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--- [12/10/2017 15:00]h CEST ---
Room: "/international/pirate parties international/board meeting"
Audio recording: is done, link follows

Record of the meeting

Videolink 1:
Videolink 2:
Audio only:


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Thomas, Ray, Koen, Bailey, Keith, Guillaume
unexcused: Nikolay

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: -
excused: -
unexcused: all


Meeting opened at 15:01 CEST by Guillaume
Meeting chaired by Guillaume
Secretary for this meeting is Keith and Thomas
Quorum established with 6 out of 7 board members present.
Streaming started: started/not possible
Recording started: 15:01 CEST
Postal votes: none


Minutes of the last meeting:

YES: Ray, Bailey, Thomas, Guillaume, Keith, Koen NO: - ABSTENTIONS: -

Minutes approved


4.1 - Short report of the board members 1)

  • Board:
  • Guillaume: Collecting responses from Catalonia, Swiss update on elections and initiatives, such as the transparency initiative launch and gambling law initiative launch. Carlos Polo is interested in supporting us. He is the VP of Swiss PP and will be coordinating international efforts.
  • Bailey: There was a poll for the next membership meeting. It will take place on Oct. 21st at 15:00 CEST.
  • Keith: Video project, Attempting to write a grant but little success of collaboration, coordinating tt3 as usual, etc.
  • Koen: Figthing open conference system, will try something else for a simple form. Closed our account. 12,5 euro transferred to our bank account.
  • Nikolay: -
  • Raymond: Business as usual
  • Thomas: Nothing of importance
  • Alternates:
  • Patrick: -
  • Adam: -
  • Gregory: -
  • 1) Very short and brief. For important issues add an agenda item!

5 - General Assembly 2017 - Geneva

In preparation for our meeting this document have been produced as a basis for our discussions.
Ray listed the tasks that we need to complete for the GA in this document. Technological solutions are proposed. 1) For the voice and video to use Zoom. 2) For voting, Ray proposes we use Polleverywhere. The cost would be 79 USD, which would provide a voting solution that would be running quickly. Ray would sign up people. Comment is made that our voting is open. 3) There is also a suggestion for a discussion platform. This would be a replacement for Loomio. It has a cost of 99 USD and 10 USD/month. It would facilitate members being involved in the event.
We will launch Discourse, so that it becomes our official platform. It is more powerful than Loomio, it is open source, and we could set it up ourselves.

YES: Keith, Bailey,Guillaume, Ray, Thomas, Koen NO: - ABSTENTIONS: -

  • Motion passed
We will make a payment of 99 USD as the required suggested donation for Discourse.

YES: Keith, Bailey, Ray, Guillaume NO: ABSTENTIONS: Koen, Thomas

  • Motion passed with two abstentions.
  • Thomas will ask the IT team to prepare the installation of Discourse.
We are disengaging entirely from the use of Google platform, to avoid glitches with our emails and mailing lists. The infrastructure is ready, but the only issue is to discuss our exit strategy. One option that is less desirable is to run two systems simultaneously. We are deciding on a full migration at the admin level with a reload on the mail server, or whether each user needs to copy the content himself.

Does the board agree with the hard deadline of Nov. 1st, 2017 for the mail deadline? We will let the technicians decide on the most desirable route and proceed at their discretion.

Yes: Koen, Keith, Guillaume, Ray, Bailey No: Abstain: Thomas

  • Motion passed with one abstention
Guillaume will investigate so we have proper bandwidth.
Ray is hoping to have a high quality video streaming on Youtube, which will require an additional machine. There were problems in the past with simultaneous streaming to FB and Youtube with bandwidth and computing. If anyone has their own headset they should bring it. It is recommended that people bring high quality headsets with microphones. Guillaume can set up a sound system with a microphone network connected to a mixing table. It connects to a laptop.
We will make a decision later on the voting system. We also have Redmine. We do not need secret votes, so that is also sufficient.
Delegate Registration, people often come at the last minute to register. Can we propose or be more aggressive getting people to register as early as possible? We have had problems in the past registering delegates, but it is often in Pirate nature to come at the last minute. Recommendation that we have an ice breaker for the first hour or so, and late comers could be registered on the fly at that time. Ray wants to make sure to contact each member that does not answer to make sure that everyone knows.
  • Proposal:

Does the board agree to allow Keith, Ray and Thomas to organize the fine details of the GA?

Ray, Keith and Thomas will work out an a) agenda, b) invites c) wiki/web after todays meeting after having clarified the basics in todays meeting so the invite etc. can be sent/published at by Sunday, - Monday at the latest.
Some details can be sent out later, like how to log in into whatever tool and such.

Yes: Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion is passed unaninimously
Most of the board members will be in attendance, although Koen and Keith may send surrogates.
Idea to make local events of GA attendance in the invites.

