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  • --- 15/02/2015 15:00h CET ---
  • Mumble:
  • Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"

Minutes of the extraordinary PPI Board meeting from 2015-02-15

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Thomas, Gregory, Bastian, Stathis, Marco, Koen, Anders

1.2 - Others

Guests: AlexVox (PP-RU)


Meeting opened at : 15:26 CET by Koen
Meeting closed at 16:28 CET by Koen
Meeting chaired by Koen
Secretary for this meeting is: all
Quorum established with 7 out of 7 board members present
Recording started: yes
Postal votes: none

3 Short Reports

Moved to the next meeting. (Saturday 2015/02/21 )

4 Online General Assembly

  • Motion from Bastian
a) The oGA is postponed to 22.03.2015 10.00 hrs. CET. The invitation for this is dispatched in time.
b) Items on the agenda are: RoP, decision upon affiliation fees, AOBs.
c) The oGA will be prepared by the board.
d) All the other decisions to oGA are withdrawn hereby.
  • Straw Poll:
In favour: Gregory, Thomas, Bastian, Stathis,Marco
against: Koen, Anders
(no abstentions, as they are "hidden no votes" and it is straw poll, no ruling)
The motion is withdrawn by Bastian stating to be in favour of the combined motions mentioned below.
Gregory: we have a standing RoP decided by our members. It can be changed at the beginning of each General Assembly (GA) this includes online GA's.
  • Comment from Gregory: Take into considerations that we have a standing RoP's for General Assemblies (normal and extraordinary ones) and proceed according to them. Provide suggestions to the GA on how to change them in order to make a pure online proceedings more efficient. But for now we need to point out that parties need to accredit their delegations in the way described in the RoP's

  • Proposal from Anders
I: The board gives a new deadline for the oGA on 15. April.2015
II: The board sends out a new request to the members on preparing resources to conduct the oGA on behalf of PPI.
III: When the resources to conduct the oGA is in place the final dates for the oGA is set by the board. Not with votes, but according to deadlines as mentioned in the Statutes section IX.
  • Straw Poll:
In favour: Gregory (but preference of Bastian), Thomas (as Gregory sais), Marco, Anders, Stathis
against: Bastian, Koen
(no abstentions, as they are "hidden no votes" and it is straw poll, no ruling)
Thomas: a lot of parties did think the online GA had been cancelled within last meeting. E.g. for this reason parties didn't send in any amendments, motions, you name it. So I would suggest to postpone the oGA for a week or two so our members can be an active part of the oGA.
  • Combinded proposal out of Bastians and Anders motion (by Gregory):
a) The oGA is postponed to 29.03.2015 10.00 hrs. CET. The invitation for this is dispatched in time.
b) Items on the agenda are: RoP, decision upon affiliation fees, AOBs.
c) The oGA will be prepared by the board. The board sends out a new request to the members on contributing resources to conduct the PPI's oGA.
d) All the other decisions to oGA are withdrawn hereby.
(Bastian would withdraw his motion in favour of the combined one as already mentioned above), as does Anders with his proposal.
(roman-catholic Easter is 05. April 2015, orthodox Easter is April, 12)
Bastian: this should be done very swiftly, cause the deadline is very close)
Koen: I see a problem in setting up the agenda, we should rather ask our members on the agenda items.
Gregory: we still have a regular GA coming up in July, with two days time that a lot of what could not be covered by the oGA could be covered then. I feel that introducing new deadlines and rounds of negotiation just overly complicate things and do not bring us forward. In the past consultations only PP-AU (and previously only PP-CH) have contributed, so it seems that there is no that big interest to contribute resourced in preparation of the oGA, so we just should go with it (and still asking our Memebers to contribute), but not create new additional deadline)
Anders: If one third of the members want a desicion made between ordinary GAs, or the board so decides, there is always opportunity to have an online voting from case to case when needed. As decided during the Paris GA.
  • Votes on the combinded proposal:
in favour: Bastian, Gregory, Anders, Stathis
against: Koen
abstain ( a "hidden no vote"): Thomas, Marco
motion passed
personal comment from Thomas, as I am still a subject to CoA I will abstain on any ruling as said in the meeting of the board on 08.02.2015. My vote would have been in favour.
personal comment from Marco, I abstain, cause my status is not really clear, because PP-AU have disputed the presence of a 6th board member. I would anyway voted in favour
  • Ammendment motion by Marco:
Marco: Send out a request for comments on the combined proposal to members with a deadline and vote after having their input
Ammendment motion is withdrawn by Marco.
Thomas will take care of the communication to the members. For the invitation he will send it out as well, assisted by the board in the preperation.

5 pp-leaders and pp-leaders.discussion - Terms of Use

Thomas: As there is a need to have clarifcation about the use of those mailing lists, like who shall have access, who can see who is on the list, define rules for the standard of communication and so forth.
Gregory: I would also ask the current subscribers of the pp.leaders list to open up the archives of the lists for general public. (maybe from a certain point in time).
Task: draft proposal rules (terms of use) for pp.leaders and present it at a following meeting. Opinions of our Members are to be taken into considerations.

6 AOB (being urgent)

Koen: I have got a paperwork from Thomas for Paribas. - Question to Bastian if he have sent his signature to Paribas directly?
Bastian - I have not done this yet, as I am not responsible for that account - i do not have the right to assign on anything, so I have felt that there is no need in my signature.
Koen - will doublecheck with the bank.
Next Meeting: Saturday 2015/02/21 18:00 CET
Meeting Closed: 16:28 CET by Koen