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--- [20/10/2015 22:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording:

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Andrew,cbj, pakki
excused: Richard, Karla
unexcused: Min, Henrique

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Nikolay
participating: BastianBB


Meeting opened at CEST by 22:04
Meeting chaired by Andrew
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established 3 with out of 7 board members present.
Streaming started:
Recording started: 22:09
Postal votes:
Notes on meeting process
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) entered the meeting [=> Quorum not established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] CEST: (name) left the meeting [=> Quorum established with X out of Y board members]
  • [HH:MM] x-minute break by initiated by (name)
Meeting closed at HH:MM CEST by (name)


Minutes of the last meeting Minutes approved

YES: cbj,Andrew, pakki NO: ABSTENTIONS:


4.1 - Short report of the board members

  • Andrew: Working on a revision of the Sunstone mission statement. Progress is slow as an international persepective is complex to formulate in a concise way. The Reform group was unable to decide on a restructuring of the board.
  • Chems: tryed to contact PP Algeria without success, i think the last mail from them was a spam. So i'm trying to contact PPs of Africa to update contacts on the wiki & propose them IT solutions to support them.

-Trying to support also refugies houses. -I try to make contacts also for COP21.

  • Henrique:
  • Karla:
  • Min:
  • Patrick: In view of the fact, that the pirate party northrhine westfalia will have a general assembly on the coming weekend, my time was very short. I've done nearly nothing behalve reading loomio and commenting some international issues & news on social media. I am in contact with Gordon Thomas concerning the upcoming PPI Shop solution and he will get in touch with me, as soon as the translation task is done. I had a vivant discussion with a representative of Amnesty International concerning Human Rights, Privacy and Pirate Visions. Additional I had some talks with two webdesigners for making some proposals for a new PPI Website Relaunch.
  • Richard: I will attend the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, at which Birgitta of the Icelandic Pirate Party is presenting a superb Resolution against mass surveillance. I will report later on the outcome.

== 5 - Proposal No. 1 PPI to apply to become an observer of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), info at:


We discussed about getting everyone informed about what IPU is and what IPU stands for and to debate the decision in the next meeting. Decision postponed. The NGO group in loomio should have a look at the compatibility of IPU conditions for membership and Pirate Principles

==6 - Proposal No. 2 To take part somehow in COP21:

  • When? 30 November-11 December 2015
  • Where? Paris
Discussion: we need a broad discussion on loomio about a possible statement of the PPI board concerning the outcome of this conference. Chems already asked the french pirates about participating and is waiting for a reaction. Find out if any Pirate are going to Paris - PPI could make a statement in regard to the conference. pakki will ask the PPEU board, Young Pirates Europe and the bureau of Julia Reda, if somebody of them attends. Involve French PP - couch surfing for visting Pirates?


6 AOB - Any other business

Proposal of Samir Alloui (for free):

- get a block of IP addresses for PPI and its members - administrate & configure everything - deploy a TAHOE-LAFS grid (cloud) based on the services of

- configure SCP/FTP storage sites for members - public information to all members about the new opportunities - get funding & build more services

Discussion: we will have a group in loomio, called "IT and admin" to discuss, if we'll accept the offer

We have set up a new Loomio Group IT and Admin for technical matters


Next Meeting: Tuesday, 2015-11-03 22:00 CEST (22:00 GMT) Meeting Closed: 22:51 CEST (00:00 UTC) / 21:51 GMT by 0