB is one person to ask about this. He has metnioned it to Gefion.

Wait for Andrew to report more about this.

8) Other questions/topics for meeting

Naming convention for Pads

Easy. Have a "home" pad to list important pad. This could be our archive.

9) Next meeting 22 June 2013