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--- 07/06/2011 19:00h CEST ---
Mumble: Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"

Record of the meeting

Part 1 [1] Part 2 [2] Part 3 [3] Part 4 [4]


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Thomas, Marcel, Lola, - Finlay joined latent: 19:19
excused: Pat
Present but not fully participating due to hardware failure: Samir

1.2 - Others


Meeting opened at 19:16 CEST by Marcel
Meeting chaired by Marcel
Secretary for this meeting is Lola
Quorum established with 4 of 6 board members present.
Streaming started: [No] not possible - Technical issues / We dont have Mumble/SIP-Bridge
Recording started: [Yes]
Postal votes: [No]
Meeting closed at 22:55 CEST by Marcel


19:17 Finlay arrived
Lola: previously we where not able to "vote" on the minutes, because of pads not being public. Now that they are, Lola is willing to vote for it.
Finlay is present. - Quorum is established with 5 of 6 board members.

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

YES: Thomas, Lola
NO: Marcel,Samir

Result: Not approved

Thomas was disconnected. Returned at 19:25
Samir will propose a rules of procedure change ( again ) in order to resolve recurring minutes voting. 19:30

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

YES: Thomas, Marcel, Lola
ABSTENTIONS: Finlay, Samir

Result: not approved

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

YES: Thomas, Marcel, Lola
ABSTENTIONS: Finlay, Samir

Result: not approved

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

YES: Thomas, Marcel, Lola
ABSTENTIONS: Finlay, Samir

Result: not approved

YES: Thomas, Marcel, Lola, Finlay

Result: Minutes are accepted

Samir to propose a change of the rules of procedure so we are not going to vote on approval of the previous minutes every board meeting. Timeframe 2 weeks. -- REDMINE

4 - Reports

4.1 - Short report of the board members

Members of the board to give a short summary (one minute at maximum) what happened since the last board meeting or their last report. If something needs more attention, it should be discussed in separate points.

Marcel: Co-chairmen officially congratulated the new elected board of PP-DE, Bank, Belgium, visiting Christan Engström, lobbyists, .be pirates.
( All during PPI board meetup in Brussels )

Samir: Didn't prepare a report due to not be able to xs data. ( Hardware failure. ) Did attend the bxl meetup. - postponed

Lola: visited Austrian Pirates, Standard work, also attended the bxl PP meetup, PPI tattoo :)

Pat (sent by e-mail):
- I edited the recordings (beeping of the name of a PP) of the last board meeting and sent it back to Lola. That took me >2hours as I went trough all of the recordings to be sure that I did not miss anything.
- efforts to obtain the forms needed for transfering the bank account to the new board filled in by the previous co-chairmen
- actions to get access to the last GA journalists list

Finlay: Occupied with constituency work.

Thomas:several admin activities at the int-wiki and forum, busy on PP-DE issues - #servergate, #spanishrevolution, some minor issues, twitter activities at @ppinternational

Samir: Trivia: Shadow G20 & opengov - Morroco PP is in this. ( So is tunisia )
Some NGO's joined.

4.2 - PPI rights definition

Redmine task #25, due date 2011-05-10.

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

From Redmine:
( Virtual ) Revoke & Grant all rights, and create a list and review it.
Persons responsible: We will ask Thomas.
Deadline: 2 weeks, at the next boardmeeting. ( This is a process )
Vote: "The board will do a full review and administration of all rights and privilliges for all IT infrastructure currently or in the future being used assets."
YES: MARCEL, Lola, Paul, Samir, Patrick
Motion passed.
Report by Thomas