6 General Assembly 2018 Jerusalem Proposal

Proposal 2: In the prior GA meeting we also decided to have a vote on whether to have the 2018 GA in Jerusalem on March 5 immediately following TT3. This would be a large forum GA. The GA would also be broadcast online, and members who do not attend will be able to mail/send their votes online and participate simultaneously through video conferencing. Our goal for this GA is to have a large constituent of members present at the conference. Having the GA after TT3 will also enable us to economize on travel and improve attendance.
The first GA of 2018 will take place on March 5th with a large forum and video conference in Jerusalem following TT3.

Counter proposal:

Should we have the vote about the 2018 GA during the 2017 GA? Should we have a bunch of members present to make this decision? Should we enable the community to give feedback?
In the last meeting it was decided, "We will wait until the next board meeting to make a decision on the 2018 GA. In the meantime, we will inform the members about this decision. Keith will write an email to pp-leaders and the other groups that proposes the 2018 GA in Jerusalem. Keith will set up a Loomio or Redmine thread so that we can handle this efficiently." I sent out emails and FB posts. The only suggestion was to merge the GA with PPEU's meeting. However, there is concern in PPI that some of the issues of PPEU will carry over into PPI. We don't want people to carry over grief from one forum to the next.
We will have a conditional decision to have the GA in Jerusalem after TT3. Depending on the success of the Geneva GA, we will decide then whether it is feasible to have the 2018 GA in Jerusalem.

Yes:Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion passed unaninimously.

Video template for activism videos

Should we invest about 10-20 euros for a template?
What will our motto be? Proposal:

Pirate Parties International - PPI Protect free speech Promote transparency Share knowledge Unite the world All it takes is a click to join the fight: We should avoid putting any ideological messages as a brand. Generate this as a PPI broadcast channel. It might be interesting to add one element to show what we are broadcasting, and a second idea to develop a unique content titles. The investment would be higher, but it would allow us to have our own broadcasting platform.

We will spend up to 20 euros for creating a video template that can be used for creating activism videos.

Yes:Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion passed unaninimously.

We will earmark a larger budget (appr. 50 euros) for further developments to create a broadcasting platform dependent on the success of the prior template project.

Yes:Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion passed unaninimously.

7 TT3

Basic email to invite speakers.
Journal proposal
Need for a conference board
website is up and running, and we have admin access. Need help making a sign up form and paper submission. Thomas has been added as an admin, and I am going to add one of our PP Israel members to help, probably Noam.
removing the set fee, and making it a small fee upon arrival.
Google Forms were removed entirely
Paid theme is being used for the website. It requires 40 USD. Is there a discount price for NGOs? We will put that fee in the TT3 expenses/budget. Thomas is not so excited about paying for themes and thinks we can build something within Pirates.
We do not have funds for paying speakers travel expenses, so we should emphasize that the speakers can participate online.

8 Finances

There was a withdrawal from the closure of a Skrill account by Koen of about 12 euros which he transferred to our bank account.
An update was made for our Gofundme account, summarizing the progress so far.

9 Research

Missing the 15th deadline due to a lack of motivated partners for STEMDE
We would need referrants and outside support.
We also need to show that PPI can collect and distribute funds.

Digital Geselschafft Swiss Thomas is asking about a second organization. (42 e.V.? - denk selbst e.V. volunteered) A third organization is needed.

We will pursue with a proposal for funding TT3 and a journal with STEMDE

Yes:Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion passed unaninimously.


Meeting today.
Proposal that Thomas, Guillaume, and Keith would be contact persons.
Need to set up conference focal point on their request
Indico profile,

Yes:Thomas, Bailey, Keith, Koen,Guillaume, Ray No: Abstain:

  • Motion passed unaninimously.

11 Monthly Coordinators Meeting

Bailey put out the call, what's the timing? 21.10.2017 15:00 CEST
There are some non-member countries that want to discuss the EU copyright vote. There is a member from Sweden who wants to collaborate with pirates on this topic.
We will broadcast this topic and the meeting details on all of our social media.

6 AOB - Any other business

- Partido Pirata (Brasil) just signed. Website is updated accordingly. - The Internet Party of New Zealand asked to be put on the list. added - We will ask the Internet Party of New Zealand as well to put forward the application about their requested status in PPI. - Thanks to Kitty for contacting so many people around the world for the petition. - Can we

  • We need to make sure that all of the emails are responded to. There are a few, perhaps not too important, that were never responded to. I think we should rotate people who will be in charge of returning all emails, between each board meeting, other than financial emails that I will continue to write.

Next Meeting: Monday, 2017-10-23 21:00 CEST (19:00 UTC) Meeting Closed: 16:46 CEST (14:46 UTC)