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Revision as of 16:56, 15 August 2012

--- [14/08/2012 19:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board 

participating: Nuno Cardoso, Denis Simonet, Ed Geraghty, Gregory Engels
excused: Travis, Lola
unexcused: Jelena

1.2 - Others




Meeting opened at 19:25 CEST by (Gregory)
Meeting closed at 20.05 CEST by (Gregory)
Meeting chaired by Gregory
Secretary for this meeting is (All participants)
Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present. 
Streaming started: [No]
Recording started: [Yes]
Postal votes: [No]


3.1 - Short report of the board members

Members of the board shall give a short summary (one minute at maximum) of  what happened since the last board meeting or  their last report. If something needs more attention, it should be  discussed in separate  points.

  • Gregory: I have assisted in the launch of the PirateTimes newsservice, have installed piwik website tracking under had worked further on the image bank project and have fixed finaly the redmine problems, so it is sending and recieving mails now nicely. Also installed a plugin that should send out notifications close to tasks due date. Also did some anti-spam work in the wiki (deleted about 130 spam accounts). Had a first contact with pirates from Nicaragua. 
  • Lola: Excused from meeting
  • Travis: Excused from meeting
  • Ed: I've been chasing the bank to no avail, which I'll talk about more fully on point 3.2.9.  I have been working on the manifesto for PPUK's Manchester by-election.
  • Denis: Gefion and I had the first press team meeting which was a meeting between us and one team member at the end. We absolutely need more staff and are going to bug the member parties again. I also called WIPO to ask whether we can already attend their next assembly as soon as they accepted our application. Negative.
  • Jelena: No report recieved
  • Nuno: I've been contacted by the Pirate Party of Mexico for help on setting up a LQFB for them, I also started contacting other Parties that are not members or applicants in order to have them interested on the LQFB issue. Updated the system to the lastest frontend release. Created a poll of sorts on LQFB policies for several issues ( since the subject caused long heated debates on the international mailing lists, and of course participated in the heated debates trying to bring some logic and peace to them, seems to have worked a bit.

3.2 - Report on open Redmine Tasks

3.2.1 - Streaming

Redmine task #53, due date: 08/14/2012 ***

Lola is not present REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.2 - Tech-team

Redmine task #130, due date: 08/14/2012

Travis is not present REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.3 - Pirate VPN

Redmine task #139, due date: 08/14/2012

Travis is not present REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.4 - Recover the MyPirates files

Redmine task #153, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Gregory: Not done REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.5 - Internet GA and Remote Delegates

Redmine task #132, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Gregory: Not done (was assigned to Lola) REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.6 - Call for hosts PPI GA

Redmine task #YYY, due date: 08/14/2012

From Redmine:

REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.7 - Select a SMÜ

Redmine task #141, due date: 08/14/2012

REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.8 - Feedback on observer membership application in WIPO

Redmine task #168, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Denis: Our application will be decided on in the coming GA of WIPO, which will grant us access after this assembly. For the coming assembly we could try to submit applications for admission as an "ad hoc" observer for specific meetings.

Nuno -> ask members for help distinguishing the meetings that we should apply for "ad hoc" observer membership

task: get through agenda and identify the most important meetings for pirates

REDMINE (new related task) apply for "ad hoc" observer membership +2 Weeks

3.2.9 - Bank account access

Redmine task #161, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Ed: Been trying to contact the account manager both by email and signed fax but with no success.  Since Ed has no legal proof he is the treasurer, it may be worth (or may require) waiting until PPI HQ has changed hands to give him some supporting documentation.  Need to set up another account under PPI HQ so that this cannot happen again. Gregory forwarded Ed an email with some successful contact details. Ed to provide Denis with information for calling the FR phone line, Ed to call the number in the email from Gregory Gregory to scan the form and send it to Denis. REDMINE +2 Weeks

3.2.10 - Calendar and Parrot

Redmine task #135, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Gregory: Steffen is working on it - so far we got a working test installation of parrot, next step to transfer it to the production host and go live again. Cannot say anything about calendar yet (need to ask Stefen) Redmine: +2 Week 

3.2.10 - register subdomain

Redmine task #167, due date: 08/14/2012

Report by Gregory: REDMINE: keep it in sync with the other VPN Task (from Travis)

3.2.11 - Budget Plan / PPDE Financial Request

Redmine task #173, due date: 07/21/2012

Report by Ed and Gregory: Need to have a meeting. Meeting appointed at August 15th 8pm UK time (skype)  Redmine: +2 Week 

4 - AOB

AOB #1

Ed reports that the PPUK IT Team Leader Steve Wilson has won an OpenDNS award for his work on the UK's Pirate Bay proxy and PPUK web servers

Meeting End

Next Meeting: 19:00 CEST on 28/August/2012 
Meeting Closed: 20:05 CEST by Gregory (also copy this in the section #1 and delete this remark)