Gregory Engels, Jerry Weyer, Steffen Ortmann, Thomas Gaul
Gregory Engels, Jerry Weyer, Steffen Ortmann, Thomas Gaul
  • Redmine: (no access on "secret"):
Patrick Mächler, Thomas Gaul
  • Twitter @pp-international
Jerry Weyer, Steffen Ortmann, Thomas Gaul, Lola Voronina, Artem Karamisov, David (Arcos?) (spain)
  • agenda-collector
Patrick Mächler, Thomas Gaul
  • List of Parties (rss):
Secure "admins"
  • Mailman
Secure "admins"
  • DNS
Secure "admins"
  • MySQL
Secure "admins"
  • Telco-room
Secure "admins"
  • Root to IP-URL
  • TTF Mailinglist (mod)
Secure "admins"
  • virtual host admin console
Secure "admins"
  • secure "admins"
Gregory Engels, Steffen Ortmann, Jerry Weyer, Paul Da Silva, Patrick Mächler, Thomas Gaul, Lola Voronina (Manager)
Gregory Engels, Patrick Mächler, Thomas Gaul, no idea who else
  • Forum
Frontend Admins: Gregory Engels, Florian Hufsky (in memoriam), Gert Lowenhamm (last active 2007-07-19), gustafsd (last active 2007-04-29), Gustav Nipe (last active 2007-04-24), infinite_emma (last active 2009-09-29), Johan^mlg (last active 2010-01-06), juxi (last active 2007-10-24), laws of tradition (last active 2006-10-02), Roderick (last active 2009-11-06), TheBaldingOne (last active 2009-08-25), Patrick Mächler, Thomas Gaul
Backend Admins: Secure "Admins"
  • - board
Gregory Engels, Jerry Weyer, Lola Voronina, Thomas Gaul
  • - PPI
Gregory Engels, Patrick Mächler, Steffen Ortmann, Jerry Weyer
  • Wiki
Buerocrat Gregory Engels among others from PP-DE
Admin Thomas Gaul among others from PP-DE

Lola: I did not know about administration rights.
Thomas: Needs help on the wiki work. 19:54
Lola&Samir: We have several Facebook groups. Needs management.
Thomas: Lola&Samir, please take care of Facebook.
Redmine: Time frame 2 weeks.
Marcel: We also have a linkedin group. ( Only Marcel does updates. )
( Copied from samir - will keep pushing articles )

Samir: Thomas: THANK YOU - Can you please put this in a spreadsheet?
Thomas: Will do so.
Redmine: Time frame 2 weeks. -- child task of #25

This task is connected to the full review. - REDMINE
Samir: Note: Asset management. We also need lists of other PPI resources.
Thomas: There will be more IT collaboration worldwide
Samir: Alternative IRC network. ( Meeb is constructing it. )

Marcel: so there is 2 issues:

- Rights management
- Asset management

Both can be resolved seperately.

Samir: precondition summary.

Rights Management. Redmine task #25

- IT precondition: Compile a list, to be done by Thomas. (done within the parent task)
- Write all assets. REDMINE IT (child task) Samir
- Set criteria for all functions. REDMINE (child task) Samir - Ask for competences REDMINE (child task) Samir

Asset management -- Redmine task #37 -- update it with:
- List all other Assets. REDMINE (child task) -- Samir
- Write other assets. REDMINE (child task) -- Samir
- Ask for competences. REDMINE (child task) -- Samir
2 weeks plus 2 weeks for additional sub-tasks etc.

Thomas mentions a forums aristocrat.
"Will be Admin, always - Florian (RIP)"

Samir: We can ask collentine for data.
- There is several contact lists.
- Old board list
- Coreteam list
- Revised list by blaeks

Samir: Will share all google docs spreadsheets with Collentine.
Samir: Lola will you help on this ?
Thomas: Same story.
Samir: Can we create a new list, and add all data AFTER confirmation.
Thomas agrees.

REDMINE TASK: Lola, Samir, Thomas, Marcel, Collentine
Samir: I'll create a new task. I will also create the spread sheets.
And i'll try to optimise them for future database implementation.
( One day we'll have a proper CRM system. )

Thomas: We'll give collentine a email adress
Samir & Marcel: For accountability & image.

4.3 - account creation and task definition & assignment (due date reached)

10 minutes break at 20:17 CEST

20:29: Recording started again.
Redmine task #46, due date 2011-05-17.

Report by Marcel:
Lukáš has been informed and asked to create his account in Redmine. I suggest to wait for his response until the next board meeting.

4.4 - Parties list (due date reached)

Redmine task #36, due date 2011-05-23.

