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Please do not update the minutes pad except for suggested motions, and let the minute takers do the rest.

Once approved, minor changes to the agenda are up to the chairperson.


10:00 Delegates Accreditation

All delegates (or their proxies) need to be on site at 10:00 to participate in the assembly.

10:30 Keynote and Opening of the GA

Chairperson: Anton Nordefur Vice Chairperson: Adam Wolf Minute Keepers: Melodi Diner, Gijs Peskens Tabulators: Mary Paniscus, Patrick McElligott

11:45 Approving the Agenda and the Rules of Procedure

Agenda: RoP:

12:00 Admittance of new PPI members


Democratic Pirates of Australia

-PPI Canada objects to remote deligation

Pirate Party North Rhine-Westfalia

Internet Party of Serbia

Pirate Party of New York

15 minutes discussion for each.

Lay auditor sebastian reported there was nothing to report due to lack of information

Patrick: organized GA, failure with bank support, built up the PPI website (new Wordpress), produced online merchandise shop for PPI

Role call Present: -Austria -Belgium -Canada (proxy) Schoresch Davoodi -Catalunya (proxy ) Jens -Czech Republic -Denmark -Germany -Finland (proxy, not yet connected) Simon Kowalewski -Greece (proxy Carlo (Italy) ) -Israel (proxy) Gregory Engels -Italy -Netherlands -New Zealand (proxy) James Poulson -Romania (proxy) James Poulson -Norway -Poland -Portugal (proxy) Paula Joyce -Russia (proxy Frantisek Navrkal -Switzerland -Turkey (proxy) Jelena -Estonia (Proxy jelena)

Not presemt -Bosnia -Bulgaria


Democratic Pirates of Australia Austria YAY Belgium NAY Canada NAY Catalunya Abst. Cyech YAY Denmark Abst Germany Nay Fin... Abst. Greece .... Abst.? Israel YAY It. NAY Jp Abst+ NL Abst. NZ. Abst. RO.. Abst. ? NO. NAY PL. NAY Portugaal ABst. RU. Abst. CH. YAY TR. Abst. Est. NAY

Motion Failed

Pirate Party North Rhine-Westfalia Austria Abst. BE. YAY Ca Abst. (Canada refused vote) Catalunya YAY 0.5 Cz YAY DK. Abst. DE YAY Fin. Abst.? Gr. YAY Isr YAY It YAY NL YAY NZ Abst. RO. Abst.? NO YAY PL Abst. Portugal Abst. RU. YAY CH YAY TR Abst.? Est Abst.?

Motion Carried

Motion on the rules of procedure to allow voting utilizing mumble for remote participants. Motion carried

Internet Party of Serbia Aus. YAY Be. YAY Ca. NAY (Canada refused vote) Catalunya Abst. Cz. YAY Dk. Abst. DE. Abst. Fin. Gr. YAY Isr YAY It. NAY NL. YAY NZ. YAY Ro. Abst.? NO. YAY Pl Abst. Portugal ABst. RU. YAY Ch. YAY TR Abst. Est. Abst.

Motion Carried.

Pirate Party of New York

Aus Abst. Be. Abst. Ca. Abst.(Canada refused vote) Catalunya NAY Cz. YAY Dk. YAY DE. YAY Fin. Gr. Abst. Israel YAY It. NAY NL. YAY NZ. Abst. RO. Abst. NO YAY PL. NAY Portugal Abst. RU YAY Ch. YAY Tr. Abst. Est. YAY

Motion Carries

13:00 Lunch break

14:00 Christian Mihr - Reporters without Frontiers

14:10 Statutes Amendments

6 proposals have been submitted in time, an additional 6 have not:

15 minutes discussion for each.


Aus. Yay Be. Nay Ca. Yay Catalunya Abst. Cz. Yay Dk.Abst. DE. Yay Fin. -- Gr. -- Isr. Yay It. Yay NL. Nay NZ. Yay Ro. -- NO. Abst. PL. Yay Portugal Abst. RU. Yay Ch. Yay TR . Abst. Est. --

The motion is carried

The Finish delegate announced to leave the GA °15:20


Aus. Yay Be. Yay Ca. Yay Catalunya Abst. Cz. Yay Dk.Abst. DE. Yay Fin. -- Gr. Abst. Isr. Yay It. Abst. NL. Yay NZ. Yay Ro. -- NO. Abst. Pl Yay Portugal Yay RU. Yay Ch. Yay TR. Abst. Est. Abst.

