Here you can write your application for PPI board member. To submit your application copy-paste the table or write an e-mail with the information to and we will add you to the list. ( we do have temporarily problems with wiki, so we are glad to help)
Sponsors - According to IV (4) (b) and V (2) (b) of the PPI statutes candidates to any body of the PPI must be proposed by an ordinary or observer member of the PPI. If you submit your application please add your sponsor. One member can support multiple candidates and the person applying for a position doesn't necessarily need to be a member of that organization. If you don't have a sponsor before the conference you still might be able to convince a delegation on the spot.
Please use the following template:
Name and nicks | YOUR NAME |
Chairperson (2 positions)
Name and nicks | Gregory Engels |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party Norway |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Parties of Germany, Hesse, Kazakhstan, Russia, Luxembourg and Sweden |
qualifications | ![]()
Pirate Qualifications:
Other Memberships
language(s) | I am fluent in English, German and Russian |
motivation and political background | I would like to repeat at large what I have said in my last year presentation:
The coming year is a turning point for the Pirate Movement. Pirates have entered into Parliaments, and we are seeing its gain momentum that many have not dreamed of even a year ago. New Pirate Parties are being founded and old ones experience a land rush like growth. But this dynamics also bring new challenges. We need a shift in professionalism inside our structures and inside PPI to make sure that the Pirate Movement will survive this growth. We need to reach out to our allies to face the growing global threats that are threatening to all of us - things like CEEP, TTIP, TTP, and new challenges like IPRED. We need to support PPI's members on the international level. And we need to focus on the whole world, not just our neighborhood - because this world is interconnected and bad legislation in any part of it will in the end be everyone's problem, if we remain motionless. I am running for reelection as PPI Co-Chairman on the post. Being on the post has turned out to be rather an obstacle for a Pirate than an advantage. We have struggled a lot to unwind a chaos left over by the previous administration and, even that we were partially successful, some of more important issues remain unsolved. We have started a lot of projects and I really would like to execute them to a level of completeness where it is easy for the next board to take it over and not going through the same struggles that we had to face. |
Contact data | I can easily be reached at a number of channels - see my profile page in the German Pirate-Wiki
You can also ask me public questions on Formspring |
Name and nicks | Marco Confalonieri |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Italy (PP-IT) |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party of Italy (PP-IT) |
qualifications | ![]() I am a freelance software developer, working in the city of Genova, in Italy. My adventure with the Pirate Party began in 2008. This is my Pirate CV:
language(s) | Italian, English |
motivation and political background | In a world where the global economy dominates the political decisions there is a constant trend to subordinate individual rights to the needs of the global market. Unlike other political movements, Pirates are not limited by borders in their actions, and the common values that we share are as global as the pressure on the rights that we defend and strive to extend. Therefore, I believe that communication and coordination between the Pirate Parties around the world are crucial to win these battles, and that Pirate Parties International has a duty towards its members and the whole Pirate Movement to ease these processes.
I think I can have a role in serving the interests of the Pirate Movement worldwide, therefore I'm putting forward my candidature. |
Contact data | My contact details:
Name and nicks | Koen De Voegt |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Croatia, Pirate Party Norway |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party of Belgium |
qualifications | ![]()
Other Memberships
languages | Dutch, English, some French |
motivation and political background | As a research engineer I had first hand experience in dealing with patents and even co-authored one. Not only do patents make it more difficult for you to build onto work done by other research organizations. It's virtually impossible for small companies to make money in a heavy patented sector, It's also hard for big companies to actually make money of patents. Costs for patent engineers and patent lawyers are not spend on actually research. I've also been an active user and advocate for open source software. So I'm well aware that an innovative ecosystem can be build that is not based on keeping information from others. I believe this open model can be used for more then just software. These issues are my main focus within the Pirate movement. |
Contact data | +32496048289 @koendv |
Name and nicks | Maša Čorak |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Germany, Pirate Party Norway |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Croatia |
qualifications |
language(s) | I am fluent in English and of course, in Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian |
motivation and political background | In less than a month, I won't be having any official functions in my Party and I will be able to invest all my time in PPI. Since I've manage to accomplish so much in my country while working with some fabulous individuals, I'm sure that I can do an equally good job inside the PPI. Actually, I'm quite sure that I can do even better job because the international aspect of the pirate movement is something that I'm fascinated with. No other movement has that kind of strength and with a lot of hard work, we can accomplish so much. Last two years I spent travelling across the Europe, working with my fellow pirates and I've gathered a lot of experience and now, I would like to invest all that in the functioning of PPI. I heard a lot of stories about PPI doing nothing for its members, doing nothing in order to promote the pirate idea. To be honest, I've criticized the PPI Board myself more than few times and that simply wasn't fair. The Board itself can only do so much. In order to properly represent all member Parties, we need inputs from as much pirates possible. If I get elected as a co-chairperson, I will invest a great deal of my energy in networking, connecting pirates that still aren't connected (individuals or entire Parties) because, amazing things can happen when you put only 20 pirates from several different countries in one room. Also, I will try to include as many pirates from continents other than Europe in the PPI functioning. |
Contact data | |
Board members (5 positions)
Name and nicks | Denis 'SciFi' Simonet |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Switzerland |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party of Switzerland |
qualifications | ![]()
language(s) | Swiss German, German, French, English, a bit Italian |
motivation and political background | I already was a board member for two years now and I offer my time for another period. I won't do treasurer nor CAO. But I'd be happy to continue visiting organizations such as the WIPO or the WTO as I think that international relations are important for the pirate movement. I will also help in other ways where my spare time allows me to do so, such as help organising the next ThinkTwice conference. |
Contact data |
Name and nicks | Patrick "Argure" Godschalk |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Marco Confalonieri |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Thomas Gaul |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Germany |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party of Germany |
qualifications | ![]()
International experience:
language(s) | German, English |
motivation and political background | In my eyes it is vital for PPI to be in touch with other NGOs and hopefully with other international institutions, as the board had already began. Beside the board we do need some kind of a second level within the PPI, you might call it teams. As we all can see some few elected members to the board can't solve all the problems that evolve. We do need the members of the PPI to be acting as one on some aspects, e.g. CISPA. On ACTA we all did a great job! Now it is time to move forward. "Infiltrating" all those lobbying filth might be a start. But as you might know - my main issue is something else. Human rights and related issues would be on my agenda (beside the boring every day work of a board member (don't forget even access to information via Internet is a human right). We have to be in touch with relevant organizations beside PPI on this. This means: attend meetings, exchange of information with relevant organizations and so forth. (tbc) |
Contact data | Email:
see my profile page |
Name and nicks | Bastian (Sebastian Krone) |
Sponsor | Pirates without borders |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Germany |
qualifications | ![]() Within the international movement:
Curriculum vitae:
language(s) | I had the opportunity to visit many countries in my life and I can also be found capable of coping with their language. |
motivation and political background | I am applying to be elected as a Member of the Board (treasurer).
Since my first General Assembly chairman’s job in 2011 in Friedrichshafen, I have accompanied the International Pirates Movement continuously. For the PPEU foundation process I worked in many international conferences since 2012, such as in Prague (CZ), Aarau (CH), Barcelona (CAT), Rome (I), Manchester (GB), Paris (F), Warsaw (PL) and Luxembourg. I have participated at several online-meetings for developing PPEU-Statues and PPEU-Manifesto. Financially I am independent, so I could pay for my expenses on my own. It will be an extraordinary challenge to organize all necessary structures for the PPI and would mean a great honor to me to take on this task. I am a professional accountant, so I know what that task means. To unite the international Pirates movement is a challenging goal that will make us stand together. Pirates should work together without borders. |
Contact data |
Name and nicks | Anders Kleppe, aka captainBlue, aka @AndersPirat |
Sponsor | Piratpartiet Norge / Pirate Party Norway Statutes §3, art. 3.3. |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Parties of Norway, Vest-Agder and Sweden |
qualifications |
Professional experience
Other experience
language(s) | Scandinavian, (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish), English, understand German, but prefer not to speak for some strange reason (it’s kind of fun to understand and not speak when Germans speak German) |
motivation and political background | As stated from my experience basic rights of children and humans has always been close to my heart. I’ve been, both in profession and politics, worked on an international level in different cultures and with people of all ‘classes’ (I detest that word, but I don’t have any better word for the time being).
I have also worked internationally from Norway to India and anywhere in between when I worked as an IT-manager and IT project manager, so I am used to engage and discuss with all kind of people regardless of status or position. Because of an car incident I had to end that work full time and now spend almost all my time related to Pirate politics and in particular how we can increase the impact of the Pirate Party movement to a substantial political power on a global basis. Pirate Parties International is probably the most important body to achieve this as PPI focus on connecting different cultures, professions and Pirate parties. Knowledge transfer is a key element in this and the ThinkTwice Conference concept is in my opinion a very good way to achieve this part of PPI’s goals. But I see we need to get academia on our side and exchange information on the same level as us, so one of my key motivations will be to do exactly that by locating the research environments who actually argue for pirate views and will work to get major educational institutions across the world to host TT-conferences in the future in cooperation with PPI. No need to say that the main goal is to make a firm and solid platform for knowledge transfer across Pirate Parties from different regions all over the world. |
Contact data | All contact details can be found on the wiki of Pirate Party Norway |
Name and nicks | Koen De Voegt |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Stathis Leivaditis |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Greece |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party of Greece |
qualifications | ![]() |
language(s) | Greek, English, a bit of German |
motivation and political background | The English “pirate” is derived from the Greek word “πειρατής” (peiratēs) and this in turn from the verb “πειράομαι” (peiráomai), “I attempt”, which is a derivative of the noun “πείρα” (peîra), “experience”. Coming from the depths of the centuries, the word “pirate” took on another dimension in our days. The ruling classes saw pirates as rebels and hated them. Rebels without a state, they were not submissive to any law, except from the laws they instituted themselves, improvising together. This is the feeling of a Pirate: when something doesn’t work, you have to attempt to bring a new concept. Sometimes it goes beyond a certain point and perhaps exceeds certain limits, because it is an expression of challenge; the challenge to change the system. |
Contact data | |
Name and nicks | Tomasz Słowiński |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Poland |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Poland |
qualifications | From: I'm vice-president of the Polish Pirate Party and an activist in the pirate community. I have extensive political experience - having worked, among others, as advisor to the Polish Minister of Transport and an assistant to a MEP here in Parlamen. I'm going to take part in the elections to the European Parliament on behalf of the Polish Pirate Party. |
language(s) | |
motivation and political background | From:
I'm interested in human rights issues and Eastern politics (Eastern Partnership), particularly the relationship with the Ukraine and its possibility of integration with the European Union. Because of my profession I also take interest in the issue of copyright and its reform. As I have always been driven by a great passion in everything I do, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for the Board |
Contact data | |
Name and nicks | Zbigniew Łukasiak |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Poland |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Poland |
qualifications, motivation and political background | ![]() From: I am a 40 years old programmer from Poland. I am fascinated (and scared) by the way Internet changes our societies and I want to take a part in that. I believe the changes has only just begun and they will be deep. I have a degree in Computing Science – but I read a lot on psychology, sociology and other other related subjects. I am agnostic or even atheist but I am fascinated by Rene Girard. I am a Free and Open Source Software passionate ( and I joined Interenet Society Poland when there was a Free Software chapter, and I stayed there while ISOC Poland fighted the patent directive and retency laws in the European Parliament. I have been involved in reinstaing the Polish Pirate Party. Pollitically I am maybe close to libertarians – but I am not a dogmatic and I also believe that our new ways of communicating and working will also require new politics. I joined your list mostly to look around – I am not a professional writer – but I am very interested in working on the Pirate pollitical dogma and I think this needs to be done internationally. I have three blogs: (general) (programming related) (pirate related, in Polish) |
language(s) | From:
I speak fluently in Polish and English and I can communicate in Russian and French and know a bit of Spanish. |
Contact data | |
Name and nicks | Min Chiaki |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Croatia, Pirate Party Norway |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Japan |
qualifications, motivation and political background | I am a musician.