From Redmine:
Proposal: Use the new script in the PPI website in the sidebar and in
New proposed script at:

I haven't removed yet any Latvia&South Africa, nor changed the links for Ireland or Turkey.
Currently this csv is used as data source:
Other languages can be added, if the translation is provided (you may ask the translation task force).
Other layouts can be added as well (i.e. without
html tags, in wikicode or similar)

Redmine this ?
Samir: Will you construct a counter proposal ?
Thomas asks for cooperation. ( Samir is fine with that. )
Thomas & Samir will work out something.

Report by Samir.
Patrick already fixed this issue.
Data needs to be added to the file Thomas created.
Data must be hosted on PPI property.
So set it to 90% resolved.
Or close it, and open a new issue in redmine.
Marcel: close this one and open new, child task of #37 -- REDMINE

4.5 - PPI Assests list (due date reached)

Redmine task #37, due date 2011-05-23.

From Redmine:
Samir will slice up the work, and present it to the board at a later date.
Report by Samir.

Already discussed in 4.2.

4.6 - Transfer of bank account to new board members (due date reached)

Redmine task #5, due date 2011-05-24.

From Redmine:
bad news: Gregory didn't send the form. -- no bank account transfer was possible during the stay in Brussels
good news: everything can be done by snail mail
Pat in charge of getting the forms filled in by the old board members.
Thomas: Document has been sent but wasn't received so I had been informed by Pat and Gregory

Report by Pat (sent by e-mail):
- I called Jerry. He did not recieve the papers yet. I called Gregory. He said that he sent them already around 20th of May but that it has been happened before that a letter did not reach Jerry. He said he will resend the documents ASAP to Jerry. I instructed Jerry to send it to Marcel after he recieved the papers (as Samir and I will go to Brussels again soon, but not Marcel).

Samir: Patrick and I ( Founders of the account ) Went to Triodos in Brussels.
We have left a full report on our situation, after talking to our account manager, Signed and well. Black on white. 20:42

4.7 - Update Meeting Minutes 2011/03/19 (due date reached)

Redmine task #23, due date 2011-05-24.

Meeting minutes from 2011/03/28 say:
Postal votes "YES/NO" should be "NO"
The proceedings were not discussed at all, so that should be mentioned in the minutes
The break was at 18:47 not 18:42 ...
The order of 3.4 (PPI aftermath) was not in the order of the actual discussion
Pat: The minutes will be updated accordingly by me and Lola
YES: Samir, Paul, Pat, Thomas, Lola, Marcel NO: - ABSTENTIONS: -
Motivation Samir: Voted yes due to mutations in this pad. ( Courtesy of Marcel )

Report by Lola.
Lola: I've finished the task. Task closed.

4.8 - confirmation Slovenian Pirate Party (due date reached)

Redmine task #4, due date 2011-05-26.

From Redmine:
Samir: I haven't send it yet. I couldn't manage to get to the post office yet. Samir agrees to send it till Thursday, 12th of May 2011.
Report by Samir on sending the letter.

Slovenia - There is no rush. ( Contacted )
Lola sent the letter to be printed and signed by Samir (and sent to Marcel) to Samir again, right now.
IN what format ? ( I need PDF, the copyshop does not swallow free formats )
Lola is going to convert .odt to .pdf and send to Samir

4.9 - Response to the conference letter by CA, NZ, PT, and AU (due date reached)

Redmine task #3, due date 2011-05-28.

From Redmine:
Samir proposed that the Co-Chairmen write a response to the letter by Canada, New Zealand, Portugal and Australia

Report by Samir & Marcel.

Thomas: Assign it to me, there already is a pad.
Samir: I'm fine with it, as long as we get a concrete proposal.
Not just blah blah blah diplomatic wording.

Marcel: Let's send a preliminary issue.
Marcel and I will write this. ( After the meeting. )
Inform them about the issue, Thomas etc.- Action Marcel

4.10 - Help PP in Indonesia (joining PPI + founding) (due date reached)

Redmine task #15, due date 2011-06-06.

