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--- 11/10/2011 19:00h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"

Record of the meeting Part 1/1 [1]


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Marcel, Patrick

excused: Thomas, Lola, Samir

unexcused: Finlay

1.2 - Others

Tom Vymazal (PP-CZ)


Meeting opened at 19.10 CEST by Marcel

Meeting chaired by Marcel

Secretary for this meeting is Tom Vymazal

Quorum not established with 2 out of 6 board members present.

Streaming started: [No]

Recording started: [Yes]

Postal votes: [No]


3.1 - Short report of the board members

Members of the board shall give a short summary (one minute at maximum) of what happened since the last board meeting or their last report. If something needs more attention, it should be discussed in separate points.


  • Pat, Samir, and me discussed the first half of the suggested PPI HQ incorporation deeds
  • started a discussion about possibilities of coordinated Free/Pirate Beer production
  • in touch with Richard Stallman regarding the Pirate Dictionary
  • gave an interview for Capital Weekly Bulgaria
  • published two articles on the PPI website (PP-UK and PP-CZ PRs)
  • in touch with Aleksandar Blagojević in order to exchange contacts among the Croatian Pirates
  • replied to the e-mail of a Belgian guy that we received a few weeks ago
  • replied to the e-mail regarding the DST that we received earlier this month

Pat: I had reworked the script for the parties list and I gave support on how to use the current drupal installation.

Samir: <not present>

Lola: <not present>

Finlay: <not present>

Thomas: <not present>

3.2 - Web/Wiki/Wikipedia update (due date reached)

Task progress is being tracked in:

Redmine task #46: account creation and task definition & assignment

Redmine task #47: information update

From Redmine: Report on both tasks by Marcel:

I lost the contact with Lukas who was responsible for it. I will try to renew the contact, but in the meantime find someone else for it. We can try to find anyone else by sending an email, as we have the intermediate structure in place. I will keep on working on that.

Report by Marcel:

I didn't have time to do anything. I would like to postpone the due date to +1 month.

REDMINE: Postpone due date +1 month.

3.3 - Contact PP Ireland initiative (due date reached)

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

Redmine task #14, due date 2011-06-06.

From previous meeting:

Report by anybody about any feedback:

One member of PP-Ireland had contacted the board. Further initiative is given. Marcel and Thomas asked Dieter Klein to do so as he marries to Ireland. Contact data are exchanged.

Redmine: Set to 90% and as waiting for feedback

Report by anybody about any feedback:

Pat: I don't have any report from anybody.

Marcel: Neither do I.

3.4 - Response to the conference letter by Canada, NZ, Portugal and Australia

Redmine task #3, due date 2011-10-06.

Redmine subtask #42, make Internet GA possible, due date 2011-10-06

From the meeting a month ago:


Marcel: Any action plan?

Samir: I'll just start writing again, but this time using a different tone.

Marcel Will you be able to send it out within the next 2 weeks?

Samir: Yes, certainly.


Report by Samir:

The Internet GA was a response to the parties that complained. That's why I set up the mailing list. The complainees did not participate yet. We will fix that however.

Report by Samir: <not present>


3.5 - Full Preliminary report (due date reached)

Task progress is being tracked in:

Redmine task #87: full preliminary report (child)

Redmine task #6: Creation of PPI HQ in Brussels


From the meeting a month ago:

Marcel suggests to wait until the next board meeting whether or not the board will decide to send the report in its contemporary state. In the latter case, Samir should be able to send the report on behalf of himself.

Report by Marcel:

There is nothing special to report here. Samir has some document prepared, but the board is not participating and Samir is not here.


From Redmine:

Marcel: The notary sent the incorporation documents to Pat. We had a look at it, at least I did.

Pat: I will ask about the english translation again.

Marcel: The board members should send comments if they have some additional comments.

Report by Samir: <not present>

Marcel: I suggest skipping this task.


3.6 - Correct the mistake in the minutes of the GA (due date reached)

Redmine task (parent) #20, due date 07/22/2011

Task progress is being tracked in:

Redmine task (child) #78, due date 07/22/2011

From Redmine:

Marcel: There are some mistakes in the current compilation of the statues. In the minutes of the GA there is a mistake in the name of the SAP-13 "deadline to send out amendments" instead of "general assembly quorum". Also SAP-19 word "this" >> "these" <- not reflected. and SAP-20 word "expulsion" >> "exclusion" <- not reflected.

From the previous meeting:

Report by Marcel:

The task was resolved by me, but I didnt update Redmine. I will check the status and update Redmine accordingly.

