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--- 29.07.2020 18:00 UTC ---
Big Blue Button Room:
Audio recording: PiratesOnAir Streaming, recording
Video: Big Blue Button

Record of the meeting


1.1 - Members of the PPI board

participating: Gregory, Keith, Mike,
excused: Bailey
unexcused: Linda, Thomas, Dan, Cal, Cedric

1.2 - Others

Alternate Board Members
participating: Carlos, Bastian
participating: Calling in from an Austrian number, Olivia, Pirates on air,


Meeting opened at 18:00 UTC by
Meeting chaired by Keith
Secretary for this meeting is Everyone
Quorum established with 5 out of 9 board members present.
Streaming started: started
Recording started: 20:07 CET
Postal votes: Bailey (on accepting the minutes)
Notes on meeting process


Do we approve the minutes?
* Minutes of the last meeting:
Yes : Bailey, Gregory, Bastian, Keith, Mike
No :
Abstain :
Result: Motion passed


4.1 - Short report of the board members 1)

  • Board
  • Cedric: not present
  • Cal: not present
  • Gregory: Attended Pirate Summer Camp. Prepared the PPI Bar Camp and the SCULL meeting on direct democracy. During the Pirate Summer Camp we did finished (or started) some tasks - i have worked on the PPI Nextcloud and the PP-Leaders list, as well as I have started to work on the press distribution list again. I also resubmitted our Workshop proposal for the Online-IGF, we got contacted by the Spanisch Internet User Association who like to contribute to this session. Also, the nominations for the IGF MAG for 2021 are open, we are discussing in the SCUBA group how to proceed, we likely will be submitting a canditate to this - the deadline is August 24th. Upcoming summer camp dates for 2021 and 2022 were tentatively scheduled:

...Pirate Summer 2021 will be Sat, July 17th to Sun August 1st 2021, And in 2022: August 07th to August 21st we have obtained.

  • Linda:
  • Mike: Attended the summer camp in Poland (incl. Bar Camp and SCULL). Thanks to Gregory for putting it together.
  • Dan
  • Thomas:
  • Keith: We are having a PPIL meeting immediately after this board meeting, scheduled for 9 pm CEST. I told them to come here if I am not there on time. We will hijack the international meeting, Pirate style... We had an interesting Barcamp where we created concepts for Pirate research, what could a Pirate Research Institute, or assistance of PPI towards research involve. Our ideas extended from an internal review of the international Pirate movement as an ethnographic or PS study, to ideas that PPI would investigate issues of importance to us to create an infographic social media campaign, to the idea that PPI would host research through our Limesurvey and customized templates that we would create to facilitate research in times of Corona. I highlight that I am very interested in conducting the ethnographic study. We would interview Pirate leaders around the world and set up a survey of Pirates about their opinions and background. We had many ideas, including one to conduct a simple Pirates tutorial, a summary of the Pirate movement, which I also believe that we should investigate first.
  • Bailey: Apologies for not being there with you today. I attended the BarCamp and SCULL meeting which were great. I also observed the PPAU national congress over the weekend and wished them well on our behalf. I'll have more to report next meeting.
  • Alternates:
  • Svein:
  • Carlos:
  • Bastian:
I took care of the PPI technique like I do every day.
All systems are running fine.
We fixed the domain problem ( - some fun!
I registered the, too.
I attended the Pirate Summer Camp, the PPI-Barcamp and the PPI-SCULL meeting. is our operational domain, to continue service, if there is a failure in the other one. We also have somme other domains in reserve.