Report by Thomas:
contacted the responsible person providing information. No answer yet.
REDMINE -- set due date to + 4 weeks from now

4.11 - VPS for PP Slovenia (due date reached)

Redmine task #49, due date 2011-06-06.

From Redmine:
Have send /another/ request mail today since the last one did not reply. At the same time, i'll start looking for other sources.

Report by Samir.

4.12 - certificate of membership for PP-MA (due date reached)

Redmine task #50, due date 2011-06-06.

From Redmine:
On 2011-05-31 Thomas has been asked by Abder about the paper. He has received none up to now.

Report by Samir.
Marcel: We received two different information. I suggest that I will ask Abder, that they really got the paper.
Samir left the meeting, stating out that this is a piece of distrust. 21:09 h

10 min break 21:09 CEST
reopened 21:19 CEST

4.13 - Access to the last GA Journalists list (due date reached)

Redmine task #44, due date 2011-06-07.

From Redmine:
VXroot , requested access to the last GA Journalists list.

Report by Pat (sent by e-mail):
I contacted the chairman of the regional pirates of Friedrichshafen (Ravensburg-Bodenseekreis). He said he will investigate in the issue certainly and reply directly, CC to me. I forwarded the respective mail.

5 - Action plan and work distribution (proposed by Thomas)

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

Tasks will be distributed among the board members according to the business plan: (previous board) - current board:

Proposal: postponed until next meeting, if not applicable there, we will have a separate meeting dealing with this issue.
agreed (consensus)

6 - Updating the statutes - check Jakub's version (due date reached)

Redmine task #20, due date 2011-05-24.

From Redmine and previous board meeting minutes:
Samir: I think we should vouch as a board for the content of the text file before ending it out in order to state that there are no flaws in the file created by Jakub, as this is an official document.
Marcel: I suggest everyone reads it and we will vote on it next meeting. If no one objects, we'll continue with the next item.

Motion: The PPI board vouches that the content of the PPI Statutes as compiled in PP-CZ Piratopedie ( ) conforms with the up-to-date version of the PPI Statutes, so that the content should be used for creating an official PPI Statutes document.

Samir: (preposted) It's on my desktop, can't reach it. $@ ( Hardware failure. )

We have to check again until the next meeting where it will be decided!!!

7 - PPI Statutes - Mandatory req. / CR for Belgian legal req. (due date reached)

Redmine task #39, due date 2011-05-25.


8 - Anti Copying monopoly term extension campaign (due date reached)

Redmine task #32 (parent).
Redmine task #43, due date 2011-06-06.

From Redmine:
Marcel: In CZ we're already asking the council delegates why they're considering changing their POV. Samir, are you willing to contact Hungary and Denmark PPs and ask them what they've done or consider.
Samir: Yes, redmine it on my behalf.

situation in the Council:

  • against: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden
  • no position: Finland, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Portugal
  • ready to accept: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom
  • Malta isn't part of the blocation minority but is not in favor of accepting the directive in the first reading

where the PPI has members and the position is not "against": Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK
not covered by PPI members: Hungary, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland
Thomas: Contacted all 99 German MEPs, received 2 replies: 1 positive and 1 negative, but otherwise not taken seriously.
Marcel: Czech Pirate Party has been heavily pushing this issue, however the Chamber of Deputies passed a vote to accept the Directive. It would be good to ask the PPs in EU member states that are not against the Directive to push for that country's government to oppose the Directive in the Council.
21:44 Zener from PP Austria joins the meeting
Austria is against the extention so nothing to discuss.
21:53 Zener leaves the meeting

Samir will follow up with Hungary and Denmark (Redmine #43)
Marcel will see what can be done with the other countries. -- REDMINE as a child of #32; timeframe: 1 month

9 - Contact PP Ireland initiative (due date reached)

Redmine task #14, due date 2011-06-06.

According to Redmine, there's some misunderstanding. Please, let's clarify it.

Samir preposted: They are gone. $@
PP-DE is still on it. Actually two atm. One other will be married to Dublin soon, he promised to take action in Dublin (he ist trustworthy, working for PP-DE o press issues for years)

Finlay: There is an active Pirate Party student group in Dublin. Also, we have a few contacts in Ireland. Long term goal to get Pirate Party IE back up, since the current (former?) PP is gone. We need to get a communications infrastructure or website online to co-ordinate whoever will form the new Party. Long term task for Finlay.

