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--- [09/07/2017 14:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Ray, Keith, Bailey, Nikolay, Guillaume, Koen (at: 14:20 CEST)
excused: Thomas

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members


Meeting opened at 14:05 CEST by Guillaume
Meeting chaired by Guillaume
Secretary for this meeting is Keith
Quorum established with 5 out of 7 board members present.
Streaming started: started/not possible
Recording started: 14:10 CEST
Postal votes: Thomas's vote was given to Bailey
Notes on meeting process
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of the last meeting

YES: Bailey, Thomas, Guillaume,Keith, Ray , Nikolay



Minutes approved unanimously


4.1 - Short report of the board members 1)

  • Board:
  • Guillaume: two interviews with swiss national press one regarding the issue of facebook having 2 billions "prisoners" and one on Estonia's presidency of the EU, raising here a point about identity and democracy. Also involved in a series of interview regarding IS activities in my region.
  • Keith: Corresponded with Liliia Fakhretdinova of Kazan University about her Pirate research, she provided a sheet of questions that I have yet to finish. Thinking about Pirate research of our own. Usual finance stuff. Working still on securing the booking of TT3 venue. Call for speakers and sponsors is basically ready.
  • Koen: Waiting for documentation to proceed with filing for Belgian government. Attended TT meeting.
  • Nikolay: i've received email from Thomas about my appointment to board position, and also participated in 1st meeting of international coordinators (feels like oGA but without bureaucracy). Currently i'm in vacation.
  • Raymond: Activism and Social media curating as usual. I am also actively talking to the Internet Party about forms of cooperation. WIll inform more verbally. Early days still. A couple of interviews given, as you yet unpublished. Another one right after this meeting ends with a Swedish newspaper.
  • Thomas: On leave. Worked with Guillaume on IT server transition, which will take place in the next few weeks.
  • Alternates:
  • Patrick:
  • Adam:
  • Gregory:

(Recognition of Andrew's leaving the board and thanks to him for assisting us in the transition from the prior board to the current one. Recognition of Nikolay joining the board from his position as an alternate.)

5 - Proposal No. 1

5.1 Financial news

Bank Balance- Rudolph, the cashier, sent a balance update at my request, but it was the April balance that I already had. We should follow up to get a more recent balance that includes the additional payments that Guillaume mentioned last meeting. Who else has paid?
PayPal- Guillaume said that he was setting us up with a PayPal plus account. Is there an update on that?
Loan Repayment for PP-NO/YP-NO. A letter was sent to our board, cashiers and their board, as agreed in the prior meeting. There is no response yet from anyone.
Payments- There have been no requests for payments.

(Koen enters meeting at 21:23)

Current bank balance is . 2038.64 CHF

Last payments occured on 16.06 and 15.06

5.2 Pirate Conference 2017 (GA)

Reply to requests for hosts? We haven't received any to our knowledge. We will send a social media reminder. Keith will send a mail from his Israel Pirates email to the first and second list.
We will wait until July 27th to make our final decision

5.3 Membership database

Kitty Hundal made another sketch for our database. When do we expect the plan to be implemented?

The database will let members update their own information. We as administrators can accept or ignore the details that are given. This will heighten the quality of our database. We have a spreadsheet already, which will be entered into the database. We will then ask members to fill in their own information (or correct their information). We are trying to make sure that the database will have longterm use. She is also informed of the Pirate Times API, which we should be able to integrate with. Many thanks and appreciation to Kitty for her help.

functioning of the mailing lists-

5.4 Crowdfunding

TT3 Campaign- Keith is waiting for us to book the venue to set up the crowdfunding for TT3. A document was set up with the call for speakers that also includes a Call for Sponsors, which has been updated recently:
General Campaign: An Indiegogo account was set up and halfway filled in. We need a video, a Tax ID, and a Fundraiser Story. We do not have a tax id at the moment, and this will be solved after July 27th, but owing to the cost it may be difficult. We Make It is the platform used in the past. Keith will update through emails and in the next meeting. There may be a way to collaborate with projects that Ray is involved in with Kickstarter projects.