I am Japanese Music Pirates Leader, I am min Chiaki, japanese pirates call me "Senseh" or "Min-chan". So you can call me like that, In Japan if you wanted to perform your creative activity for example to play music or to show a mixture of the artistic works or old great artists you must be astonished at the bill from Jasrac, Japanese Writing Authority. I pesronally got such a bill for over a thouosand Euro of a music score. Jasrac asked us to pay charge of music copy right. if we played Totoro for example. So that's why the japanese music pirates are the biggest part of the japanese pirates party movements. I am here to learn and understand better about politics and argue on Copyrights law systems, we implement them better. I don't know much about politics nor the political arguements on Copy Rights law systems. But We, the japanese musicians must feel the real horror much about the contents business. The japanese new law said about a jail sentence in prison. So I became Pirate. The music of over thity years after the authors' or composers' death must be free! Copying must not be accused. I as a pirate of Japan want to protect japanese ordinary people. Just like people of Fukushima after big earthquake and Tsunami! Only our pirates of Japan, with over hundreds pirates members are all against Nuclear Power Stations in Japan!!! If we japanese had got democracy then we could not experience such kind of disaster in Fukusima. I want to stop GEMA or Jasrac, copy right lobbyists. I want to protect Fukushima people. Please give me some supports as a pirate in japan,ss thank you. Next PPI General Assembly must be in Tokyo. |
Contact data |
Name and nicks | Chemseddine Ben Jemaa |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Croatia |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Norway |
Contact data |
Alternate Board Member (4 positions)
Name and nicks | Patrick "Argure" Godschalk |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Marco Confalonieri |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Bastian (Sebastian Krone) |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Koen De Voegt |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Radek Pietroń |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Poland |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Poland |
qualifications, motivation and political background | ![]() From: Pirate. Free man. Polish Pirate Party Chief "on the Board". I can tell that PP-EU is a little bit like my child. I'm in forming process of PP-EU since it's beginning in Prague 2012 (I was a part of small group that started negotiating and made statement that we need and want PP-EU). I was participating in conferences in Manchester and Paris, and organizing the conference in Warsaw (when we prepared Warsaw Declaration and finished Statues - what was great success). In Pirate movement since 2007. Co-Founder (1 of 3) of Polish Pirate Party since 2010. Actually (since May 2013) Chairman of Polish Pirate Party and alternate Board Member of PPI (since Kazan conference 2013). Organizer of first AntiACTA protests in Poland in 2010. I'm not taking part in election to Europarlamnet 2014 so I have more time than most of other people. I have participated in developing PPEU-Statues and PPEU-Manifesto. Financially I am independent, so I could pay for most of my expenses on my own. Once in a 6 weeks I'm visiting Belgium due to my company duties so I can do it more often if need for PP-EU. Professionally I have strong financial, accounting and business IT background. Currently I have my small company working on optimizing business processes within other companies. Before I was IT Manager and Director for big construction and hotel management company. I was also consultant for ERP in financial systems implementation. I have strong international finance background while working as financial advisor and stock broker and I've started my professional career as an accounts in one of the biggest advertising agency in the world (Ogilvy group). All this time - since I've sold my first IT project when I was 14 (:)) I was also working a lot with open source communities making some free codes, software and taking part in a lot of translations. (Joomla Developer Team, Mozilla developer and tester). As a Pirates, as a Europe Citizens we have to unite to win the chellange, to have real European society with real freedom within. Some private and professional background:
American football player with 3 times national championship, passionste runner Traveler with a passion of life. INFORMATION WANTS TO BE FREE! |
language(s) | From:
Know 6 languages (Polish, English, Deutch, Swedish, French and Russian). |
Contact data | skype: x.jasiek |
Name and nicks | Min Chiaki |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Chemseddine Ben Jemaa |
application/contact data | See above |
Name and nicks | Yasin Aydın |
Sponsor | PP-TR |
member of Pirate Party | PP-TR |
qualifications | I am 29 years old. I have studied Electronics Eng, Astronomy, Business Management and Electronics and Communications Engineering. I am one of the board members of PP-TR. I am programming since I was 6, I am an active linux user since 1997. I am also a certified Systems Engineer and certified ethical hacker. I am active member of the all 3 free software and related organizations. |
language(s) | English, Turkish, l33t speak, can also read Japanese and Russian :) |
motivation and political background | I strongly support the program in Pirate Party Turkey and in my personal life. I am an hardworking person and have great expectations from PPI, so I can help change today to a better future!
I am/was an alternate board member of PPI 2013-2014 and I have attended most of the Mumble meetings past year. So I have experience on how to be an alternate board member :) I am a leftist-liberarian (like Gandhi) and attended Gezi Park events (civil riseup in Turkey in summer 2013). I'm the one in the photo, taken on the first day of solidarity. |
Contact data | I prefer contact via email: or I can be reached even by phone +905456555588 |
Court of Arbitration (3-7 positions)
Name and nicks | Bradley Hall |
Sponsor | Florida Pirate Party |
member of | Florida Pirate Party |
qualifications |
Pirate Qualifications:
language(s) | I am fluent in English. |
motivation and political background | I would like to be a member of the PPI Court of Arbitration because the
PPI needs members for this court that are honorable and able to arbitrate whatever comes before them. I aim to do this, and to do it well. |
Contact data | I can be reached at |
Name and nicks | Andrew Norton |
Sponsor | Pirate Party of Florida |
member of Pirate Party | * US Pirate Party - Vice Chair
qualifications | Degrees in Robotics, physics, maths, and chemistry. Trained in accident/incident investigation.
language(s) | I am a native English speaker (which is important when it's the working language of the organisation. I can get by in French, Spanish and Italian, and I can read (at various levels of competency) Swedish, German, Welsh, Dutch and Portuguese (many of these I picked up during my tenure as PPI head). Other languages can take me more time (it took me a full weekend to translate the finnish legal documents here, even with outside assistence).
