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PPI BOD, June 3, 2019

Roll Call

  • Board delegatives members :
    • Cedric (1)
    • keithgoldstein (1)
    • BaileyL (1)
    • RayJohansen (1)
    • gsaouli (1)
      • 5/9
  • Board :
    • Alternate board members :
      • Cedric

    • Board members :

      • keithgoldstein
      • BaileyL
      • RayJohansen

      • gsaouli


  • Board delegatives members :
    • DanPrazeresBR
    • Etienne
    • MichalGill
    • Ladislav.Koubek
  • Board :
    • Alternate board members :

      • DanPrazeresBR
    • Board members :

      • Etienne

      • MichalGill

      • Ladislav.Koubek

Ordre du jour

Board Meeting

keithgoldstein: Mon. June 3, 2019 at 1900 CEST, 1st PPI board meeting in a while



keithgoldstein: Ladislav and Mike are absent.

Mike indicated that he had another meeting.


2.1.1 Chair and secretary

2.1.2 Quorum


Do we approve the minutes?
Description de la motion
Yes :
No :
Abstain :
Result: Motion rejetée

keithgoldstein: Minutes are approved.




gsaouli: Debate on Swiss national tv regarding Wikileaks and J. Assange. Ramping up for federal elections in Israel. Work wise there will be less impediment, and he will resume with more vengeance.


BaileyL: Ray and Bailey have been interviewing some of the top candidates for the EU elections. They did this with Rico Brouwer. You can see the videos on the PPEU website. It went well, and she is happy.
BaileyL: Everyone did amazing. 4 MPs is a great result.
gsaouli: We received a lot of positive feedback from different countries. It was well received and shared.


keithgoldstein: Working on elections again. Updating the website with UN stuff.


keithgoldstein: We have not heard from Ladislav in a while. We should follow up with him.


RayJohansen: Business as unusual. EU elections, Top pirate/Spitzenkandidaten interviews. Catalonia activism, anti-smiling-fash activities. leaks and all the other stuff that happens. Congratulations with 4 new MEP's


keithgoldstein: Said that he might show up a little late.
MichalGill: Mike arrived and is glad to be here.






Cedric: Nothing to report, just exited from the French European Elections

Vote on whether the Treasurer and General Secretary should prepare this information for a future board meeting

keithgoldstein: Mike and Keith need to discuss, and we can prepare the report. Ray volunteers to help out for a meeting in Zoom for an hour to put together the report.

Economic Report

Balance (all accounts) - Income in the last period - Money spent (under which budget category) - Money to be spent in the next period - Projected income in the next period

Presentation of Budget and Cashflow
Quarterly cash flow budget 2019

Affiliation fees

MichalGill: To date we have received affiliation fees 4 countries for 2017 and 1 for 2018, from Switzerland.
keithgoldstein: Our party did not receive a mail. Mike sent it in January. He will send it again.

IT: Contract with supplier The decision here is to identiy a board member to be responsible for making and signing a contract with IT.

RayJohansen: We have an IT department. There was a mention of a contract. We don't currently have a contract.
gsaouli: A contract would be good, but we need to be cautious about what we include in that contract. Guillaume will take care to draft it and present it for review, and in two board meetings we can make a decision.
keithgoldstein: We have to know the costs that we put in the budget and know how to pay it.
It had been presented according to the existing and signed contract. All costs had been mentioned in the prepared bugdet for 2019

AOB - Any other business

GA2019: Discussion point

What are the next moves in the hunt for a date and a place for the General Assembly and more importantly who is specifically responsible for each action. (As we know by now the use of WE as in "we should" means things do not get done.) 1) Authoring call

BaileyL: If we had a Halloween general assembly, it could be fun. That is also the Brexit deadline.
RayJohansen: We need to get going. We have to figure out what the tasks are and who does what. We could start by making a list of the things that need to get done, and people will say I will do that and that...
RayJohansen: He thought to make a list, so we can make tasks and people responsible.
keithgoldstein: We should get out word that we are looking for a venue.
RayJohansen: We need to author a call and spread it out. If someone will work on writing the text, Ray will work on getting it out there.
keithgoldstein: Could someone write the call for the venue? Guillaume volunteers to assist. Keith will edit.
gsaouli: We will have a separate meeting to figure out when and where in Wire. Guillaume, Bailey, and Keith will participate.

We want to give Pat Maechler either a permanent UN pass or another temporary one. (we already approved him for a temp. pass, so this is just an announcement.)

keithgoldstein: In the future we don't need to go over the list of temporary passes.

We want to set up a partial travel reimbursement fund for UN and other official vis

RayJohansen: Sure, as soon as we have a budget and a cash flow budget in place - that can be discussed. In addition I would, in a perfect world, say that reimbursing the board members for prior travels would have to happen first. But I will not suggest it simply because I know it wont go anywhere, but its going to take a lot of fake smiling on my part sitting here watching ppl get their expenses covered.
BaileyL: We need to have a budget before we can make decisions. We would like to have capital to provide reimbursement, but funding is very limited at the moment.
gsaouli: We should have a long-term roadmap, which we can use to look for funding. If we want to look at the longer term, but we need to make sure that things maintain.
gsaouli: We need to have more structured projects, and within those projects to have the event meaningful. This way we will build something more structured.