Report by Marcel:

I already finished this task and fixed everything, so i suggest closing the task.

REDMINE: Close the task.

3.7 - Requests by PP-IN/DO/CO

Included tasks:

Redmine task #67, due date 08/02/2011

Redmine task #69, due date 08/03/2011

Redmine task #70, due date 09/23/2011

From the meeting a month ago:


Report by Pat:

Not done yet, procrastinated on it due to my thesis.

Will address it by 22nd/23rd September.

Please extend due date for that period.

Report by Pat:

I am sorry to report that I didn't have the time to do anything.


Samir mixed up the PP-DO and PP-CO tasks. He is willing to send the e-mail to the PP-DO right after the meeting.

Report by Samir: <not present>



From Redmine:

We are waiting for their response until the next meeting.

Report by Samir: <not present>


3.8 - Write a job description for a new IT manager applications (due date reached)

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

Redmine task #66, due date 07/07/2011

From previous meeting:

Thomas asked Christoph who is willing to help out and Thomas will arrange that Christoph gets the necessary access rights.

Report by Thomas: <not present>

Pat: I will contact Thomas and Christoph because I think Thomas didn't have the time to do anything.

Marcel: Great, and you also have the possibility to give Christoph the necessary access rights.

Pat: Yes

Marcel: Do we have anything like NDA yet?

Pat: No, we don't, and we also should create contracts for any service providers, e.g. IT infrastructure, as we don't pay for it, we are more or less dependent on their goodwill.

Report by Pat in the next meeting

Redmine: Change assignee to Patrick.

3.9 - PPI rights definition (IT) (due date reached)

Task progress is being tracked in:

Redmine task #57: Spreadsheet creation

Redmine task #58: Write all assets

Redmine task #59: Criteria setting

Redmine task #60: Asking for competences (child of #25)

Tasks have been postponed from the meeting a month ago.

Spreadsheet creation, due date 2011-06-21

Report by Thomas: <not present>

Write all assets, due date 2011-06-21

Report by Samir: <not present>

Criteria setting, due date 2011-06-21

Report by Samir: <not present>

Asking for competences (child of #25), due date 2011-06-21

Report by Samir: <not present>

Marcel: The three latter tasks depend on the first one which means there is acctually nothing to discuss. IIRC Thomas reported, in the last meeting, that he got it and then he lost it so he promised to do it again.


3.10 - corporate identity (due date reached)

Redmine task #41, due date 07/10/2011

From Redmine:

Create mail group and initiate process/first draft

From the meeting a month ago: Report by Samir:

I did not do it. Will do it until the next board meeting.

Report by Samir: <not present>


3.11 - pi2pi.{us,org,net,mobi,info,biz} (due date reached)

Postponed from the previous board meeting.

Redmine task #91, due date 08/16/2011

From Redmine:

pass the issue to Collentine

From the previous board meeting:

Report by Thomas: Ups, not on my mind. Slipped totally, maybe I have done it. Should have asked him in Berlin.

Postponed to the next board meeting.

Report by Thomas: <not present>


3.12 - Define joint communication strategy

Redmine task #13, due date 09/27/2011

From Redmine: Pat:

started to write a draft on

could not finish exploration/proposal yet

Report by Pat: I think I will create one that partially focuses on idealistic (abstract) aspects that refer to Pirate ideology, the PPI purpose and previous decisions (by the board and the GA) and on the other hand on practical issues (i.e. who should reply on which requests etc.). This is a short-cutted way, but better than to have no strategy at all.

What do you think about this proposal?

Marcel: That was too quick for me to react. While this is quite complex or complicated, I think if you tried to send an email to the board explaining your proposal, that would certainly help.

Pat: Will do so.

Postponed to the next board meeting.

3.13 - channels administration

Redmine task #81, due date 09/27/2011

From Redmine: Pat:

possible solutions to consider:

Lola tries to use Rockmelt browser ( ) or someone can try to program an internally accessible webinterface on PPI servers, based on qwibber and cwibber (CLI for qwibber).

Report by Pat: One possibility would be to sign up for a account if we want to go for a solution where we can dispatch a message to multiple social media channels at once.

Marcel: If I understand correctly what is, it's a service where you can get an account free of charge that allows you to do what you described. It seems reasonable to me. I guess we should propose this to the CAO because she's responsible for the social networks.

Pat: Partially, Lola is responsible only for Facebook.

Marcel: But we want to consolidate it and in that case we want the CAO to do it all.

