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  • --- 02/05/2015 18:00h CEST ---
  • Mumble:
  • Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"

Minutes of the PPI Board meeting from 2015-05-02

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Thomas, Gregory, Bastian,Anders,
excused: Stathis.

1.2 - Others

Alternates: Chem,


Meeting opened at : 18:17 CET by Thomas
Meeting closed at __:__ CET by
Meeting chaired by Thomas
Secretary for this meeting is: all of us
Quorum established with 4 out of 7 board members present
Streaming started: Not possible
Recording started: yes
Postal votes: none

3 Short Reports

  • Very brief
Gregory: not much to report. I was working on several follow up texts. I have met Brewster Kahle from internet archive and he promised me that PPI will get an own collection in Also I had a conversation regarding the possible ThinkTwice conference in Berlin with the Berlin Pirates.
Thomas: had been busy with other stuff, sick for a few days and am still in Warsaw due to PPI GA in July.
Bastian: Did some server stuft. Scouting-tour for PPI-GA in Warsaw.
Anders: Mostly on PPEU matters the last month.

4 UN / WIPO / ITU / WSIS / NGOs etc.

no news

5 pp-leaders and pp-leaders.discussion - Terms of Use

Create term of use following these cornerstones:

  • archive is open to everyone
  • read - only subscriprions open to everyone
  • no hate speach / conspiracy theories / personal insults / profanity
  • if no comply - three strikes: first notice: one week morderation, second notice: month moderation, third notice: permanent ban.
  • overview of the current TOS that are used by varios PP's:

PP-AT forum TOFU:

PP-DE moderation:

PP-AU forum faq:

PP-AU forum TOS:


These are the cornerstones to follow, when drafting the TOS.

In favor: Bastian, Thomas, Anders, Gregory

against: no one

motion accepted.

6 Financial Issues

Anders states concernes that the PPI bank account is in fact non existent.

Bastian: Please do not listen to rumors, only to facts.

Bastian: The account exists, here is the screenshot:

Anders left the meeting 18:36 and sent the promised email to the board.

7 Server

Bastian has payed for the server hosting for one year to prevent the deletion of the server. A more permanent solution needs to be found.

8 Scheduling board meetings

  • Reminder:
  • one regular meeting within a month, working meeting as well if necessary.
First Saturday in the month for regular board meetings: alternating 10:00 and 18:00 CEST/CET.
For working meetings, each third Tuesday 20:30 CEST/CET is preferred and provisionally scheduled.

9 AOB (being urgent)

  • Bastian: we have a GA in about two months. I would like to express the expectation that we will have the meetings as in the past in the collaborative space.
Next working meeting: Tuesday 2015/05/19 20:30 CEST working groups
Next Meeting: Saturday 2015/06/06 10:00 CEST
Meeting Closed: 18.43 CEST by Thomas