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--- 25/05/2010---



4.1 - Regular meetings (proposed by Jerry)

Due to some people not being able to participate in the meetings on Mondays we have to change the date of the regular meetings. The proposal is Tuesdays 21h00.

4.2 - Next PPI conference (proposed by blaeks)

Sarajevo to be next ppi meeting place. There is a lot of international press, the area was damaged heavily by war and other s*it that happened there. Also, I have connections with some Croats having the initiative to form a PP too. So this meeting will boost pp movement in several big countries in this region.
And FYI today Sarajevo is a great place to be, because of the good food, friendly people and a lot of international presence.
ah, yes the BiH PP would be the only political organization in Bosnia connecting all divided sides from past war!!! also, in the context of freedom invasions this would be monumental for international press if Serbia take over Bosnia with freedom or Croatia. And that is our plan for this summer:)

4.3 - (proposed by Jerry)

Helmut Pozimski registered and wants so. to take over. PPI should consider taking the domain, especially if an PPE taskforce is set up.

4.4 - MyPirates (proposed by Jerry)

Gregory should give us an update if we can use MyPirates as working platform for the taskforces.

4.5 - Pirate Party of the Week (proposed by Jerry)

PP-Australia has not finished their answers yet. I therefore propose to have PP-Netherlands as Pirate Party of the Week from 26-1st, and after that PP-Belgium (or PP-Australia if PP-Belgium cannot finish).

4.6 - Pirate Party of Latvia (proposed by Gregory)

We have received a mail from the new started PP-LV that is about to be found. They ask us to put them on the roster. We should send them a welcome letter
Prepare the letter here:

4.7 - WIPO (proposed by Gregory)

There is a deadline coming up for applying for permanent observer status with WIPO (the deadline is 28th of May). see - the requirements are:
For an International or National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

    (i) The text of its constituent instrument (articles of incorporation, bylaws, etc.);
    (ii) an indication of the date and place where it was established;
    (iii) a list of its officers (showing their nationality in the case of an international NGO);
    (iv) a complete list of its national groups or members (showing their country of origin in the case of an international NGO);
    (v) a description of the composition of the members of its governing body or bodies 
        (including geographical distribution in the case of an international NGO);
    (vi) a statement of its objectives;
    (vii) an indication of the field or fields of intellectual property (e.g., copyright and related rights) of interest to it.
the calendar of WIPO events is found here: I would suggest that we prepare the application for observer status with WIPO.