Marcel: It seems to be again a matter of sending a proposal by e-mail to the CAO and the board. So, will you do it, Patrick?

Pat: Redmine it please and I will do it until the next board meeting.

REDMINE: Patrick shall write a proposal and present it to the board.

3.14 - Make a blog post about the PP fight against canal digitaal.

Redmine task #94, due date 09/27/2011

Report by Samir: <not present>


4 - digital money (Marcel)

We received an e-mail about some project. Samir should have taken care of it but I haven't seen any reply.

Samir is not present so there is nothing to discuss.


5 - apply as an observer member in WIPO (Marcel)

Redmine task #76

The task has been closed, however, the request is still valid. We're just not eligible to apply _at the moment_. Open the task?

Pat: Of course, it shouldn't be closed.

Marcel: Even if we're not able to finish it before the next GA, the next Board (whoever it might be) will continue with it.

REDMINE accordingly with an explanatory comment.

6 - PP-BR issues (Marcel)

(i) Fabricio asked to hold the next PPI GA in BR.

(ii) mediation needed?

Marcel: I think we should call for applications for the next GA location and Brazil can apply then.

Pat: I agree and I think that Brazil is a good candidate because the previous GA was promissed to take place outside of Europe but it didn't.

Marcel: It was promissed by whom to whom?

Pat: I don't recall (have to look it up) but it was a common understanding; we could also ask Gregory/Jerry.

Marcel: OK, I don't consider it necessary to know who promissed it.

Marcel: The second thing is that there are some problems between two groups of people in Brazil and that some mediation would be needed. What do you think about that?

Pat: I am not familiar with this so I cannot comment on this.

Marcel: Haven't you seen the email?

Pat: No I haven't, I've seen other but not this one.

Marcel: It was even discussed in the PP-leaders.discussion list.

Pat: Okay?

Marcel: Do you want me to resend those emails to you?

Pat: Is it the one with subject "Court of Arbitration"?

Marcel: Yes it is.

Pat:(some insignificant suggestion in the discussion)

Marcel: The crucial question is, who can do it? You need some kind of insight into that issue which we really don't have.

Pat: I am not in favor of the Board choosing who should act as mediator, the CoA should decide upon that.

Pat: Even if it's not acctually mentioned in the statutes, I'd be happy if someone from the CoA took the initiative.

Marcel offers to drop an email to the CoA.

Pat agrees.

Report by Marcel in the next meeting.

7 - 2012 PPI GA (Marcel)

We should start taking care of it.

Marcel: IIRC there was some conference task force.

Pat: Yes, there was a work group. (something about mypirates system)

Marcel: I don't know mypirates system. Is there a person who is a leader of that group?

Pat: Yes there is

Marcel: There are two things we can do. We should start getting people on board to help with organizing the conference and we should send the call for offers.

Marcel: We should also agree on the date.

Pat: March is okay for most people.

Marcel: Also the board's mandate is for one year, so it's a good idea to have the GA in March. Isn't it like that?

Pat: Yep.

Marcel: I would suggest not to build everything from scratch but to use as much things as we can from the previous GA, i.e. the call for offers at the moment. Do you have it?

Pat: Looking it up...I found the official invitation. I can see that it was an email called "Call for offers to host the next PPI conference" and it was sent on the forth of November 2010.

Marcel: We just need to recycle the requirements published on the wiki and the deadline. According to my understanding of the possition of the CAO, I think that she should do it.

Pat: I have no objections to that. And we definitely should do it, because the deadline for sending the offers was until the end of November last time.

Marcel: I will contact Lola and try to get it started. Is that all?

Pat: Yes, from my side.

8 - PPI board meeting minutes not published yet (Marcel)

The previous PPI board meeting minutes have not been published yet. This is a violation of §6 of the PPI board ROP.

Marcel: I'd like to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Lola is currently in France so she is probably unable to fix it now. I can probably upload the minutes to the PPI website but I don't have access to the mypirates site.

Pat: I have access but I'm not sure whether I can upload files.

Marcel: The recordings are currently uploaded to my server:

Pat: So, you can link it to your server temporarily.

Marcel: OK

9 - AOB

Marcel: The Czech Pirates including me and Tom are going to Slovenia to help slovenian Pirates to get their party officially registered. They are running for the elections soon.


Meeting Closed: 20.24 CEST by Marcel.


After the meeting:

REDMINE: Marcel to publish the minutes; deadline 1 week

Pat: Uploaded the recordings to: