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Dear Pirates,

We are pleased to announce that the 2019 PPI General Assembly will take place on the weekend of December 7th and 8th, and it will be entirely online. Please use the following form to sign up for the event:

After you fill in this form, starting on the 1st of December you will get access to three places: a Discourse forum for debates, the meeting room in Discord, and Congressus for the agenda and meeting minutes. You will also need to submit your statute proposals no later than November 9th. There is no deadline for board nominations or procedural motions.

As you may be aware, the PPI board has undergone some recent changes. The changes to the board are as follows: Guillaume Saouli has resigned from his position as Chairman, and the Chair position has been passed on to the former Vice-Chairwoman, Bailey Lamon. Additionally, former alternate board member Gregory Engels has not only stepped in as a board member but is now the Vice-Chairman. Dan Prazeres has also taken over the treasurer position. This will carry until the General Assembly when these positions, as well as several others will be open to nominations from the Pirate community at large.

The following positions within PPI will be elected at the GA:

-1 Chairperson -1 Vice-Chairperson -3 board members -3 alternate board members -6 members of the Court of Arbitration -3 lay auditors

We also seek nominations for vice-secretaries and vice-treasurers, as well as proposals about locations for future GAs and Pirate events.

Affiliation fee invoices will be sent separately to each party. The fees for this year are according to the old system. They should be paid prior to the GA. Please let us know if your party will have problems paying fees, and we will arrange for reductions or postponements if necessary.

As we get closer there will be more announcements and important information being shared, so stay tuned and bear with us. Until then, do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing all of you at the GA!

Best wishes,

PPI Board 2018-2019