5.1 - Proposals

  • Issue:
Submitted by:
Submitted by: Mike Gill
Justification: It was agreed on the June 17th board meeting this item needs a follow up. it is also prudent to get things moving as the CoA might take its time on this and it would be nice if at least the most obviously dead parties could be stricken off of our membership list, so the quorum will be a little bit easier to reach at the late 2020 GA, where elections will take place.
Motion: The PPI Board forwards the following list of inactive member parties for consideration and final decision to the Court of Arbitration with the respective recommendations:
  • Pirate Party of Bulgaria - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Party of Finland - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Party of Kazakhstan - suspension recommended
  • Pirate Party of Romania - suspension recommended
  • Pirate Party of Morocco - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Party of Latvia - suspention recommended
  • Pirate Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Center of Belarus - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Party of Korea (South) - expulsion recommended
  • Pirate Party of Japan - expulsion recommended
To be further investigated:
Pirate Party of Slovenia - Bailey on June 17th: "I'll reach to my contact there. Also let's check whether they paid." - did it happen?
  • Pirate Party of Tyrol (Austria) (observer member) - dissolved
  • Best Party (Icesland) (obbserver member) - dissolved 6 June 2014
Recommendation that we recommend the parties are suspended to observer membership. If they don't react or respond, then we can suspend them after a period.
We can just recommend suspension for everyone and let the CoA re-investigate.
Mike: So what happens now? Shall we bring in the CoA?

Issue: Trello replacing Redmine Submitted by: Keith Justification: We are not active users of Redmine. I suspect a reboot of our online management system is necesssary. They are different tools, but we do not use Redmine efficiently as an organization with voting, so it becomes unpractical. Rather, what we need is a board, as in Loomio that maps out activities. I have really embraced Trello and Zapier for my research work. Ironically, my Pirate boards are the least developed. I believe we have a technology engagement issue that we need to resolve with horizontal leadership and training courses on how to use these tools. We can go back to Redmine, but my vote would be for us to organize in a more visual tool like Trello. I think some of our board members will find it easier than Redmine. I know we have also tried Loomio and other tools, each with its own deficiencies. I know since the last Pirate Summer Camp in fact that we set up my first Trello boards for the UN work. In a year I have set up around 10 boards for different research projects. I would like to propose the motion at the next board meeting that we move our decision-making documentation from Redmine to Trello. We are not documenting or updating our decision-making sufficiently on Redmine. Maybe by switching tools, we will be invigorated. I would appreciate your opinions of Zapier as well. That is really what makes Trello worthwhile for me. @Bastian you are the expert on this topic. What are your thoughts on us using these tools?

Motion: Copy our boards prior, current, and ongoing tasks and decisions to Loomio (you surely meant tosay"trello", not "loomio"?, yes, my idea was to organize our tasks on trello, not loomio) boards.

Considerations: Structure PPI as numerous boards, associated with working groups and positions with a central board map (e.g. Treasurer would have his own board and a secondary board that deals with affiliation fees). Our goal is also documentation, so we should have a plan to use TrelloExport or another tool entirely that will make sure that the information is preserved and open. I am open to suggestions.

Gregory: Have you looked into zapier integration with redmine? That way it is possible for example create new trello cards from redmine issues or Create Redmine issues from new or moved Trello cards and so keep those two somewhat in sync. If you have a better way to propose that we integrate all of our tasks with Redmine and Trello, I am all in. However, as far as timing and functions are concerned, I do not see the utility of Redmine. If all of our board members bought in to Redmine, then it would have purpose. I think that our members can be in more to Trello, not for voting, but just for keeping projects organized and updated, so we have a record of what is going on, and we keep everyone updated. I just want to get us on some type of automated improved system. I really like the Trello email to card function, as well as the Zapier calendar item to card function. Besides that, we can adapt further. However, we seem to have difficulties with our members working in Redmine. I think they can work easier in Trello, or at least by using an email to card and calendar function, and maybe a mail to board zap, etc.
There is a "email-to-issue" function in Redmine and we had used it in the past for example for the press inquiries see
I do agree, that redmine is not used currently as it meant to be, nor that we have set it up currently in a meaningfull way. I had requested (back in February) a redmine seminar for the board members from Borys from the Pirate Party Germany, unfortunately, he did not replied to multiple nudges. I should look for another trainer who could coach us.
I think, that switching from a self-hosted open-sourced system to a commercial closed-source corporate software should be avoided, at least we should not advertise it to our members as a way to go. Pirate Party Austria have set up a global Kanban tool (that can be somewhat compared to Trello) at we should at least try to use it first, before going to Trello... Also, as I understand, the main point you are missing is automation - and we should look into zapier integration with redmine too.
Fair enough. Do we have an opensource option, other than Redmine to coordinate with our members. I don't believe we will ever get to functionality with the board on Redmine. It takes a bit of time to organize and update on Redmine. With the email to board, calendar, and automated emails... let's see if Kanban can solve this! We need access though. I am not able to access Kanban.
Kanban is a bit more complex. It can be used as a Trello tool. Redmine has email to issue.

