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Monthly Meetings for International Coordination and Activism! PPI brings together international coordinators and representatives from both members and non-member parties, as well as individuals interested in Pirate Activism, at least once per month. Please join!

What we do is completely up to you, but some of the topics have included international support for Pirate Parties during election time. There are also unified global actions and campaigns about specific issues, such as mass surveillance or net neutrality.

These meetings are good opportunities to give regular reports on what Pirates are up to in various countries, including strategy discussions and in general, helping and learning from each other.

These meetings are separate from PPI board meetings and general assemblies, less formal, and allow for plenty of creative freedom. We are meeting to have fun, to learn from each other, and to make interesting, important things happen. We are meeting to build unity in our movement, in a time where unity is more desperately needed than ever.

Meetings are held on Mumble: Mumble-Server [Piratenpartei NRW]

Minutes of meetings

1st meeting July 6, 2017 Coordinators Meeting Minutes

2nd meeting August 27, 2017 Coordinators Meeting Minutes

3rd meeting <TBD>