5.5 Pirate Awards

Previously Approved Motion: The Board initiates a PPI Delegates online decision process covering the topic of creating PPI Awards in recognition to outstanding contributions. The Board will send a mail/media communication to PPI delegates to participate in a discussion about providing awards within Loomio, and that the delegates will decide on the process of providing awards through Redmine.

-When will this mail be sent? Guillaume will send an email on Wednesday to start the discussion with the international representatives, which should take about 4 weeks.

Previously Approved Motion: At the same time, the board will present to the 2017 GA its own nominations and awards based on its recognition of people who contributed to the operation of PPI. The goal of this award is to get people who are outside of the board that contribute to the organization, but the award may also be given to a board member. There can be multiple awards, not just the chairman's award, but rather awards for social media contributions, best article, etc. This motion is for the board to create its own Awards subgroup, which will decide on the awards and nominations for those awards.

-Who will form this subgroup? Guillaume proposes that Ray, Keith, and Guillaume sit down and see how we can organize this. Perhaps we can get the alternate board members involved, and we can pull them in to be involved in this. Guillaume will help arrange a place for us to talk.

5.6 Think Twice Conference

Call for speakers
Call for sponsors

Need to be moved (to a PPI server?)

Old Website

Koen will send Guillaume, Thomas and Bastian the technical details of the server so that we can combine and move the website(s).

Koen will look into it, how we can update the sign up information and requests for sponsors and participants included in this sheet We will update the info and only advertise it after reserving the venue. Keith received estimates based on prior conferences of max 10,000 euros for a 2-day event.

5.7 Social media updates

- Ray would like the three email lists from Keith in order to boost social media activites more effectively. The three email lists are just the columns in our Google docs spreadsheet. Got it. Thanks.

- Ray:We are lacking in content in our @PPInternational Twitter account and I would like G and T to try to share a couple of tweets per week in the future. Board meeting announcements and minutes from the meetings should always be posted.

Political or NGO related tweets would be appreciated.

- Ray: @PPI_Activism (South America)

Needs good content from Pirate parties around the world. Nikolay is welcome to share information in Russian. We share in numerous languages, and especially with the Free Bogatov campaign which Ray has been active with. Ray will give Nikolay access to the Tweetdeck so he can make posts.

@RayJoha2 <---Nikolay

5.8 Video Campaign

We haven't made a great deal of progress since the last board meeting. Ray is working on making a couple of videos with Capt. Crunch. We need ideas and help writing a few manuscripts, and then getting people to make short videos.

Keith, Ray, and Bailey will work on developing a manuscript for the crowdfunding campaign video. Collaborating with the Internet Party on promoting our campaign. Guillaume will also help with the videos. We can work with the prior videos done before, trying to improve them, redoing them with a bit more production.

5.9 Monthly outreach meeting

Bailey was the leader on this project, with Ray in a supporting role. It was an "awesome meeting". There were 23 people in attendance, counting only those who signed in. People were very enthusiastic. There was an idea for a Craigs List for Pirates, where people can post need for assistance prior to an election, such as graphic designers. Talk about creating a PPI app, which would help people connect with pirates around the world and in their region. These are ideas that people have, not necessarily the responsibility of the board which cannot head all of these projects. People will have to take responsibility for making each project happen, to collaborate. We talked about some of the mass surveilance in different countries. Privacy Shield was discussed. Norway's and Germany's elections in September were discussed, which we will work to support through social media. It was decided that the meetings will take place monthly. There was an issue of time zones, and so people will make suggestions on the next meeting time. It may be best to rotate for a few different times to make sure everyone can attend. It was not a PPI meeting. About 50% of the attendees were not PPI or pirate members but activists. The next meetin g will broaden its audience to activists of all kinds. This was not just a members meeting. Brazil connected with Germany on collecting signatures for the next election. People were volunteering to help Brazil. Other examples of such collaboration happened, and this should be the focus of the next meeting. There is a proposal of whether we should have a separate members-only meeting and then a separate activists meeting. If we do become a UN recognized organization, then there will be work besides activism for international coordinators of member-states. There will be further discussion about how we should proceed, but for now we will not make any decisions on this.