10 - Streaming (due date reached)

Redmine task #53, due date 2011-06-06.

From Redmine:
No one has the privileges to do streaming. Investigate further!

German Pirate Party IT can do streaming, and they will look into it. Move deadline 3 months into future. (in REDMINE)

11 - replying to requests made by Pirate parties/initiatives (proposed by Pat)

A board member (IMO preferably Finlay) takes full responsibility to answer and possibly fulfill to all requests made by pirate parties/initiatives. This does include trying to fulfill the request in a best effort, but does not automatically include actively contacting parties (e.g. if we want something from them), nor does it include any contacts to non-parties (i.e. non-pirate NGOs). In case of doubts or for further clarification, the person shall remain in strong contact to all other board members (e.g. the co-chairmen) ( )

We have a quite a few requests in this area which are cluttering our desk and have not been answered yet. Our mission is to help pirate parties around the world and we need to start improving the communication on this level ASAP, as it endangers PPIs credibility.

Consensus: Finlay to be that person.

12 - Resigning of a Member of the Board (proposed by Thomas)

  • Reassigning the tasks
Paul Da Silva resigned by e-mail on 2011/05/03
  • Appointing a person responsible for IT

Thomas @2011-05-28:
Yesterday, I talked with Paul about his resignation letter. I hereby confirm, he did resign from the PPI board.
Thomas proposes to find a person responsible the IT outside of the board
Thomas agreed to take over the running of IT on a temporary basis until a suitable replacement is found.

Consensus in the board.

Break 22:25-22:26 CEST

Thomas to write 'job description' for applications for IT manager. May not be done for the next fortnight.
Ask for volunteers via pp-leaders, etc
Readmine it, deadline 1 month? agreed upon.

13 - Transparent bank account (proposed by Marcel)

Redmine task #30, due date 2011-06-30.

From Redmine:
Conclusion: We don't seem to be able to set up a transparent bank account provided by the bank before we found a legal entity, which is in progress, however, doesn't seem to be finished before the deadline for a transparent bank account set by the GA. A workaround has been already agreed by the PPI board. The PPI members should be informed.

REDMINE -- to inform the PPI members about the progress and expectations on timeline (update the already created task -- #30)

14 - Apply as observer member in WIPO (proposed by Marcel)

Redmine task #7, due date 2012-05-01.
From Redmine:
Samir: PPI does not exist according to Belgian law. The informal association was dissolved at the GA in Brussels. WIPO is not accepting a change of organisations. There are lots of legal problems unfortunately.
Application shall be done by 2012 as it's unlikely to get it done this year.

Samir (preposted): WIPO application can only be done after being legal. PPI board went to bxl for work on this.

Proposal: Announce the status to the members?

Consensus - PPI application for WIPO did not go ahead because of legal issues. REDMINE -- Letter to be sent out to this effect. (Samir) Deadline -- 2 weeks.

15 - PP-IN request (proposed by Marcel)

See the e-mail.

REDMINE -- Finlay. Deadline -- 2 weeks

Pat started to compose a reply:

16 - PP-DO request (proposed by Marcel)

See the e-mail.

REDMINE -- Finlay. Deadline -- 2 weeks.

17 - PP-CO request (proposed by Marcel)

See the e-mail.

REDMINE -- Finlay. Deadline -- 2 weeks.

18 - AOB

CI: -template for letters (odt) ? ( Created it already, but don't have acces to it. $@ )
CI: -standardized signature for board members?
Preparation next GA, where, when etc. Subtask in Redmine is given.
Setup Groupware? (PP-DE is setting one up, follow there ideas?)

Postponed to next meeting.
GA of PP-CZ 2011-06-18/19 in ????
Marcel will bring a his Secretary to the board meeting and he shall have access to Redmine and
Agreed upon

Meeting Closed: 22:55 CEST

correction: After the meeting: Errata by Marcel: the PP-CZ GA is June 25-26; sorry for the confusion!