We want to give our UN representatives author rights for our the UN page on our website, (I don't think we really need to vote on this. It is just an announcement.)

We will set up a survey Form that members can use to request to join the pp-leaders email list?

ThomasG: pp-leaders list is per se an info list - do announcements and stuff. .discussion is used for in between discussion
ThomasG: It is up to the one checking the member dates to get the pp-leaders list up to date.
We will set up Discourse on a private server?
gsaouli: We decided to use Discourse before the last GA. It was set up on a private server for the last GA.
Cedric: We need to put it on a paper what we want. We should gather our requirements through a white paper.
keithgoldstein: Around August of last year, all of this was written up. There was a specification sheet about wanting to use zoom, inviting others to speak on behalf of mumble and discord. Ray will look up this information, and he will make sure that we have our tech contingent with us.
We have yet to decide what tech we will be using. Zoom/Youtube, Discord or Mumble. My vote goes to not yet setting up server.
ThomasG: Think KISS principle should apply. Some have issues with discord/congressus you name it. - From my experience today, incl. Data stuff issues, I would opt for mumble/etherpad as for the simpliest way. Congresses should be amended in the future and checked for usage again.
ThomasG: As for the tools we have we could also ask our members about an opinion. Incl. the feedback from them, some questionnaire could be helpful.

Conference about how society would look like after a major cyber attack

gsaouli: This will be in Switzerland. Are we OK to be recognized with this conference. It holds with Munich, there would be a full day conference on that theme. This is something we should keep discussing. It takes place December 7, 2019.

Bank account switch to free (now we pay 5 €/month) and transparent bank account. The current system is as untransparent as can be. (Mike)

keithgoldstein: Czech standard is now transparent and free.
gsaouli: The cost of the 5 euros is a result of EU regulation.
MichalGill: Marketa started a transparent bank process that is free and for NGOs.
gsaouli: As a Swiss NGO, the bank accounts need to be registered in Switzerland.
ThomasG: Comment: as for the bank account: never change a running system. Banks rose costs for years now and 5 €/month is still in a way cheap. - As for the transparent part: c-p the main stuff to the wiki. We have had this discussion for years even hindering PPI from having any bank account at all.

Procedure for Making Proposals for the Meeting

a) Proposed agenda item: If you want the board to put an item on the Agenda, send an email to the board using the below template 3 days before the meeting

b) Agenda authoring: The gen sec or whomever he tasks will make the agenda and email it out to the board as early as possible.
c) Foundational documents: The agenda shall have foundational documents, descriptions or spreadsheets linked in the agenda where that is natural so members can prepare properly
d) Voting on agenda: Each meeting shall at the start have not only a vote of the transcript from the last meeting but also a vote to accept or not the proposed agenda.
e) Any agenda item not finished shall be put into next meetings proopsed agenda. The gen sec or whomever he tasks is responsible for that.
RayJohansen: Board procedures: Discussion point

I'm not pleased with my own work for the last year. I'm not proud of the boards collective work either. There should be a minimum of procedures enacted. A bare minimum. Does anyone want to give that a shot? It could look something like this maybe:

a) Proposed agenda item: If you want the board to put an item on the Agenda, send an email to the board using the below template 3 days before the meeting

b) Agenda authoring: The gen sec or whomever he tasks will make the agenda and email it out to the board as early as possible.

c) Foundational documents: The agenda shall have foundational documents, descriptions or spreadsheets linked in the agenda where that is natural so members can prepare properly

d) Voting on agenda: Each meeting shall at the start have not only a vote of the transcript from the last meeting but also a vote to accept or not the proposed agenda.

e) Any agenda item not finished shall be put into next meetings proposed agenda. The gen sec or whomever he tasks is responsible for that. (Maybe a pad for next meetings proposed agenda should be linked in the meeting minutes already?)

Example template

Insert short title here

  • PROPOSED BY: Name Lastname

  • PROPOSED ACTION: Write a short description of the action, a little more akin to a title, that will make it easy to refrence the case in side channels like Signal or Wire.

  • BACKGROUND: Explain the background and history of the proposed item giving board members and those who read it later an understanding of where we have been.

  • REASONING: Explain why this item is proposed

  • PROPOSED TEXT: "Insert propsed text"


Motion passed/failed

  • RESPONSIBLE: Name Lastname, (proposed) will.... (stating exactly what is to be done). There will be only one name here.

end example template

All of the above is made to a bare minimum what I have learned after half a decade on pirate boards. Every single point has the goal of helping us be more effective, prepare better and output better quality.

Potential Members/Applications

The other (newer) Slovak Pirates would like to join the PPI (Mike).

Prior German Issue

RayJohansen: There was an issue to edit/amend the prior text. PPDE is waiting for us on that. There is a suggestion on how we should do this in the simplest and best way going forward.


Guest: Can we make sure that the RTC is working for Pirates on Air, who cannot be on the chat. They are kicked off the chat on Discord. The RTC text connection is not able to be seen. As a public meeting, it is not a secret meeting, so it makes no sense to kick them off. It appears that Pirates on Air cannot take the chat on Discord and make it into RTC.
keithgoldstein: The next meeting is Monday, June 17th at 19:00