[Motion create an additional agenda point for the Black Board / "Craiglist" project - unanimously accepted]

Sound from the meeting, where is that? With Roland in PPAT? Bailey will get the audio recording from Roland of the meeting.

5.10 Blackboard ("Craigslist") Project

There is no project at the moment, because it has not been described yet. Roland from PP-AT came up with the project and refused to present a lengthy description. Ray requests a definition of the project and then who will run the project, as our board members have a number of projects. The idea is to provide activism support and other types of support, such as a software developer, a translator, etc. People can offer services or need services. This is a great idea, to have a bulletin board where Pirates around the world can offer resources or the need for resources. The board is worried that it does not have the time and capability to build the technical project. The board members are not developers. So, can we find someone who will take ownership? Would this be on our website or on a separate application? Why not use Twitter and make a PPI request that we are looking for people who could offer help to develop this project? We could create a few hashtags that are associated with the idea, and then we can see who might be interested. It is a good idea, and it won't require more than a small write up and marketing.

Ray will try to find time to put the idea into words, and then we will share it within a few days.

The board is ok with the idea, and we will continue to discuss how to implement it.

5.11 Server update

The project is moving. Guillaume has had conversations. We are waiting for the system engineers on Bastian's team to work together with Cedrick??'s team. This will be done this week.

5.12 Statutes revision

Andrew made the initial review of the statutes. Keith followed up on his revisions, incorporating Andrew's revisions and adding more comments. The persons that Guillaume recommends to help should contact Keith to go over how the work was done and should proceed. There are some changes that are just grammatical and can be approved. There are other changes that should be flagged to be reviewed by the GA. Even though it is just a clean up exercise, all of the statutes will need to be presented at the GA for our members to approve. If we modify even a comma, then we need to make our members aware. We will also make the members aware of the changes that are more than just a comma to make sure that the members decide if those changes are ok.

The board agrees with the way forward for the statutes revision

5.13 Article on Using Online Democracy Tools

Guillaume will work on this, and he will be sending it to us for comments.

5.14 Podcasts

Testing had been done on the technology, but not much has been done since the last time. We will come back to this next meeting.

6 AOB - Any other business

interview request from Kazan University

If anyone else would like to answer, this is a pad:

Bastian developed a video software with great potential. Ray tested it. It is the way forward, but it is premature to start using.
PPI research

Adding Limesurvey to our server

The board has unanimously approved adding Limesurvey as our survey tool, and then one can do whatever they want with it. It is to be shared with other entities who would like to do surveys. Contact Prof. Jean-Henry Morin @University of Geneva? about what he is researching about online democracy. He is the organizer of the hackathon on international democracies.

Reaching out to non-members

Ray is continually reaching out to non-members through our activism projects, asking people to share contact with us. We could discuss how to do this in a more formal way, perhaps by writing a formal article by stating that we are looking to get reacquainted with non-members. The informal method is also very efficient. We have had good contact with South America and Spain.

Article on using Mumble can be found here

Ray: I would like any call for any meeting to always contain a link to this #HowTo. It increases participation drastically.


We should accept the member from PP-AT into the Loomio Board group. In about a week people will begin using Loomio again. Should we have a general PPI group, and not just a board group? We have not changed anything yet. Nikolay is involved in several groups, but he does not have access. Perhaps Andrew has access as admin to the groups? Do we have the opportunity to manage the group? Do we have access to invite people, create subgroups, manage current groups? Yes, we do.


Next Meeting: Monday, 2017-07-24 21:00 CEST

Meeting Closed: 16:05 CEST (14:05 UTC)