Motion is carried


Aus. Abst. Be. Abst. Ca. Abst. Catalunya Abst. Cz. Abst. Dk. Abst. DE. Yay Fin. -- Gr. Abst. Isr. Abst. It. Nay NL. Abst. NZ. Yay Ro. -- NO. Nay Pl Abst. Portugal Abst. RU. Abst. Ch. Yay TR Abst- Est. Abst.

Motion fails.

SAP-4 Aus. YAY Be. YAY Ca. Abst Catalunya Abst. Cz. YAY Dk. Abst DE. YAY Gr. YAY Isr. Abst. It. Abst. NL. YAY NZ. YAY Ro. NO. YAY Pl Abst Portugal YAY RU. YAY Ch. YAY TR Abst. Est. Abst.

Motion Carried

Procedural Motion on voting SAP-5 in 2 seperate votings. Vote failed


Aus. NAY Be. YAY Ca. Abst. Catalunya Abst. Cz. YAY Dk. Abst. DE. YAY Gr. NAY Isr. YAY It. YAY NL.YAY NZ. Abst. Ro. Abst NO. YAY Pl Yay Portugal YAY RU. Abst Ch. YAY TR --- Est.Abst-

Motion carried


Aus. Abst. Be. Abst. Ca. Abst. Catalunya Abst. Cz. Abst. Dk. Abst. DE. YAY Gr. YAY Isr. Abst. It. Abst. NL. YAY NZ. YAY Ro. NO. NAY Pl NAY Portugal NAY RU. YAY Ch. NAY TR -- Est. Abst.

Motion fails due to lack of 2/3 majority.

All other statute amendments past SAP-6 were not handled due to missing the deadline, they will be handled on the next GA

16:00 Break

16:15 Elections of PPI Officers (Board, Court, Lay Auditors)


Chairperson: Candidate 1 - Bailey Lamon (Pirate Party Canada) Candidate 2 - 3 - Abstain

Aus. 1 & 2 Be. 2 Catalunya 1 Cz. 2 Dk. 3 DE. 2 Gr. 1 Isr. 2 It. 2 NL. 3 NZ. 1 NO. 1 Pl 2 Portugal 1 Ch. 2 TR 1 & 2 RU 2

Vice Chairperson Candidate 1 - Thomas Gaul Candidate 2 - Heiki Lõhmus (aka Repentinus) Candidate 3 - Bailey Lamon 4 - Abstain

Aus.1, 3 Be. 3 Catalunya 3 Cz. 1 Dk. 4 DE. 1 Gr. -- Isr. 1 It. -- NL. 3 NZ. -- NO. 3 Pl 2, 3 Portugal 3 Ch. 3 TR RU 1 Est. 2, 3

New Vice Chairperson: Bailey Lamon

Board Members Candidate 1 - Thomas Gaul Candidate 2 - Bastian (Sebastian Krone) Candidate 3 - Andrew Reitmeyer Candidate 4 - Keith L. Goldstein Candidate 5 - Min Chi Aki Candidate 6 - Heiki Lohmus Candidate 7 - Koen de Voegt Candidate 8 - Raymond Johansen 9 - Abstain

Aus. 1, 4, 5, 3 Be. 7, 8, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6 Catalunya ABST. Cz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Dk. 1, 8, 5, 4, 3 DE. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 Gr. 2, 3, 8, 5, 7 Isr. 1, 4 It. 5, 6, 1, 4, 8 NL. 7, 8, 3, 1, 4, 5, 6 NZ. 3, 4, 7, 6, 5 NO. 1, 3, 7, 8 Pl 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Portugal 1, 6, 3, 2, 4 Ch. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 TR. -- RU. 1, 3, 2 Est. 8, 6, 4, 3

New Board Members: Thomas (12), Andrew (14), Keith (12), Raymond (10)

Second vote for last board member (tie-break between Min and Koen) Candidate 1 - Koen Candidate 2 - Min

Aus. 2 Be. 1 Catalunya Abst. Cz. 2 Dk -- DE. 2 Gr. 2 Isr. 2 It. 2 NL. 1 NZ. 1 NO. 1 Pl 1 Portugal 1 Ch. 1 TR -- RU 1 Est. 1

Last Board Member: Koen (9)

17:30 Reports

17:40 Break

18:00 Press Conference

18:30 Motions

At the moment three:

19:30 Official Conference End, Social Event


11:30 Reopening of the General Assembly

Election of Alternate members:

1 Nikolay Voronov (aka AlexVox) 16 2 Pattrick Schiffer (aka Pakki) 11 3 Gregory Engels 11 4 Pirates without borders sponsors the chair of the meeting (Adam Wolf) for a position as alternative board member. 11

Aus 1 2 3 4 Be. 1 2 3 4 Catalunya Abst. Cz. 1 2 3 4 Dk. 1 2 3 4 Est. 1 De. 1 2 3 4 Isr. 1 2 3 4 It. 1 2 3 4 NL. 1 2 3 4 NZ. 1 2 3 NO. 1 2 3 4 PL 1 4 Portugal 1 Ru 1 Ch. 1 2 3 4

A ballot will be cast to determine the ranking of the alternative board members due to a tie.