I had planned on adding Japanese last summer, but dealing with the AF Holdings v Patel case (one of the major Prenda cases) ate up most of my time. Maybe this summer. I can also do some basic programming, but haven't really done any in 15 years, since interning at ARM showed I was far better at design and troubleshooting. |
motivation and political background | My primary motivation is integrity. I ensure that my intentions are perfectly open and transparent. When I make a mistake I willingly admit to it, and readily accept the blame. Likewise I expect the same from others, and will not hesitate to hold others to the same standard I hold myself.
My views on Pirate topics can be read here As I said last year, Prague was a shambles. Let's face it this one has been too. From speaking to a number of you, I am not alone. The point of the Court is to observe the statutes and ensure they're adhered to. Until now, members of the court have had a laissez faire approach (, only acting when the protests are too loud to ignore, often through bureaucratic means. That's not what we profess to be; in fact similar tactics of 'why don't you follow our bureaucratic rules to deal with problems' caused Snowdon to do what he did because such methods are not about finding the truth, or respecting rules, they're about hiding facts and continuing cover-ups. Although I will defer to Hanlons razor and "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". Previous courts have had the ability to be proactive when they've been aware of issues, and I do intend to be more proactive, and deal with complaints as they come up, rather than let them fester because specific person A hasn't gotten form 42B countersigned by Prosthetnic Vogon Jeltz in triplicate first. I already have investigative and evidence-evaluation experience through both the accident investigation and copyright troll activities, so that aspect of the job I'm especially well suited to. One of the functions of the UK Board of Governors is to be "the final body of arbitration, appeal, and discipline for the Party". Research on topics is something I've done for years at TorrentFreak as well - I led the effort that verified Rob Toplowski's research into bittorrent throttling, leading the biggest ISP in the US to 'voluntarily' adopt a net-neutrality undertaking. I've pushed the UK Department of Business, innovation and skills (the ministry over the intellectual property office, and the space agency) to make their documents more accessable to people with visual imparements and other disabilities. What you can expect from me is (as always) clear, unambiguous statements, with references where needed, which I will stand behind. No equivocating, no doublespeak, excuses, or toadyism. Everyone knows (or should do anyway) exactly where they stand with me at all times, because transparency is what we (SHOULD! but don't currently) do at PPI. |
Contact data | I'm in IRC (K`Tetch) I can be reached by email at or or via phone at +1 352-6-KTETCH. AIM, MSN, and skype are also available on request. Mumble too. |
Lay auditors (3 positions)
Name and nicks | Pat Mächler aka Valio |
Sponsor | Pirates Without Borders |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Switzerland, Pirates Without Borders |
qualifications | ![]()
language(s) |
motivation and political background | My motivation in this position is to assure that the accounting in PPI gets more solid, than when I left my position as PPI treasurer. |
Contact data |
Name and nicks | Justus Römeth |
Sponsor | Pirate Party Lower Saxony |
member of Pirate Party | Pirate Party Germany, Pirates Without Borders, Pirate Party Sweden |
qualifications | Involved in Int. Koord. since 2010
part of the chair team of PPI GA in Prague Help kick-off PPEU and Pirate Times Int. Coordinator Lower Saxony since 2012 Part of the German delegation / council members to PPEU |
language(s) | Fluent in German, English, Dutch
Knowledge in Spanish, Czech, Polish |
motivation and political background | Help Pat, reach out to PPUK, need candidates |
Contact data |
Name and nicks | Meelis Kaldalu aka mk6000 |
Sponsor | Pirates Without Borders |
member of Pirate Party | Young Pirates of Estonia, Pirate Party Japan, Pirates Without Borders |
| |
language(s) |
motivation and political background | My motivation in this position is to assure that the human component is nor underestimated in the running of the organization, and that the Pirate movement would not grow far apart from the political side, vica versa, that the two would grow in unison and support each other. |
Contact data |