5.2 - Working Groups Update

We had a SCULL (Standing Committee on Universal Liason on inter-party Labor) meeting on democracy tools and how they are used in various pirate parties
The next meetings planned are:
27 August 17:00 UTC SCURVY on finance management
24.September 17:00 UTC SCULL on Internal party organisation (Workgroups, Committes, Volunteer Management)
21. Octobber 17:00 UTC SCENE on Best Practices in Election Campagning

5.3 Economic Update



  • UN/ECOSOC : Most of the activity is going on line subjets as IGF, UNOG meetings to come:

The Calendar

Webinar: Roving Webinar on WIPO Services and Initiatives (in Italian)
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Organization: WIPO
  • Date: 6 November 2020 09:00 - 18:00
Webinar: Regional Bureau for Africa Capacity Building for Young Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Organization: WIPO
  • Date: 7 August 2020 10:00 - 19:00
Virtual National Patent Drafting Workshop in Mexico
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Organization: WIPO
  • Date: 17 August - 21 August 2020
WIPO-IPOS: Resolving IP and technology disputes through WIPO Mediation
Location: Singapore, Singapore
Organization: WIPO
  • Date: 7 August 2020 10:00 - 19:00
Webinar: PCT Webinar for Staff of the National Intellectual Property Office (NIPO), Sri Lanka
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Organization: WIPO
  • Date: 22 July 2020 10:00 - 19:00
UNHCR virtual Press Conference(Media)
Location: Virtual
Organization: UNHCR
  • Date: 29 July 2020 16:00 - 16:45
Launch of the report: “’On this journey, no one cares if you live or die’: Abuse, Protection, an...
To unsubscribe, please click here | To receive the email in Text format, please click here
UNOG: Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland. | P: +41 (0) 22 917 12 34 | E:

6 AOB - Any other business

  • Just (during this meeting) got the email from IGF: Dear IGF 2020 Workshop Organisers,
:Do we have someone that we want to send to the MAG workshop in Geneva next year?

Thank you very much for patiently waiting for the information on the final outcome of the MAG’s evaluation process regarding your workshop proposal.
We are pleased to confirm that your workshop proposal is among the 89 of those that have scored high enough to be part of the 15th annual IGF programme, respecting the programme’s overall thematic diversity and balance. The evaluation process was very complex and competitive, as stakeholders from around the world submitted proposals of a very good quality. Congratulations on this great achievement and thank you for your critical contributions to building a strong IGF 2020 programme of relevance to all stakeholder and regional groups.
Can we consider a Pirate member that we want to send to this event?
Message from Olivia (Chat)
Bailey and I have been talking about getting the twitter account @PPInternational verified with a blue check. I looked on the Help Center and they claim it's on hold. I tweeted to the twitter Verified account and twitter support's account about help with verifying the account.
Someone else contacted me telling me Bailey should get an official letter with the PPI letterhead on it and send it to twitter in an official way possibly through a lawyer. Bailey suggested to me having Keith do it.
You can mention how the account has been targeted a total of 11 times since mid-March while the backup account was permantly suspended. Targeted harassment since then, and the cause of all this started with a former contributor on the twitter account who was kicked out this March due to all the problems she was creating. She also almost got PPI sued 2 years ago after harassing someone who threatened legal action against PPI thinking the former contributor was a member of PPI due to the similiar name she has for a twitter name.
Perhaps there is a campaign that we can run on instagram or elsewhere to make people to consider how we can assist in these times to assist a new option.
Pictures of PPI, where this summer is hard, but... These could be used on our website.
Infographic/Design Based Activism Messages, very short and easy to digest...

  • Next Meeting: 19.08.2020, 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST/DST)
  • Meeting Closed: 20:48 (CEST/DST)