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October 22, 2019


  • Board delegatives members :
    • keithgoldstein (1)
    • BaileyL (1)
    • RayJohansen (1)
    • MichalGill (1)
    • DanPrazeresBR (1)
    • Dichter (1)
      • 6/9
  • Board members :
    • keithgoldstein
    • BaileyL
    • RayJohansen
    • MichalGill
    • DanPrazeresBR
    • Dichter
  • Alternate board members :


  • Board delegatives members :
    • Cedric
    • Etienne
    • gsaouli
  • Board members :
    • Etienne
    • gsaouli
  • Alternate board members :
    • Cedric

Ordre du jour

October 22

Board Meeting


Are present : Bailey, Gregory, Keith, Mike, Ray, Dan


Are absent : Cédric (alternate board member), Etienne


Pas de description

Chair and secretary

Chair is Bailey. Secretary is Keith and everyone.


We have quorum

Approval of the Minutes

Pas de description

Oct. 8

<a href=""></a>

Do we approve the minutes?
Yes : RayJohansen (1), keithgoldstein (1), Dichter (1), MichalGill (1), BaileyL (1)
No :
Abstain : DanPrazeresBR (1)
Result: Motion adoptée

Approval of the Agenda

Calling the GA

Affiliation fee invoices
Economic report
Summary of Finances Meeting
:Discord Server Use
:Upcoming Board meeting dates

BaileyL: There are no specific comments on the agenda. Does anybody object to the agenda? Everyone approves.

Board member reports

Pas de description


Pas de description


BaileyL: We had the financial meeting on Friday and will talk about that later. GA announcement has been sent out and it is on the website. I am having some formatting difficulties on the website. I will be around a bit more the next couple weeks, so if you need help or have a need then feel free to come talk to me.


keithgoldstein: Been on a business travel in Moscow since the last talk. I don't have a lot of updates. I looked into social media profiles of us. Later I will report more.


keithgoldstein: Israeli election update. Finances meeting. GA work. Pp-leaders coordination.


DanPrazeresBR: Nothing to report


Pas de description

RayJohansen: Business as usual plus GA coordination.


keithgoldstein: Nothing to report.



Pas de description


Calling the GA

Calling the GA.
- GA coordination planning document: <a href="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap; cursor: pointer !important;"></a> 

- Task list for the GA: 

GA Announcements

keithgoldstein: There is a spreadsheet that already exists with the members to contact. Each board member should contact each country with the invoices and reminder.
RayJohansen: We have had problems getting people to respond to emails. We made a list to all the countries, and the entire point was contacting them from different angles by DM, phone, and other methods. This is how we were so successful. When you contact someone and get information, that info needs to be saved somewhere with your initials.
keithgoldstein: Should we use the new spreadsheet or keep the old. Should we use the second sheet in the task list. We should add the membership list, merge it with the task list.

We have 11 members who have signed up already.

keithgoldstein: I have updated this list with those who have registered by country name: Please note that these are not necessarily the country leaders, so follow up

Economic reports

BaileyL: We need to have our budget clarified. Etienne did a good job on the revised budget. Progress is being made.

Bank account and Paypal

Replacement cashiers

At the financial meeting we elected for Bailey and Greg to serve as custodian cashiers, as a formality to administer the bank account.

keithgoldstein: Bailey and Gregory will contact Pat, who will sign them up as cashiers on the bank account.

Budget and cashflow budget 2019

Affiliation Fee Invoices

MichalGill: Skipped

Discord Presentation

Presentation made by Macavity (PPFR).

The board thanks Macavity for his work

Any other business


"Right to Work and Access to the Labour Market" and "Access to Justice" in the context of older persons Due Oct. 31

keithgoldstein: Enno Lenze would like to represent us at ECOSOC. Keith communicated with him, and we will have to work on this.
keithgoldstein: We have an issue for signing permanent passes. Bailey needs to be accredited as the chairperson. It will be easier to do this for Jan. 1.

Meeting times


Shall we write a blog about the Chile blog.

keithgoldstein: Keith will send an email to Mauricio letting him know that we will work on a blog based on his statements, and inviting them to add any more information if they would like to.

TT4 announcement

Gregory will follow up with David and Mike and Keith will help with the revision of the announcement. 

Upcoming Meeting

Next meeting : Nov. 6th in the evening

keithgoldstein: We will clarify with our colleagues who are not here. Currently we are looking at 1700 CET. We will ask them if this time is fine and officially announce later.
keithgoldstein: Next meeting we will announce with our new PPI server.

Ayant participé à un vote

  • 6 - RayJohansen
  • 4 - keithgoldstein
  • 17 - Dichter
  • 9 - MichalGill
  • 5 - BaileyL
  • 10 - DanPrazeresBR