(1) Patrick Schiffer 11

(2) Gregory Engels 7

(3) Adam Wolf 8

Aus 3 1 Be. 1 3 Catalunya Abst Cz. 1 Dk. 1 Est. Abst De. 2 Isr. 2 It. 3 1 NL. 3 2 NZ. 1 2 NO. 2 1 3 PL 3 Portugal 1 Ru 1 2 Ch. 3 1 2 Srb. 1 3

The elected alternate board members are, in ranking, Nikolay Voronov Patrick Schiffer Adam Wolf Gregory Engels

Election of Court of arbitration

 Pirate party of Japan nominates Tom J. Quitter
Pirate party of Norway nominates Kjell Segers
Pirate party of Germany nominates Sebastian Krone
Pirate party of Norway nominates Jelena Jovanović
Pirate party of Belgium sponsors Carlo von Lynx
Pirates without borders sponsors Denis Simonet

(1) Tom J. Quitter 9 (2) Kjell Segers 13 (3) Sebastian Krone 10 (4) Jelena Jovanović 13 (5) Carlo von lynX 13 (6) Denis Simonet 13

Aus 1 2 3 4 5 6 Be. 2 4 5 6 Catalunya Abst Cz. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dk. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Est. 4 5 6 De. 2 3 4 5 6 Isr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 It. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Jp. 1 2 3 4 5 6 NL. 2 4 5 6 NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Portugal 2 Ru 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ch. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Germany submitted a procedural motion: We need a ranking between Thomas Gaul and Keith Goldstein both have 12 votes. Please arrange this during GA PPI 16.

Lay auditors German pirates sponsor Mikulas Peksa Czech pirate party and pirates without borders sponsor Patrick Machler, cannot connect to Patrick Czech pirate party sponsor Frantisek Navrkal Pirate party of Germany sponsors Harry Hensler

(1) Mikulas Peksa 10 (2) Frantisek Navrkal 10 (3) Harry Hensler 11

Aus 1 2 3 Be. 1 2 3 Catalunya Abst Cz. 1 2 3 Dk. 1 2 3 Est. Abst De. 1 2 3 Isr. 1 2 3 It. 1 2 3 NL. 1 2 3 NZ. 1 2 3 NO. 1 2 3 PL Abst Portugal 3 Ru 1 2 3 Ch. 1 2 3 Srb. 1 2 3


procedural motion: We need a ranking between Thomas Gaul and Keith Goldstein both have 12 votes. Please arrange this during GA PPI 16. Motion was carried with 12 in favor

The ranking was decided by draw, using a coinflip. Keith Goldstein won the coinflip. [Keith is elected for one year, Thomes is elected for two years}


Changing the statutes requires motions to change to be supplied 4 weeks in advance in writing to the board, therefore parts of this motion cannot be executed.

Motion is rejected due to not adhering to the statutes or rules of procedure


Aus NAY Be. NAY Catalunya Abst. Cz. NAY Dk. Abst. Est. Abst. GR. Abst. De. NAY Isr. NAY It. NAY NL. NAY NZ. NO. NAY PL NAY Portugal NAY Ru NJET Ch. NAY

Motion Fails

Belgium submitted motion MO-5 MO-5 Sponsored by PP-BE

Motion to ask the board to look into the functioning of the mailinglists and take actions accordingly to ensure a good functioning.


Aus Abst. Be. Abst. Catalunya YAY Cz. Abst. Dk. Abst. Est. YAY De. NAY GR Abst Isr. Abst. It. NAY NL. NAY NO. NAY PL NAY Portugal YAY Ru YAY Ch. NAY

Motion Failed


Chair of the board stated his intent to adhere to the spirit of the motion in improving communication.

Aus Abst Be. NAY Catalunya Abst Cz. NAY Dk. Abst Est. YAY De. NAY GR YAY Isr. Abst. It. NAY NL. YAY NZ. YAY NO. NAY PL NAY Portugal Abst. Ru Abst. Ch. NAY

Motion Failed MO-5

Aus YAY Be. YAY Catalunya YAY Cz. YAY Dk. Abst. Est. YAY De. YAY Isr. YAY It. YAY NL. YAY NZ. YAY NO. YAY PL YAY Portugal YAY Ru YAY Ch. YAY

Motion carries.

Only inofficial business (speakers, discussion, workshops).