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meeting Thursday, 20th of September, at 20.00 (Berlin time) = 19.00 (London) = 13.00 (Mexico) = 14.00 (Detroit)

Mumble channel: International -> Pirate Parties International -> ppintnews

Mail me if you have problems finding the mumble channel: or type in chat on the pad.

Protocol from last meeting can be found here.


  • Daniel
  • Andrew(kiwi)
  • Josef
  • Paul
  • Antonio
  • zby (Zbigniew Łukasiak)
  • Gefion (from 7:45)
  • Stathis
  • pappasadrian

9 in Mumble

Chairing: Daniel

Protocol: Andrew

18:00 UCT


  1. Introduction of team members (quick 2min intro - who are you? why here?)
  2. Pirate Times status (quick report by Josef) + answering of questions
  3. Open tasks + last meeting:
    1. IMAP, PR-releases (if Gefion is here)
    2. CC-BY and link to wiki
    3. added wiki link
    4. cc-by on bottom of posts: "All content is CC-BY if not mentioned otherwise. Please link back to us if using content."
    5. Articles (progress?)
    6. Character fix
    7. wiki publishing of protocols
  4. Styleguide questions
    1. When talking about pirate parties do we use their real names (Piratenpartei), english translations (German Pirate Party) or PPINT abbreviation (PPDE)
      1. " either consequential use of PPINT-codes, or maybe we could allow all original names as long as they are not too etymologically different form the English word (e.g. piratpartiet, parti pirate, partido pirata, piratenpartij, piratenpartei etc. are all okay, but languages that use a different alphabet or are from a completely different family of languages get their PPINT code instead of a transcription into latin characters)" -paul
    2. Usage of links: Inline or as list at the end
      1. I vote for inline - let's be web natives (zby)
  5. Routines around articles for pirate events
    1. - it would be good if ther was a team on-call - so that reactive articles could be published quickly - this is how traditional news teams work and I think we'll need to copy that (zby)
  6. Proof reading checkboxes in Trello and WP are often not syncronous and confusing - also what does it mean when the "save draft" button is missing in WP
  7. Privacy within the team - wait for Gefion who will be late
  8. Alternative meeting date and time for the European meeting
  9. Live coverage evaluation and possibility for future elections
    1. -> see point 5
  10. Other questions/topics for meeting

Municipal election Switzerland Sun.

  1. Next meeting?


1 - Introductions New Intoductions from Paul ,Zbigniew and Staffis

2 - Pirate Times Report Report from Joseph Every thing OK good reaction to latest articles no questions

3 - Open tasks + last meeting Wiki license -Josef proposed that he will send out an email all content will be CC-BY had no objections We are published one article a day and can continue at the current rate of production 3 articles are in proof reading and many in in progress Character problem from the move from the old server - Justus is in charge but progress slow need volunteers - Joseph will send a mail to him Domi reports the encoding is fixed - work needs to be done page by page

       wiki protocols Andrew  responsible  work has been done in pad-     will publish in wiki and keep same up to date.

PRreleases - IMAP account - Josef will set up a new email account Gefion will set up an account for forwarding so that all press releases are sent to and managed in one account.

4 - Styleguide questions Style guide When a party that does not have an English name is referenced then it should be translated in such a way that an English speaker can know which party is being refered to. E.G. Piratpartiet could be Swedish or Norwegian. so either the identifying counrtry or region should be used or, in the case of several parties the PPI code E.G. PPSE or PPNO

     Proof readers have the final say in this matter
    Andrew will add to the style guide

Inline links or footnote links

     inline links are fine if links to a specific  point being discussed. Footnote links are for more 
     general background information

5 - Routines around articles for pirate events Point has been discussed in mailing list - how much to write about an event like an election or convention There should be a pre event article, one during the event if we have people on the ground feeding a ticker (needs ap) or twitter feed, and a post event interview or statement from a leading person

6 - Proof reading

   Proof reading . if proofreading is to be done in wp then no check boxes should be present in Trello. The checkboxes are to be checked only when the proof reading has been completed.

check box 2 must be labled "native speaker" -exeption for urgent articles articles can only be sent to preview when 2 proofreadings have been done and an image is present

7 - Privacy within the team After a leak of sensitive information Gefion made a suggestion to close the Mailing list Lurkers should be aksed to send an introduction otherwise should not be able to write to the list. Gefion has changed list entry to approval only Members will be asked to wait with publishing material sourced from the Pirate Times in external publications until after the Pirate Times has first published its articles. Gefion will send an email to list members who have not made an introduction. If there is no response after 2 weeks they will be deleted from the list. They can be reinstated once an introduction has been made. Mumble or IRC only should be used to share sensitive information Paul will write a handbook for setting up IRC IRC: SSL on port 6697 channel: #piratetimes

8 - The current meeting schedule creates problems for some members.

       Gefion  sugested every 10 days  Andrew suggested 2 12 and 22 each month 18 UTC                        

9 - Live coverage evaluation and possibility for future elections

see point 5

10 - Other questions/topics for meeting Joseph suggested we should do an article about the Swiss municipal elections Volunteer?? Gefion has contact details - there are several elections and Dennis is happy to take questions. Andrew volunteered to write the article

Next meeting 02 October 2012 18:00 UCT

Meeting ended 20:42 UTC