- --- 07.01.2025 20:00 UTC/21:00 CE(S)T ---
- Audio recording: https://owncloud.ag-technik.de/s/izg7d9WbEo72aN4
- Video: https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board
- Chairperson: Gregory Engels
- Vice Chairperson: Keith Goldstein
- General Secretary: Alexander Isavnin
- Treasurer: Sebastian Krone
- BM: Bailey Lamon
- BM: Mia Utz
- BM: Raman Ojha
- BM: Carlos Polo
- BM: Maycow Toledo
- Thomas Gaul
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Keith, Bastian, Bailey, Mia, Alexander, Carlos (arrived late)
- excused:
- Thomas Gaul
- unexcused:
- Quorum:
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members:
- participating:
- excused:
- unexcused:
- Guests:
- participating: PiratesOnAir, Numero6, Babak
- Meeting opened at 20:06 UTC by Keith
- Meeting chaired by Bailey
- Secretary for this meeting is everyone
- Quorum [not] established with 5 out of 9 board members present.
- Streaming started: ? https://piratesonair.net/live-stream/
- Recording started: 20:06
- Postal votes: none
- Votes delegated (§5 Votes (5. 3.) ROP):
- Notes on meeting process: none
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https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_Minutes_2024-12-17 | |
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4.1 - Short reports of the board members 1)
- Gregory Engels:
- not present
- Keith Goldstein: I posted the GA on Discourse, Discord, and updated the Wiki. I am still concerned that many members did not get the message. I am trying to coordinate a group meeting at the Berlin Pirate office. We have the office reserved. Please let Pirates in the Berlin area know that we will be meeting there on Saturday. Aside from that we can now request UN groundspasses, and we should prepare those letters right away. And went to Pirate beer and the IGF.
- Bailey Lamon: I attended Pirate beer. The GA is this weekend and for all of us, we all should just reach out to people we know. Let's make sure the information gets out there for where and when.
- Alexander Isavnin: Participated in IGF2024 (more to be reported), Participated in Pirate Beer . Maybe I will write more information about what happened at the IGF
- Sebastian Krone:
- I have been monitoring the PPI technique as I do every day.
- All patches are up to date. All systems are running smoothly.
- Wiki: Finance & TEC-Dashboard is up to date.
- Maycow Toledo:
- not present
- Mia Utz: Nothing to report since.
- Raman Ojha:
- not present
- Carlos Polo:
- present 21:40
- I hope to have more time for UN things.
- Thomas Gaul
- not present
5.1 - Proposals
- Announcing and preparing the GA
- The draft agenda is in this Wiki.
- https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=PPI_General_Assembly_JAN_2025
- The topic for the current GA is in our Discourse.
- Keynote speaker
- We are
- Board report.
- We should set up a pad and all work on it.
- Auditors report
- It was already posted on the Discourse.
- https://ga.pp-international.net/t/lay-auditor-report/472
5.2 - Working Groups Update
- AI: no update
- UN Working Group: no update
- SCENE: no update. There was an event in our calendar, but only Numero6 and Keith showed up. It may have been a scheduling error.
- We should advertise the meetings better on all channels.
5.3 Economic Update
- Treasurer Report:
- Finances:
- Bank account 1,676.30 CHF / 41.36 EUR
- PayPal 54.84 EUR
- Contribution invoices have been sent out. Some e-mail addresses are not valid. The outstanding contributions amount to EUR 8,680.00 (in 2023 only 3, in 2024 only 2 contributions have been paid).
- UN Groundspasses
5.5 PPI HQ update
- Data of the new HQ:
- Pirate Parties International (PPI) e.V.
- Am Buerohochhaus 2-4
- D- 14478 Potsdam
- Phone + 49-331-5834 9801
- Fax + 49-331-5834 9802
- Mail: vorstand@ppi.works
- Registering office AG Potsdam No. VR 9786 P
- UStIdNr: DE449904488
- The PPI shop is currently being set up. Anyone who has ideas or wants to help is welcome to do so. Of course, members can also join the shop system. First I have to make the website multilingual.
6 AOB - Any other business
- ===================================================
- Tuesdays every 3 Weeks, rotating between 14:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC
- Next Board Meeting: 28.01.2025 14:00 UTC
- Meeting Closed: 21:06 UTC by Bailey
- Draft Letter for GA
"Dear Pirates,
We are pleased to invite you to the Pirate Parties International General Assembly, January 2025.
The meeting will take place on Saturday, January 11th, starting at 12:00 UTC. If needed we will also meet on Sunday, January 12th.
Several groups will meet in physical locations, including at the Berlin Pirate office at Pflugstraße 9.
), but the conference will be entirely online on JITSI https://jitsi.pirati.cz/PPI-Board with a backup of BBB https://bbb.piratensommer.de/b/gre-cnw-a9v and a final backup of Mumble.
There is no deadline for motions, so feel free to put forward any ideas and/or your candidates at any time. All proposals should be submitted on our Discourse Forum: https://ga.pp-international.net/c/2025-ga-winter/34
There is no deadline for registering delegates and each PPI member may have up to 6. Please register your delegates by email: board@pp-international.net.
Because this is the start of the year assembly, there will also be elections of PPI Officers. The following positions in PPI will be up for election in January:
-1 Chairperson -(3 or 4?) Board members -(No limit) Alternate board member -3 Lay auditors -6 Court of Arbitration members
Please submit your nominations for PPI officers on the Discourse forum.
Do not hesitate to reach out to the PPI board if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. We look forward to meeting with you again!