- --- [22/09/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
- Mumble: mumble.piratenpartei-nrw.de
- Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
- Audio recording:
Record of the meeting
1.1 - Members of the PPI board
- participating: Richard Hill, Andrew, cbj, Min, pakki
- excused:
- unexcused: Karla, Henrique
quorum not achieved
1.2 - Others
- Alternate Board Members
- participating: Nikolay
- excused:
- unexcused:
- Guests
- participating:
- participating:
- RoP: http://wiki.pp-international.net/PPI_Board/Rules_of_Procedure
- Meeting opened at CEST by
- Meeting chaired by Andrew
- Secretary for this meeting is everyone
- Quorum established with 5 out of 7 board members present.
- Streaming started:
- Recording started: 08:05
- Postal votes:
- Notes on meeting process
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
- [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
- [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
- Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)
Minutes of the last meeting https://ppi.piratenpad.de/agenda-2015-09-08
Minutes approved
YES: Richard, pakki,Andrew, cbj,,PPJP
4.1 - Short report of the board members
- Andrew: The reform group is now looking to change the current statutes and only borrow ideas from the PPAU proposal. Sunstone has had word back from PPIS and we will not be using the connection to them to boost publicity in the fundraising phase. This will make it harder but will reflect the future nature of the organisation.
- Chems:
- Henrique:
- Karla:
- Min: Today we have a demonstration agains war regime in Tokyo.
- Patrick: I have tried to contact Gordon Thomas from the pirate shop of PPDE, but didn't reached him. Project is stalled atm. I've made some proposals for the Sunstone Thinktank logo, of which No.1 was accepted. I had another interview with the local press and talked about the international pirate movement. Josef Collentine reached the swedish pirate for signing the bank account details, and we now have to meet with Koen de Voegt on Mumble for getting all done. Meeting will be in the coming days. I had not the time to have a meeting with Samir about changes of the IT structure.
- Richard: I have uploaded to the UN web site the information and forms required for our application for ECOSOC observer status. There are still only 3-4 subscribers to the PPI INGOR and CPP lists. What can we do to get enough of a critical mass?
== 5 - Request from Thomas Cool / Thomas Colignatus (Andrew)
Dear board of the PP,
My weblog protests against the censorship of economic science by the directorate of the Dutch Central Planning Bureau (CPB), a part of the Dutch government, since 1990:
Perhaps you could invite some economists and scientists look into the case ? A crucial point is that economists cannot judge about the analysis yet, for the censorship must first be lifted. But I have published as much as seems feasible. The economic crisis provides an empirical confirmation for my analysis.
PM. I have my own political party, SLF, but this isn't so successful: http://thomascool.eu/SLF/SLF.html
Kind regards,
Thomas Cool / Thomas Colignatus Econometrician and teacher of mathematics Scheveningen, Holland http://thomascool.eu/
Hello Thomas,
Unfortunately PPI is not in a position to do as you request. We do not have the expertise you are asking for currently.
Perhaps the Pirate Party of the Netherlands would be in a position to help.
YES: Richard Hill supports this reply. pakki too.
== 6 - Paypal account (Andrew)
We have a paypal account - can we use this to accept donations and subscription fees for indivdual members.
- pakki will ask Koen about it and transfer the details to Andrew.
- Koen says, there is 18,97 € on the paypal account (party on!)
== 7 - Change to rules of Procedure(Andrew)
We are achieving quorum in 1/2 of our scheduled meetings. Shall we meet then once a month formally in Mumble? This would require an uptick in our use of Loomio and perhaps informal Mumble meetings on specific subjects scheduled to suit those attending.
Nikolay: “once a month” will decrease activity. if board members can’t attend meetings in specific days then we have to provide more options (or days) to join the mumble-meetings
Change the time when summertime ends in Europe
Use IRC - Andrew will ask on the email http://wiki.pp-international.net/IRC PirateNet (irc.piratpartiet.se / irc.piraattipuolue.fi / irc.pirateparty.org.uk ) #ppi-coreteam - PPI Board
YES: Richard Hill NO: Andrew, ABSTENTIONS: pakki, cbj
Motion failed no change
== 8 - Start the individual memberships through Paypal
- Andrew will contact Karla about the change of email for the Paypal account
- Bitcoin ex; https://bitpay.com/
or Flattr https://flattr.com/
== 9 - Developing a new website
- pakki will make some suggestions in the next meeting
== 10 - Look for participation outside the leaders group
Will add a new group for NGOs lead by Richard in Loomio Will spread the range of people who will be invited to join (on all channels)
11 AOB - Any other business
Create Loomio Group(s) for conferences (GA and thinktwice)
- ===================================================
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-10-06 22:46 CEST (20:00 GMT) Meeting Closed: 22:46 CEST (20:46 UTC) / 00:00 GMT by